Balsamic vinegar - details about the benefits of expensive sauce. Is balsamic vinegar capable of harming the human body?


Balsamic vinegar is one of the most expensive sauces. It is able to give a special, rich taste to even ordinary dishes. And the beneficial properties of balsamic are used in medicine and cosmetology.

What is balsamic vinegar?

Many people confuse it with vinegar, but these are completely different things. Grape vinegar is made from fermented wine, and balsamic vinegar from squeezed grape juice, by prolonged fermentation. It is boiled until a dark dense mass is obtained. The original taste of balsamic is given by additional ingredients. The most commonly used honey, cherries, lemon, pears, raspberries and various spices.

The high cost of balsamic vinegar is caused by the complexity of its production. This balsamic is aged in wooden barrels for at least 3 years. And dear - for 10-20 years. In the process of aging, vinegar is periodically cleaned and poured into barrels of various wood. It can be wood of cherry, chestnut, ash and oak. Thus, the finished product has a pleasant woody aroma.

Depending on the duration of exposure, the price is also determined. Balsamic vinegar stored for over 20 years is the most expensive. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers adhere to many years of production technology. Now more and more you can meet fakes. In their production, ordinary wine vinegar is used, to which various flavoring agents and thickeners are added. Although such vinegar is also maintained, but not for long, only 2-3 months. And they do not use wooden barrels for this, but steel ones. Such a product can taste very much like real balsamic, but it does not have all the beneficial properties.

Do not confuse fake with a special kind of balsamic - white balsamic vinegar. It is aged in steel barrels, and thanks to this, it does not acquire a characteristic dark color.

Composition of balsamic vinegar. 100 grams contains:

● 80-100 kcal;

● 0.50 g of protein;

● 17.03 g of carbohydrates;

● 0 fat.

Details on the benefits of balsamic vinegar

Balsamic vinegar is rich in:

● iron - necessary for blood formation, hemoglobin formation and normal functioning of cells, normalizes the thyroid gland, strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body of toxins and improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair;

● calcium - necessary for bone strength, blood coagulation, water and carbohydrate metabolism, regulates muscle contraction and hormone production;

● potassium - is needed for the functioning of the heart muscle, brain activity, stimulates the kidneys and prevents water retention in the body and swelling;

● phosphorus - promotes kidney function, heart function and cell division, strengthens teeth and gums, regulates the nervous system.


● B vitamins;

● vitamin A;

● anthocyanins;

● saccharides;

● pectin substances;

● polyphenols;

● acetic acid;

● pyruvic acid;

● tannins;

● antioxidants;

● vitamin C.

Beneficial effect of balsamic:

● strengthens the cardiovascular system, normalizes high and low blood pressure, maintains the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;

● the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the production of gastric juice and promotes better absorption of heavy and fatty foods;

● strengthens the immune system;

● protects the pancreas, lowers blood sugar and stimulates the production of insulin;

● treats infectious diseases, sore throat;

● lowers blood cholesterol;

● helps fight cellulite and excess weight (can prolong the feeling of satiety);

● able to improve memory and prevent senile diseases such as Alzheimer's;

● prevents the formation of cancer due to the antioxidants contained in the composition;

● strengthens hair and rejuvenates the skin when used outdoors;

● It is a good antiseptic and can be used in the treatment of wounds;

● has a strong diuretic and choleretic effect.

The harm of balsamic vinegar

Vinegar of any kind, and balsamic as well, is contraindicated for those who suffer from high acidity, gastritis and peptic ulcers. Another reason for the ban on vinegar is individual intolerance.

It is worth refraining from taking balsamic vinegar during periods of exacerbation of any gastrointestinal diseases and in the presence of kidney stones and gall bladder.

It is not recommended to use balsamic for children under 7 years of age and for diabetics. Do not eat cheap fakes.

If you do not have any contraindications, you should still observe the measure in the use of this product. If used excessively, it can harm the stomach. Italians use balsamic with a small amount of olive oil to protect the stomach from acid.

How to choose the right balsamic vinegar

Only balsamic vinegar has the properties described above. In fakes, sugar, flavors and concentrates are most often found, which can be harmful instead of the expected benefits.

In order not to get into such an uncomfortable situation, you need to remember a few secrets on how to choose the right balsamic:

1. Real balsamic vinegar is produced mainly in Italy;

2. The inscription on the Tradizionale label indicates that the sauce was made in compliance with the cooking conditions;

3. Acidity should be no higher than 6%;

4. Look at the composition. It should not contain sugar, thickeners, colorants, preservatives or flavorings.

5. Real balsamic is quite expensive. Its price cannot be lower than $ 50 per half liter.

Balsamic vinegar - cook at home

If it is not possible to buy real balsamic vinegar, it is better not to buy a cheap fake, but to cook it yourself at home. Although it is not possible to repeat the original cooking procedure, it will still be more useful than store dyes and flavors.

To do this, you need:

● Separate 2 cups of fresh cherry from the seeds and mash in a glass bowl, add the zest of one lemon, 1 tablespoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of cinnamon;

● pour half a liter of 9% vinegar into the finished mixture (you can use grape vinegar, for greater similarity with the original);

● boil the whole composition for 20 minutes;

● After this, pour everything together into a glass container and refrigerate;

● after 2 days, strain.

Proper use of balsamic vinegar

The greatest benefit can be obtained by not giving balsamic vinegar heat treatment, adding it to fresh salads. It is most delicious to add it to dishes with tomatoes.

Balsamic vinegar is also used as a ready-made sauce for meat, poultry and seafood dishes. And also it can be added to other sauces.

In addition to the main dishes, it can be easily added to desserts. A particularly tasty combination is obtained with ice cream and strawberries.

This vinegar is very much used in cosmetology. It can be added to face and hair masks. It visibly strengthens hair and is able to tighten and rejuvenate the skin.

In order to feel the benefits for the body, you do not need to drink balsamic spoons. It is enough to add a few drops to a dish or sauce 2-3 times a week.


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