10 reasons not to love Turkey


Many people love holidays in Turkey, being seduced by the two words "All inclusive". Royal vacation for little money. But is it? Is Turkey a Paradise for Tourists? The following 10 facts will help us figure this out.

Theft in Turkey is a huge problem

Everyone can steal - both children and adults. Moreover, losing vigilance, you can be left without money, not only in the crowd, but simply paying for purchases when the money is pulled directly from the wallet.

Turkish men

Many women remember them with a sigh. Of course, these beautiful womanizer know how to enchant a woman. But they are Muslims with their own religious stereotypes. In addition, the Turks are pretty mean, so you should not hope for a candlelit dinner at someone else’s expense.

It is also worth remembering that in Turkey a girl cannot be unaccompanied alone and enjoy architecture or views, since the Turks will not miss the opportunity to pester her by shouting "I love you".

It is customary to bargain in Turkey

This means that the Turks charge crazy prices for their goods, so as not to miscalculate. The client is pleased that he will receive a 50% discount, and the seller that will help out a decent amount.


We have all heard that Muslims should not take alcohol. And although the Koran forbids everything that is harmful to health, drug addicts unfortunately can be seen everywhere. They don’t even hesitate to drive in this form.

Illegibility in sex

Turks are not picky about sex: they do not use contraceptives, not to mention pregnancy protection. The tourist tourist is not interested in Turk.


In Turkey, it is very noisy, and this noise is created by the Turks themselves. They love to shout, probably more than sex.

Mass poisoning

"All inclusive" for tourists means a large number of delicious and inexpensive food. However, cases of mass poisoning in hotels have recently become more frequent. Everyone wants to save money, especially the Turks. Who knows in what conditions they cook their food? Recently, tourists in several hotels have been poisoned by poor-quality food.

Poor service

Those who want to save money and who want to make money see different things in packages. The first is comfort and all-inclusive, the second is a low-grade hotel with an idle shower 10 km from the sea. Turkey is not a country of cheap vacation. For $ 100 a room in a five-star hotel cannot be obtained. Cheap tours will necessarily end with some problems at the hotel. Poor service is Turkey’s main tourist disadvantage. In addition, the Turks are very attached to their compatriots, therefore they are served more politely and attentively than tourists.

Turks annoying

In shops, in bazaars, and just on the street, the Turks "hang out" on tourists, offering one thing or another. From this you can feel serious discomfort.

Many tourists

It’s really crowded in Turkey. In most cases, people from the countries of the former CIS rest here, and most of all Russians in Turkey. Often it is the Russians who can spoil a good vacation by drinking a lot.


guest 04/16/2016
Nonsense, all the reasons are sucked from the finger. And at the expense of the latter - so good wherever there are no Russians!

Turkish woman 04/16/2016
as I understand it, the conclusions were made only for one hotel in somewhere in the tour area. I also met such waiters, and this is rather the exception.


Watch the video: Things Not to Do in Turkey (July 2024).