Istanbul in January - satisfying, beautiful, interesting


So, did you plan to spend the New Year holidays in hospitable and picturesque Istanbul? The weather at this time of year is not very suitable for long walks. It’s better to take a vacation with sightseeing “with a roof”, delicious dinners in local taverns and, of course, crazy shopping!

The weather in Istanbul in the middle of winter is moody. It is impossible to know for sure whether the day will be sunny or cloudy and rainy. Get ready for unpleasant surprises in the form of fog, strong winds, even light frosts! We advise you to take such things with you on a trip:

  • knitted sweater and warm pants;
  • a jacket;
  • accessories - hat, scarf, gloves;
  • demi-season jacket;
  • comfortable durable shoes.

The average air temperature during the day is + 6-8, at night the thermometer drops to + 2-4. Sometimes, most often in the first half of January, frosts occur.

If your goal is a festive New Year's atmosphere, plan a trip for the first half of the month.

Good purchases at discounts, the study of attractions can be postponed until the second decade of January.

Istanbul is a beautiful city. This is the former capital of the Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman empires. There are hundreds of architectural monuments, and in one trip to explore them all, of course, is impossible. We invite you to explore the historical district of the city - Sultanahmet.

Start the excursion program from the central square. It is always noisy and crowded. It houses the Cathedral of St. Sophia. It is a symbol of the golden age of the Byzantine Empire. It was built in 537! Here you can see 107 columns, murals, religious paintings and icons.

Near the cathedral is the Blue Mosque - another beautiful place. She is considered a symbol of the city. Inside - an exquisite interior with an abundance of blue. Here you can take vivid photos or just relax. The entrance is free.

Behind the cathedral and mosque is the Arast market. A very colorful place! You can go here for souvenirs (about what to buy in Istanbul - a little later). Near the main entrance there is a cozy cafe where you can have a delicious lunch. It is better to pay for purchases with the national currency-lyre. You can change money upon arrival at the airport.

After the market, inspect Topkapi - the palace complex, the former residence of the Turkish padishahs. The building with an area of ​​700 thousand square meters was built in 1479 by order of the Sultan Mehmed. Come here every day, except Tuesday, from 9 to 16:00.

For the admission ticket you will have to pay 60 Turkish liras.

In January, when it’s not very comfortable on the street for a long time, snacking in local cafes takes on phenomenal significance. To help you, we have compiled TOP-5 of the best places for a delicious lunch.

  1. Start your morning at SwedishCoffeePoint. Great buns, muffins, cookies are baked here and delicious, aromatic coffee is served. Order a cappuccino and a slice of carrot cake with spices. The cost of breakfast is 80 rubles.
  2. Locants or bistros. There are three such establishments in the city. Here, food, tasty and inexpensive, is on display. Visitors take a tray and put on it their favorite dishes. The average bill for a lunch of salad, one hot meal, dessert and drink is 170 rubles per person.
  3. At the ŞehzadeCağKebap diner, try kebab. A good 200 g portion of meat with bread and salad will cost you 90-100 rubles.
  4. Café Kahve 6 is well-suited for a hearty set meal. This place is loved by the creative elite of Istanbul. The atmosphere is friendly, the service is quick and polite. For soup of the day and branded brownie with coffee, you will be asked 120-140 rubles.
  5. In the old part of the city, near the Grand Bazaar, there is a good fish restaurant. It is called BalikEkmek. The menu is based on freshly caught fish. Savor a sandwich with greens (a business card of the institution) and vegetable juice. It will cost you 170 rubles.

Small purchases are best done in the bazaars. There are about 10 of them in the city.
On the Arast market, pay attention to the following products (prices are in rubles):

  • silk scarves and scarves - prices start from 400 rubles;
  • products and ceramics - for a small bowl, for example, they will ask you 200 rubles;
  • silver jewelry - from 250 rubles per ring.

You need to go to the Egyptian market for delicious souvenirs. What to buy here?

  1. Coffee and tea. In Turkey, they like hot drinks. Tea and coffee are of high quality and very fragrant. For 100 g a pack of finely ground coffee, give 300 rubles.
  2. Spice. To leave Istanbul without spices is simply impossible! Fragrant seasonings are added to all dishes. Paprika, oregano, cinnamon - the shopping list is huge! Prices start at 100 rubles.
  3. Anise vodka. It tastes like soft liquor. It is customary to serve homemade bread or fruit to an alcoholic drink. For a bottle of 0.7 liter you will need to give 1300 rubles.

At the Grant Bazaar - the highest prices, but the range is large. This is the largest market in the city. Here you can buy anything from magnets to carpets.

Your vacation may include the following expenses:

  • air ticket on the route Moscow-Istanbul-Moscow - 7 thousand rubles;
  • double room in a 4-star hotel - from 800 rubles per day;
  • five-day tour with flight and hotel accommodation 4 stars -25 thousand rubles.

Istanbul in January cannot be called the best tourist month. In the middle of winter, people come here who want to change the atmosphere, see architectural monuments without queues, and calmly taste the local cuisine. If you plan the events correctly, your vacation will be interesting and fun!


Watch the video: Snow blankets Turkey's Hakkari (July 2024).