Sugar-free oatmeal cookies are a healthy treat. The secrets of making oatmeal cookies without sugar with dried fruits, honey


We are all by nature sweet and gourmet. It is not easy for us to dispense with goodies with sugar. And nowhere to go - otherwise you can’t maintain health and a good figure. “It would be nice to eat tasty food and not harm yourself with sugar” - many of us dream. How to do this, nutritionists know. They came up with a lot of tasty and healthy dishes without the "white seducer". Oatmeal cookies are one of them.

How to Cook Delicious Sugar-Free Oatmeal Cookies: General Principles

The abundance of fiber, almost all the minerals and vitamins necessary for the body are the main advantages of oatmeal. This product is quite high-calorie. But these calories are harmless - they do not turn into fat folds. Even more than that, oat fiber speeds up metabolism and improves bowel function, and its minerals purify the blood of excess cholesterol.

Here are some important general points about cooking sugar-free oatmeal cookies:

1. To make the cookies useful only, use some vegetable instead of butter.

2. If eggs are mentioned in the recipe, the yolk should not be used - it contains a lot of fat. Take only protein.

3. A coffee grinder or blender is ideal for making oatmeal.

As for the filling, dried fruits, walnuts and fresh fruits are best for it. But know the measure! In large quantities, these products are unsafe for the figure. At a time more than 2-3 cookies it is better not to eat.

1st Recipe. Oatmeal cookies without sugar and without flour

For a dozen non-flour cookies we take:

320 g flakes;

· 120 g of walnut (better than walnut) and 170 g of dates, always with a bone removed;

60 ml of agave syrup, maple or Jerusalem artichoke, the same amount of warm boiled water;

60 ml of sunflower oil;

· A little soda (“scoop” with the tip of a table knife), as well as a little lemon juice. He is needed to "extinguish" soda;

Vanilla - as much as we want.

Oatmeal cookies are prepared without flour and sugar like this:

1. We take dates and a small knife into small pieces. Hard copies before cutting send soaked in water.

2. Do the same with walnuts. The smaller we chop them, the better.

3. Put oatmeal and chopped dates with nuts in a bowl.

4. Separately, mix warm water with "slaked" soda, maple syrup and sunflower oil. To make the cookies fragrant, add vanillin.

5. We combine all the components of the future cookies in one container and begin to knead the dough.

6. Roll the oatmeal dough into small pieces and create separate cookies;

7. Put on a baking sheet and put in the oven. We keep it for 20 minutes. We set the temperature to +175.

8. Take out the cookie, do not touch until it cools.

Everything. The goodies are ready - now we can safely enjoy it.

2nd recipe. No eggs, but very tasty

For this healthy sugar-free oatmeal cookie, not even eggs are needed. And it doesn't taste worse. Cookies have this composition:

A pair of bananas. You can take a combination of one banana with a seedless plum or pear;

· 1.5 cups of cereal;

· A handful of crushed almonds and as many dried fruits;

· Any amount of cinnamon, just to be tasty;

· 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. If not nutty, use another. The main thing is to vegetable.

It should turn out 10-12 cookies.

Cooking oatmeal cookies without sugar and eggs like this:

1. Finely chop the banana and its fruit partner.

2. In a blender, we chop these fruits even more.

3. In a bowl we put fruit gruel, add oatmeal to it and mix well. We try to make the slurry envelop all the flakes.

4. Add dried fruits, cinnamon and crushed almonds to the flake-fruit mixture. All this is well mixed.

5. Now put the peanut butter. Mix again and set for half an hour in the lower compartments of the refrigerator.

6. We make round round cakes from the "solidified" compliant dough. In length, they should not be more than the index finger.

7. Put the rounds on a baking sheet and cook for 30 minutes in the oven. We set the temperature high - around 180 degrees. Ready cookies are usually a little toasted. If there is no brownish blush, we send the oatmeal sweets back to the oven for another 5-10 minutes.

8. We take it out, wait until it cools down, and finally, we curb our unbridled appetite.

3rd recipe. Butter and flour - decisive no!

In this recipe, cookies have not only sugar, but even butter and flour. This adds usefulness to oatmeal cookies without sugar and does not affect the taste. The secret is here. We take:

Oatmeal - 2.5 cups;

· 1.5 handfuls of dried berries or the same amount of raisins;

· 2-3 tablets of sweetener. One tablet of such a harmless substitute is approximately equivalent to a teaspoon of real sugar;

· Half a teaspoon of vanillin;

3-4 chicken eggs;

· Cinnamon (as you wish).

