Fortune-telling with mirrors: why it is better not to put your life at risk. What is dangerous "mirror corridor"?


Any fortune-telling is an appeal to otherworldly forces. It is especially dangerous to carry out rituals with mirrors, especially on Christmas. Since ancient times, it is believed that this serves as an invitation to the house of the dead and various mystical creatures. The person who creates the mirror corridor, which is the basis of such fortune-telling, puts himself in great danger.

Today, many people no longer attach special importance to magical rites, which our great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers took so seriously. Nevertheless, experts in magical rituals and fortune-telling of past centuries left their heritage, which often awakens the curiosity of modern lovers of the supernatural. They frivolously use the old diaries handed down from generation to generation with descriptions of various ceremonies, turn to sites dedicated to black magic, without thinking about the possible irreversible consequences. The most popular fortune telling is with mirrors. And at the same time - the most terrible and fateful.

Safe fortune telling with mirrors

In order for fortune-telling on the mirrors to be successful, it was necessary to conduct it in an empty room / bathhouse in complete darkness.

The girl was supposed to be alone, naked, but sometimes the presence of a sister or close friend was allowed.

First, it was necessary to put two mirrors opposite each other to form a “corridor”, then draw a chalk around the ring and take a candle. It was also recommended to stock up on a piece of fabric, so that in case of a threat, throw it on a mirror.

There were a lot of important subtleties of the ritual, non-observance of which could result in a fortune-telling death.

What is the danger?

To wait for the "narrowed" (under the guise of which some demon actually appeared) the girls spent and spend hours in front of the mirror.

At some point, an evil spirit is announced, which the fortuneteller sees deep in the mirror corridor.

Of course, he does not come at her call to show his betrothed; he has other, not very good intentions. It is no coincidence that there are so many legends and terrifying stories about what happened to the girls who once decided on a night fortune-telling in a bathhouse.

So, when the spirit appeared, the young lady asked him questions about her narrow-minded. To then drive out the demon, it was necessary to throw a pre-prepared fabric on one of the mirrors or simply topple it. They believed that if you didn’t do it in time, otherworldly forces could penetrate our world and begin to do evil.

Today's girls thoughtlessly create mirror corridors, arm themselves with candles and, not believing in the effectiveness of fortune telling, do not see any narrowed ones and continue to live on. But, unfortunately, if the ritual were inactive, the Internet would not be full of chilling complaints from those who wondered how their life had changed forever after contact with the other world.


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