A review of broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs for humans. The best effective remedies for worms and parasites


It is very simple to get worms, but get rid of parasites as soon as possible. Regardless of the source of infection, it is important to start timely treatment, since helminths provoke very serious pathologies. Such pathological processes can lead to very serious consequences.


Parasite tablets in their composition have the active substance pyrantelapamoate. This medication is prescribed by specialists for various ailments - trichurosis, ascariasis, necatorosis, enterobiasis. Pyrantel is a relatively non-toxic pill, so it can be used to treat babies.

The medicine is taken once a day. The tablet is chewed and washed down with water. With ascariasis, one dragee is enough. In other diseases, the duration of therapy can last up to three days. In some diseases, it is recommended to undergo a second course of therapy after three weeks.

Children are better off using a suspension rather than a tablet form. The drug is taken regardless of the use of food. It should not be used when carrying a baby, but in some cases tablets can be used. Be sure to consult your doctor before buying the drug!


This is the best remedy for worms, which in its composition has such an active substance as albendazole. This drug is effective in treating such ailments as giardiasis, ascariasis, necatorosis.

A medicine is used at the time of eating food by chewing a tablet or absorbing it. The tool should be washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid. The dose in each case is calculated purely individually. The age of the patient, body weight and other indicators are taken into account. Be sure to consult a doctor!


Caution: before buying the drug, be sure to consult a doctor! These are highly effective tablets against worms, the active ingredient of which is levomizole. A medication is prescribed for ascariasis, necatorosis, enterobiosis and some helminthic invasions.

This is a single-use anthelmintic. To cure the pathology, only 150 mg of the substance is enough. Children are usually shown 50 mg. Dosage can be calculated depending on the weight of the baby. But the use of this medication is not allowed for babies up to three years. The drug is contraindicated for use by women bearing a fetus and with lactation. Absolute contraindications are agranulocytosis. Before using the medication, a blood test must be taken.


These tablets are characterized by a wide range of effects. Children from four years old are allowed. It is prescribed for the detection of not only worms, but also whipworms, ascariasis, and liver flukes. Highly active against extraintestinal parasites.

The dosage of the drug depends on the ailment. The dosage and frequency of administration is prescribed only by a specialist after examining the patient and making a diagnosis. Usually, the duration of therapy is no more than a day. But with some ailments, treatment can last up to four days.

These tablets against worms are very toxic, which causes side effects from taking. They occur extremely rarely, but more often this is due to exceeding the indicated dosage. This medication is forbidden to use for liver failure and in the first trimester of bearing a baby. Be sure to consult your doctor before buying the drug!


This is a very good drug against worms and other parasites that affect the human body. In case of trichinosis, take the drug three times a day at 400 mg. From the fourth to the tenth day of therapy, the dosage should be increased to 500 mg. In the case of mixed infestations, one tablet should be taken twice a day for three days.

With enterobiosis, the drug is used once a day. Dosage depends on the age of the patient. But be sure to repeat the course of therapy after two weeks. This medication should be consumed only after eating. Contraindications to use are liver failure, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Be sure to consult a doctor!


This drug is considered the most effective remedy against worms. It is actively used to cure ascariasis. The mechanism of action of the drug is to break the neuromuscular connection in the fibers of the parasites. This causes paralysis. Worms are eliminated from the intestines due to peristalsis. Doctor consultation is required!

The medication is absorbed by more than 95%. The drug neutralizes the liver. Eliminated from the body through the kidneys. It is forbidden to use the product when carrying a baby and while breastfeeding. Quite often, it causes adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to use by patients who have violations in the hematopoiesis system.


This remedy is the drug of choice in the treatment of ascariasis and enterobiosis. The drug is great for eliminating mixed invasions. Effective against common types of nematodes. Be sure to consult your doctor before buying the drug!

The effect of the drug is to disrupt energy metabolism in the membranes of worm cells. Prevents glucose uptake. Under the influence of mebendazole, the worm dies of exhaustion. The substance is practically not absorbed in the intestine. More than 90% comes with feces.

The drug has a teratogenic effect on the development of the baby. Violation of its intrauterine development. It is allocated together with mother's milk. It is forbidden to use the drug for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since due to a violation of the integrity of the mucosa, the concentration of the substance in the blood increases. For this reason, there is a risk of third-party effects. Undesirable reactions include diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain. In high dosages, the medication provokes severe skin reactions, which include redness, burning. If you take it too long, baldness can occur, not only from the male side, but also from the female side.


Watch the video: Albendazole: Know More Why You Need to Kill The Parasitic Worms (July 2024).