What you need to eat for effective weight loss on a cucumber diet. The principles of cucumber diet for weight loss


Of the diets, the essence of which is vegetables, cucumber is one of the most famous. You can choose its duration - from 3 to 14 days and the rigor of the diet, compliance with which allows you to lose from 2 to 12 kg.

Features of cucumber diet for weight loss

All cucumber diets require the use of fresh, very desirable - seasonal vegetables (greenhouses are usually saturated with chemical fertilizers), in an amount of at least 1 kg per day. If the skin is not coarse - the cucumbers are not peeled.

Due to the low energy value of the fruit - 15 kcal per 100 g, there is still enough room for other products to be included in the menu, moreover, they should occupy no more than 50% of the daily ration, and even better - 20-30%.

For 90%, the cucumber consists of water, so you should not drink a lot of liquid during the diet period - there is no need to overload the kidneys, especially since the vegetable has a bright diuretic effectiveness.

Partly for this reason, in a cucumber diet for weight loss, dinner should be no later than 21:00 hours. Another rule regarding time is the uniform distribution of portions and the frequency of their use - from 4 to 7 times a day.

One of the main secrets of the benefits of cucumbers for weight loss can be called the tartronic acid contained in them - a substance that has not yet been fully studied, which inhibits the absorption of carbohydrates and activates the body's ability to break down body fat as with normal lack of nutrition (which is the essence of most diets), and during physical exertion.

Plus, there are still cucumbers:

• fiber to satisfy hunger, normalize the digestive tract, remove toxins and toxins;

• some minerals (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus) to improve and accelerate metabolic processes.

But it is important to note that the stricter the cucumber diet for weight loss, the higher the likelihood of side effects:

• dizziness;

• general weakness;

• deterioration of the skin, hair and nails.

Partially correct the matter by taking the vitamin-mineral complex.

And there are still cases in which you can forget about the diet on cucumbers:

• urolithiasis disease;

• peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;

• gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice;

• chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What foods are allowed when losing weight for a cucumber diet

1) vegetables - almost everything is allowed, restrictions are imposed only on potatoes and sweet potato. All that is possible is eaten raw. It is allowed to enjoy greens without restrictions - dill, parsley, onions, celery, head and leaf salads, basil, cilantro.

2) fruits, again - fresh, basically any, but apples, pears, avocados and mangoes are especially recommended, little by little you can enjoy grapes, peaches and cherries. At will, they eat fruit pulp or fresh squeezed from it.

3) fermented milk products - necessarily fat-free - cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, yogurt and only occasionally - hard cheese.

4) eggs - chickens and quail, it is better - boiled or raw, in extreme cases - in the form of light egg dishes (minus scrambled eggs, plus - an omelette as in kindergarten).

5) meat - low-fat fillet of rabbit and poultry (chicken, turkey), veal, as well as river and sea fish, again - low-fat.

6) porridge - only on the water, usually it is rice, buckwheat, less often - barley or oatmeal.

7) flour products - in the first half of the day you can eat a slice of whole grain bread or either a ready-made dry rye bread originally.

8) mineral (can be sparkling) water is allowed to drink 2 glasses a day, green and herbal teas are allowed without restrictions.

Allowed ways to cook second courses with a cucumber diet for weight loss include:

• boiling in water or steaming;

• quenching;

• baking in the oven or on the grill.

Since it is boring to simply bite cucumbers, cold soups (variations of okroshka) and salads are often prepared from them, for which you can take a little sunflower or olive unrefined oil.

What you can not eat with a cucumber diet for weight loss

Despite the fact that the presence of salt in the diet is vital for all processes occurring in the human body, a short-term rejection of it, which is a prerequisite for a diet of cucumbers, does not inflict a blow to health.

And to improve the taste of food, it is not forbidden to add a little spices and spices.

It is also necessary to exclude the usual black tea and coffee, as well as cocoa and, of course, sweet carbonated drinks.

According to nutritionists, well-known sugar around the world has no place at all in a healthy diet. In extreme cases, a pinch of cane (brown) sugar or a couple of drops of maple syrup can be added to the same curd.

But usually, in terms of sweets, the above permitted foods should be enough.

A strict ban is imposed on wheat flour products:

• pasta;

• White bread;

• cookies and cakes.

Also, you must completely abandon the following:

• milk and butter;

• nuts;

• dried fruits;

• canned food;

• chocolate, marshmallows, marmalade and other sweets;

• fatty meat (pork, lamb);

• muesli;

• sausages.

Sample menu of cucumber diet for weight loss

The 7-day cucumber diet is gaining increasing popularity, combining a not too strict diet with an attractive result of weight loss - 5-7 kg.

In the given daily diet, it is recommended to eat 1.5-2 kg of cucumbers.

