Oatmeal cookies are a healthy homemade treat. Oatmeal cookie recipes with honey, ginger, cinnamon, orange zest


Oatmeal is a source of vitamins and minerals, and oat also stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. Perhaps that is why oatmeal cookies are so pleasing to both children and adults. Especially homemade, cooked without unnecessary chemical additives.

General principles for making oatmeal cookies

From oatmeal, fast, tasty and crumbly pastries are obtained. However, it has very little gluten. Therefore, in the classic cookie recipe, a third of oatmeal and two-thirds of wheat are taken.

You can buy ready-made oat flour. However, it will not be difficult to make it at home. It is enough to grind oatmeal with a blender. For one glass of oatmeal cereal, you will need to take a glass with a quarter.

Also, for most oatmeal cookie recipes, butter is required. It should be soft, so it should be removed from the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking begins.

Oatmeal gives a special flavor to the use of brown sugar. So if possible, replace regular white sugar in any of the recipes.

You can create cookies in different ways: put the dough on a baking sheet with a spoon, roll the balls and lightly crush them. And to make oatmeal cookies of the same size, we roll the dough into a sausage, divide it in half, then each piece in half and so on.

In oatmeal cookies for a crispy texture, you can add a little oatmeal or coconut. Nuts, candied fruits, dried cranberries, citrus zest, seeds, pieces of chocolate will also be good. Of the spices for such cookies, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, vanilla are most often used.

Oatmeal cookies are baked very quickly - ten to fifteen minutes are enough, the temperature is 180-200 degrees.

Classic oatmeal cookies

The basic recipe, in which, if desired, you can add various delicious additives: raisins, nuts, chocolate.


100 grams of oatmeal;

200 grams of wheat flour;

half a packet of butter;

100 grams of sugar;

two teaspoons of cinnamon;

10 grams of vanilla sugar;

0.5 teaspoons of soda;

1 teaspoon of salt;

2 teaspoons of jam or molasses;

6 tablespoons of water (hot).

Cooking method

1. We get butter in advance to become soft. Rub it with jam or molasses, as well as sugar.

2. Then vanilla sugar, salt, cinnamon, and soda will go to the dough. At the same stage we add water. Knead well.

3. Pour wheat flour, mix. Then the turn of oatmeal. As a result, knead soft dough, slightly sticky.

4. Cookies can be placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper using a spoon. Or, cool the dough for about 15 minutes in the freezer, then it will turn out to form products with your hands.

5. It's time to put in the oven: 200 degrees, 10-15 minutes. Ready cookies should acquire a beautiful golden color.

Oatmeal Cookies "Festive"

The cinnamon-citrus aroma of such cookies evokes thoughts of the New Year holidays. It can be decorated with sugar glaze or multi-colored pastry topping. And the use of special molds will help to cut stars, Christmas trees, snowmen or gingerbread men from the dough.


80 grams of oatmeal;

50 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice;

zest of one orange;

half a packet of butter;

160 grams of wheat flour;

a third of a teaspoon of soda;

a pinch of salt;

half a bag of vanilla sugar;

0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon;

chocolate droplets;

150 grams of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Softened butter must first be ground with sugar. Then put the vanilla sugar and cinnamon, mix.

2. Add the oatmeal, orange zest, chocolate drops, pour the orange juice and mix everything again. Sift wheat flour into a bowl with dough, put salt and baking powder. Knead the elastic soft dough, if necessary, add more wheat flour.

3. We form a ball from the dough and roll it out half a centimeter thick. Cut the cookies of the desired shape, place on a baking sheet with parchment paper, leaving a centimeter between the products. Now in the oven - 200 degrees, ten minutes. We decorate the finished cookies at will with glaze, on top of it you can glue confectionery beads or topping, "hang" balls on the Christmas trees or draw a beautiful ornament.

Oatmeal cookies without wheat

Wheat allergy is not uncommon, especially in children. And you want to treat them with sweets. You can bake this kind of cookie only from oatmeal.


