Aquarius - a man from the future


Aquarius is a changeable and contradictory sign. Under it restrained, kind-hearted, compliant and meek people are born, however, they can show power lust or jabbering. Responsive and humane, Aquarius is able to lend a helping hand to strangers.


The sign of the zodiac Aquarius is one of the most interesting and paradoxical symbols of the zodiac. This is an air sign patronized by Uranus. Aquarius is characterized by unpredictable and extravagant acts. They value freedom, so they avoid all kinds of attachments, as well as addiction and limitations. Aquarius is individual and unique, instantly adapts to an unfamiliar situation. He is always optimistic.

Curiosity is the key quality of Aquarius. They are constantly in search of a new one, routine and constancy are not for them. Love to experiment. Perceive what is happening not only globally, but also including the smallest details. A significant drawback of Aquarius is the trait over time to lose interest in everything studied and unraveled. Often his attention is scattered on small facts, and he is not able to bring the tasks to the end.

Being truthful and tactless, Aquarius often gets into unpleasant situations. And at the same time, conflict is not peculiar to his nature, he seeks to avoid quarrels by all means, including genuine friendliness. He does not pay attention to the manifestation of criticism. Very rarely allows you to show temper and irritation.


The circle of friends of Aquarius is very wide. He does not have prejudices and is inclined to make friends regardless of religion, material status or official position. He finds an individual approach to each person, the basis of all his contacts is equality. This is a very open and friendly person. Aquarius maintains friendly relations with many, but he has few real friends.

Having a broad horizons, Aquarius is known as an original and interesting conversationalist. He loves new acquaintances, but feels great both in a noisy society and in proud solitude. If you want to captivate him with something new and interesting, then do not present him with facts and calculations. Better lure him with fresh ideas and hypotheses. Aquarius is happy to go on an adventure.

In love, Aquarians believe in perfect love and often indulge in illusory dreams. They are very romantic and spontaneous. Falling in love, show themselves frivolous and stupid actions, but tend to quickly lose attraction to a partner if a new object of love has appeared on the horizon.

Freedom-loving Aquarius is in no hurry to create a family. They marry if they are sure that they have met their ideal. They should choose homely and thrifty partners, since they do not know how to manage their own households. Aquarius can cause dissatisfaction with the other half that, even in marriage, maintains friendly relations not only with members of the opposite sex, but also with former partners.

Professional success

In the profession, he is looking for ways to apply his talents. Seeks to benefit humanity. Aquarius can find innovative solutions in difficult situations. With misunderstanding belong to the uninitiated and inert colleagues.

The freedom-loving Aquarius will feel uncomfortable in a sensitive enterprise. In the production flight for him there should be no obstacles and routine. If the leadership supports it and will not create any restrictions, then the talented Aquarius will achieve excellent results.

Aquarians will be able to realize themselves in the profession of inventor, scientist, teacher, doctor, journalist, marketer. Aquarius perfectly implements the creative potential as a writer, director or artist.

Aquarius lacks a practical approach to money; he is not greedy. After all, creative people are used to thinking about high. The presence or absence of material means does not cause them strong emotions.

Typical Aquarius perceive money as a pleasant addition to the pleasure of an exciting job. Often act as volunteers. Only decent projects can make a decent fortune.


Watch the video: Aquarius Soulmate 2019 Love of My Life! (July 2024).