We begin to prepare super-dietary yummy:

1. First of all, preheat the oven to + 170-180 Celsius.

2. In a bowl, beat the eggs. Throw out the yolk, and mix the protein with vanilla.

3. In another bowl (larger), mix the oatmeal with cinnamon, a sugar substitute, and dried berries.

4. In the resulting mixture, add another - the connection of egg white with vanilla.

5. With a tablespoon, gently place the lumps of dough on a baking sheet and roll.

6. We send the future cookies to the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.

7. We take it out, wait until it becomes very hot, we can feast on it.

4th recipe. Sugar-Free Oatmeal Cookies by Pierre Ducane

Although this is a dietary cookie, hunger satisfies well. To make a dozen oatmeal cookies without sugar you will need:

· 2 eggs;

Sugar substitute (2 tablets);

Baking powder (1 spoon);

· 5 tbsp. tablespoons of yogurt and as much oat bran.

We begin to cook Ducane's oatmeal cookies:

1. Preheat the oven to approximately +180 Celsius.

2. Sweetener and eggs are mixed in a large bowl.

3. To them add yogurt, baking powder and bran. Stir again.

4. The resulting mixture is poured into baking tins.

5. Send to the oven and cook for 20 minutes.

6. We wait when it cools down and enjoy.

5th recipe. Sugar-free oatmeal cookies with a lactic base

A good recipe to help deal with digestive problems. Cooking a dozen oatmeal cookies without sugar. We use:

· 1 glass of yogurt or kefir;

250 g of oatmeal;

· 0.5 cups of dried apples;

· 1 pear (not more);

· Bee honey (3 tablespoons);

· Cinnamon - the amount to choose from;

Baking powder (1 teaspoon).

Sour-milk oatmeal cookies are prepared as follows:

1. Put oatmeal in a bowl, add cinnamon, honey and baking powder to them. Mix thoroughly.

2. Add kefir, mix well again. The result should be a viscous porridge-like mixture.

3. Do not touch for half an hour, let it swell.

4. Soak apple dried fruits for 20 minutes. Then dry and finely chop.

5. Remove the peel from the pear, grind it on a grater. Juice must be drained, otherwise the dough will lose the desired density.

6. When the flakes swell, add chopped pear and apples to them.

7. Create a cookie shape - roll the dough into separate balls, then press.

8. Take a baking sheet, cover it with a silicone mat or parchment.

9. Put the dough on a baking sheet and put it in the oven. We set the temperature in the region of +175 degrees. Cooking for 45 minutes.

6th recipe. Sugar-free curd oatmeal cookies

The product is ideal for snacks. To cook a dozen delicious sugar-free oatmeal oatmeal cookies, take:

· 120 g of oatmeal and as much cottage cheese with a minimum amount of fat;

· 1 handful of dried apricots;

3 egg whites

· 1.5 tablespoons of honey;

· Cinnamon - as much as you want.

We create cottage cheese-oatmeal cookies like this:

1. Cut the dried apricots smaller.

2. Put all of the above components in a large bowl and mix well. The result should be a very thick dough.

3. Using our hands we sculpt the balls, then we press down with a spoon so that they take the form of cookies.

4. Put them on a baking sheet. Sent to the oven. We bake for 25 minutes at a temperature of +180.

5. When the cookies are cooked, wait to cool. Then we can eat.

7th recipe. Sugar-free oatmeal cookies with bran

Very nutritious and low-calorie recipe. We take:

· 1 cup of oatmeal and as much bran;

· 1 tablespoon of honey and the same amount of vegetable oil;

70 g of raisins;

· 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal;

· 1 chicken egg protein.


1. In a large bowl, mix the raisins, bran and oatmeal well.

2. Add oil and honey to the mixture. It is important that the gift of bees is not sugared.

3. Put egg white and oatmeal. We mix everything very carefully. The dough should come out homogeneous, "obedient." If it sticks, add another bit of oatmeal.

4. We make cookies, put on a baking sheet with parchment and send to the oven.

5. Cook for 20 minutes at +175 Celsius until the cookies turn yellow.

We are waiting for it to cool, and begin to regale. Cookies with oatmeal and bran must be eaten on the day of preparation, as it hardens quickly.

Sugar-Free Oatmeal Cookies - Tips & Tricks

1. The temperature in the oven plays an important role. If it is low, the dough will spread and oatmeal cookies without sugar may be too thin. To avoid this, use a temperature higher (more than +160 degrees). But know the measure - at too high temperatures (above +190 degrees) the cookies will start to burn. Choose a middle ground - + 175-180 degrees, and everything will be in order with oat diet goodness.

2. For the preparation of cookies you need to use oatmeal larger and coarser. Extra is not suitable.

3. When sculpting the balls, do not overdo it and do not make them too large, otherwise the cookies will come out too viscous. Their optimal size is approximately like that of a walnut.

4. Cookies from parchment should be removed when it has not yet cooled. If this is not done, goodies will pester him.

5. Hot cookies can be quickly cooled if covered with a towel.

6. Store cookies in a tin can, as it dries quickly.

7. Lovers of crispy, non-solid crusty cookies should use Hercules flakes.