The number of snacks is 2-3 from breakfast to 22:00 (it is better to schedule dinner at 8 pm).

First day

Breakfast - whole grain toast, cucumber, kefir and celery smoothies.

Lunch - 100 g of boiled rice, 150 g of baked chicken breast, cucumber salad with radish and tomato, green tea.

Dinner - a boiled egg and cucumbers, a drink from willow-tea, currant leaves and strawberries.

Snacks - 2 apples or an orange and a pear.

Second day

Breakfast - protein omelet from 4 eggs, cucumber salad with herbs, grapefruit-orange juice.

Lunch - 200 g of baked fish and 150 g of baked zucchini under sour cream and herbs, sliced ​​cucumbers and raw carrots, sprinkled with lemon juice, green tea.

Dinner - 100 g of cottage cheese, cucumbers and herbs chopped in kefir.

Snacks - an apple or 3-5 apricots.

The third day

Breakfast - boiled egg, cucumber salad with herbs and sour cream dressing with spices, green tea.

Lunch - 200 g of stewed vegetables, 150 g of buckwheat porridge, cucumbers, rooibos.

Dinner - okroshka from cucumbers and radishes on kefir, boiled egg.

Snacks - melon collective farmer or 3 apples.

Fourth day

Breakfast - cottage cheese with sour cream, 1 boiled egg, cucumbers, green tea.

Lunch - 400 g of vegetable puree soup, 30 g of hard cheese, cucumber salad with radish, carrot and apple fresh.

Dinner - cucumbers and yogurt.

Snacks - a bunch of grapes and a handful of cherries, or an apple and an orange.

Fifth day

Breakfast - whole grain toast, a salad of cucumbers and white cabbage with carrots and apples, green tea.

Lunch - 200 g of baked veal, 100 g of boiled rice, cucumber salad with tomatoes, green tea.

Dinner - 100 g of cottage cheese with sour cream, cucumber salad with radish, kefir.

Snacks - 2 bananas or an apple.

Sixth day

Breakfast - poached egg, whole grain toast, cucumber salad with red cabbage and green onions, green tea.

Lunch - 200 g of broccoli stewed in sour cream with rabbit, cucumber salad with herbs, green tea.

Dinner - okroshka of cucumbers with radish on kefir.

Snacks - 6 plums or an orange and 1 apple.

Seventh day

Breakfast - cucumber salad with herbs and tomatoes, green tea.

Lunch - 100 g of boiled rice, 40 g of hard cheese, cucumbers, green tea with jasmine.

Dinner - 150 g of cottage cheese, baked beets with vegetable oil, cucumbers, carrot juice.

Snacks - 2 apples or an orange and a banana.

Other options for cucumber diet for weight loss

Excellent results (weight loss reaches 2 kg per day) differ in cucumber mono-diets. In this case, a salad of 2.5-3 kg of cucumbers, herbs and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil is prepared all day. Distribute into 4-5 servings. And they last like 3-5 days.

A 5-day diet of cucumbers and kefir works in a similar way - it is supposed to use 1-1.5 kg per day of both, in a mixture or separately - a matter of taste.

If you add buckwheat to kefir and cucumbers - the diet can be stretched for 10-14 days, with the expectation of losing 10 kg. Moreover, nutritionists recommend changing the variety of cereals in one day - from ordinary buckwheat to green (the same type, but not fried, containing more nutrients). Buckwheat is eaten strictly until 4 pm.

A unique plus of the diet is the fact that salt is allowed in it. Let at least, but some people do not tolerate its absence by individual characteristics.

The main thing is not to sprinkle the cucumbers themselves with crumbs - this will destroy their beneficial properties.

Therefore, salt water for cereals.

It is also worth mentioning the cucumber diet, popular in the USA. Designed for 14 days, it contains usually forbidden products in other menus. For example, potatoes, some salt and coffee.

But at the same time, in combination with intense physical exertion and drinking fluids in an amount of 2 liters per day, it allows you to part with 3-5 kg.

And here's how you can roughly imagine the American diet (adopted, in particular, on the West Coast, in California), in a one-day variant, with the possibility of replacing products (which forms a certain variety for two weeks):

• Breakfast - coffee (green tea), 2 boiled eggs (omelettes from them), a slice of bread from wholemeal flour (or corn);

• Lunch - 2 baked potatoes, 200 g of boiled chicken breast (200 g of canned fish in its own juice), fruit juice, guest nuts.

• Dinner - 300 g of cottage cheese and natural yogurt.

Plus, during the day, it is supposed to eat 500-800 g of apples.

And of course - cucumbers, they must be consumed at least 1.5 kg with an unlimited amount of fresh herbs.


Watch the video: Simple Persian Salad (June 2024).