The benefits and harms of strong tea. What do we know about the use of strong tea, its effect on the body, useful and harmful properties?


Strongly brewed black tea is a favorite drink of many of us. A fragrant drink, highly saturated with the taste of tea, is included in the daily diet of a huge number of people. But why do we love the astringent taste of strong tea? Consider the beneficial properties of brewed black tea and the harm that it can cause to human health.

A brief history of tea

The history of tea begins in ancient China. The Chinese quickly enough considered a lot of useful properties in a cup of strong drink. From China, tea leaves spread to the territory of modern England and Europe. After that, the aromatic drink became known throughout the world.

The benefits of strong tea

Tea, in itself, as a drink, is certainly healthy. But what do we know about strong tea? Millions of people daily use a highly concentrated and tart drink, noticing a lot of useful properties. But is it?

Before you begin to study the benefits of strong tea, you should pay attention to the main component of a strong brewed tea drink - caffeine. This information can be based on the disclosure of both useful and harmful properties of strong tea.

Strong tea has the following beneficial properties:

· Antioxidant content

· Antibacterial action

· Charge of energy and surge of vigor

· Fights migraines and headaches

· Prevents development of caries, strengthens tooth enamel

· Prevents oxygen starvation of the brain

· Eliminates bad breath

· Helps fight diarrhea

· Eliminates inflammatory processes in the intestines

· Removes toxins and toxins

· Lowers body temperature

· Increases low blood pressure

· Prevention of viral and infectious diseases

The most important, proven by scientists, useful property of strong tea is the treatment of diarrhea. Strongly brewed tea contains a large amount of tannins, which fix the stool, stopping the further development of diarrhea.

Due to the increased content of fluoride in a strongly brewed tea, the drink strengthens tooth enamel, prevents the development of caries, and destroys bad breath, due to its antibacterial effect.

Another famous property of strong tea is the increase in low blood pressure. A highly concentrated tea drink is recommended for hypotensives. Black tart tea is a good alternative to coffee drinks.

Strong tea effectively strengthens the immune system, thereby reducing the risk of viral and infectious diseases. In addition, doctors say that strong black tea acts as an effective prophylactic for atherosclerosis, especially in the initial stages of development.

Strongly brewed tea strengthens and dilates blood vessels, preventing migraines, the development of stroke and heart attack. Also, drinking strong tea improves blood circulation.

Strongly brewed tea is useful for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Useful substances that are contained in strong black tea are able to restore the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, thereby normalizing its microflora.

What harm can strong tea harm human health?

Strong tea, of course, is a healthy drink and can quickly and effectively help with hypotension or the development of diarrhea. In addition to these advantages, we found out a number of useful properties of strong-brewed tea, but what do we know about its harm and contraindications? When is strong tea contraindicated?


Insomnia and restless sleep

Neurosis and psychological disorders

Diseases of the liver and kidneys in the acute or chronic stage

Magnesium deficiency

Impaired vision (high intraocular pressure, glaucoma)


· Lactation

Moreover, a strongly brewed tea drink can cause serious harm to human health:

Causes hand tremors

Provokes insomnia

Violates emotional calm

· Removes beneficial substances and minerals from the body

Causes pain and cramping in the intestine (when used on an empty stomach)

· Causes intestinal fermentation

· Darkens tooth enamel

· Increases arterial and eye pressure

Having studied the issue of the dangers of strongly brewed tea, we can conclude that the drink is useful only in moderation, in the absence of the above diseases.

How to make strong tea?

To preserve all the benefits of strong tea, it is necessary, first of all, to be able to brew it correctly. The result depends on the literacy of preparing a tart drink: it will bring, tea, benefit, harm or not at all.

The first step is to boil the water without boiling it. Next, you need to choose the dishes that will preserve the beneficial properties of the drink. For strong black tea, porcelain, earthenware, or ceramic teapot is suitable. Do not use a metal teapot. After, we warm the teapot by pouring and pouring boiled water from it.

The proportions of strong tea are quite simple: 1-2 teaspoons per cup of tea. So the tea drink will be strong enough and useful, will not bring harm to health. After pouring tea leaves with boiling water, it is necessary to wrap the teapot in a warm towel and wait 7-10 minutes. Strong tea is ready.

Recommendations for the use of black strong tea

Strong tea is not the most harmless drink. If you consider the possible harm from drinking very strong tea, you can see that the list is quite large. This may not frighten things, but you should pay attention to the fact that the use of any product requires compliance with the norm.

Each drink, and especially tea, the healing properties of which have been known since ancient times, requires a careful attitude: observing the brewing rules, monitoring the daily dosage, carefully studying contraindications for use. Knowing the rules of drinking black tea, you can not worry about your health and avoid the negative effects of a strong tea drink on the body.

When drinking strong tea daily, it should be remembered that the norm is a maximum of 5 cups of tea per day. If you abuse tea, you can encounter many of the above negative manifestations of "overdose" tart drink.

It is also not recommended to drink tightly brewed tea 3 hours before bedtime. Strong tea is rich in caffeine, so if you pamper yourself with a cup of tart drink before bedtime, you can not fall asleep at all because of the strong influence of tea on the central nervous system and its tonic effect.

It is recommended to drink tightly brewed tea in small sips, since this method of consumption is most useful and prevents negative manifestations. Do not drink medicines with this drink. Highly concentrated black tea should be discarded by pregnant women and women during lactation.

Strong tea is useful in moderation. Before using it, you should pay attention to contraindications for possible harm.


Watch the video: 7 Health Benefits of Green Tea & How to Drink it. Doctor Mike (July 2024).