Vitamin C lowers blood pressure in a newborn


Antioxidants prevent cardiovascular disease in newborns who suffer from oxygen deficiency in the womb. The main positive effect is a decrease in blood pressure. After experiments in rodents, researchers from Cambridge for the first time demonstrated the beneficial effects of vitamin C on the fetus. The results were published in the journal Biology.

How does vitamin C help children survive?

To study the mechanisms and possible methods of treatment for oxygen deficiency during pregnancy, British researchers have developed a special pressure chamber. At the same time, pregnant sheep lived at normal and low oxygen levels in the air. A lack of oxygen was observed not only in the fetus, but also in the mother.

Oxygen deficiency in a child is a common complication of pregnancy. In 5% of pregnant women in Russia, the placenta does not provide enough oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.

Such adverse conditions can lead to late cardiovascular disease in the child.

Other causes of increased risk of adult cardiovascular disease include preeclampsia, maternal obesity, or diabetes. They can lead to a decrease in utero-placental blood flow and a restriction of fetal development.

Lambs with reduced oxygen intake during pregnancy had lower birth weight. Animals that were deficient in oxygen often had high blood pressure and heart disease.

In a study of mothers in the third trimester of pregnancy, 200 mg / kg of vitamin C was given intravenously daily. Scientists concluded that the timely administration of vitamin C helps protect the baby from the effects of oxygen deficiency.

Children whose mothers were given vitamin C had less vascular lesions and a lower risk of developing hypertension. Researchers attribute this effect to the antioxidant properties of the vitamin.

What are the disadvantages of the new study?

A new study helps advance understanding of the development of hypertension in adults and young patients. Sheep and humans are more similar in fetal development within the womb than, for example, rodents. Their development of the cardiovascular system at birth is not yet complete.

However, direct transfer of results is not possible. In addition to the general differences between species, it remains to be seen which antioxidant is the most promising and at what dosage.

Clinical trials with vitamin C to improve intrauterine development and reduce preeclampsia have not yet been successful. Vitamin C was used in very high doses in this study. Animals were given 7000 mg of ascorbic acid, which is equivalent to 35 effervescent tablets.

Antioxidants - not a miracle cure

Researchers have also studied the effects of antioxidants on oxygen deficiency in organ transplants, heart attacks, or smoking. As a miracle cure, vitamin C, as a rule, has no evidence.

Before vitamin C and other antioxidants are used to prevent high blood pressure in practice, research must be done.

Scientists do not recommend yet using ascorbic acid to treat the fetus.

Are vegetables, fruits, and sports capable of replacing tablets and injections with vitamin C?

Vitamins in tablets cannot sufficiently reduce the risk of death from myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular disease. However, pregnant women can significantly reduce the risk if they play sports and pay attention to a healthy diet.

Researchers evaluated the effects of supplements on the risk of stroke and heart disease in children. The results concluded that simple exercise, vegetables and fruits reduce the risk of fetal illness in the future.

Only manufacturers benefit from vitamin pills. Nevertheless, it has been clearly proven that salad, fruits and vegetables counteract vascular diseases.

Salads, fruits and vegetables contain vitamins in their natural environment. Five servings per day are considered the optimal dose.

Other effective measures include regular physical activity, abstinence from smoking, and a decrease in alcohol consumption.


Watch the video: 5 Foods for High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy (June 2024).