A glass of oatmeal;

a quarter cup of oatmeal;

two tablespoons of granulated sugar;

two eggs;

a handful of raisins;

½ teaspoon of soda.

Cooking method

1. Combine the eggs and sugar, beat well.

2. Pour cereal, mix. Then add oatmeal and soda, raisins, previously washed. Let the dough stand for about ten minutes, so it becomes thicker.

3. Lay the baking paper on a baking sheet. We spread the dough with a tablespoon, we leave three centimeters between the products.

4. At 180 degrees, bake for about a quarter of an hour.

Oatmeal Cookies with Nuts

Walnuts are used in this recipe. They can be rubbed into crumbs, then the treat will acquire a pleasant color and nutty taste. Or cut into small pieces so that they fall on the clove in the finished cookie.


150 grams of oatmeal;

300-350 grams of wheat flour;

one pack of butter;

one and a half glasses of granulated sugar;

teaspoon of cinnamon;

half teaspoon of baking powder, salt and soda;

a glass of walnuts (peeled);

warm water - half a cup.

Cooking method

1. Combine soft butter with sugar and cinnamon, grind.

2. Add oatmeal and warm water, stir. Pour the sifted wheat flour, followed by salt, baking soda and baking powder, then chopped walnuts. Continue to knead until we get a soft dough.

3. Roll out the dough with a layer of half a centimeter. Cut out cookies of the desired shape. We shift to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

4. We will bake at 200 degrees a quarter of an hour.

Oatmeal cookies on brine

Is there a pickle left from a can of pickles? Let it become the basis for delicious cookies! The finished baking brine gives a light, pleasant, slightly salty taste.


A glass of brine;

three quarters of a cup of oatmeal;

a glass and a quarter of wheat flour;

a third of a glass of sugar;

a quarter cup of vegetable oil;

a quarter teaspoonful of soda.

Cooking method

1. Pour sugar into brine, stir to dissolve. Add soda, vegetable oil.

2. Pour oatmeal, then sifted wheat. Knead the dough. We send it for half an hour to the refrigerator to cool slightly.

3. Wet a spoon in cold water, use it to spread future cookies on a baking sheet with parchment. Remember about the distance between the products - 1-1.5 centimeters.

4. Send to the oven. At 180 degrees - 10-15 minutes.

Oatmeal Cookies with Cinnamon, Ginger and Honey

Another festive option. In European countries, gingerbread cookies are traditionally baked by Christmas. Packed in a beautiful box, it will become a sweet and pleasant addition to the gift.


100 grams of oatmeal;

half a packet of butter;

ginger root (grated) - 2 teaspoons;

2 tbsp brown sugar;

2 tbsp honey;

120 grams of whole wheat flour;


2 teaspoons of baking powder;

3 tablespoons of water at room temperature.

Cooking method

1. Rub the softened butter with sugar and honey. Add cinnamon and ginger as well.

2. Sift the wheat flour into a container with grated butter, pour oatmeal. Put salt and baking powder. Add water and knead the cookie dough well.

3. Now we roll small koloboks from the dough, about from a walnut. Then they need to be flattened a bit to give the shape of a cookie and put on a baking sheet with baking paper. Do not forget to leave at least a centimeter between the cookies.

4. At 200 degrees, bake our ginger oatmeal cookies for 12 minutes.

Oatmeal Cookies "Anzak"

Anzac - oatmeal cookies with coconut. He is especially loved in New Zealand and Australia, whence this crunchy delicacy came to us.


A glass of oatmeal;

100 grams of granulated sugar;

half a packet of butter;

75 grams of coconut.

Cooking method

1. Put the butter in a saucepan, we need to melt it.

2. Combine sugar and coconut, pour the melted butter. Mix the ingredients.

3. Add oatmeal, knead well.

4. We put parchment paper on a baking sheet. We form small cakes of dough with our hands, spread them with a distance of a couple of centimeters so that they do not stick together when baking.

5. Put the baking sheet in the oven, the required temperature is 180 degrees. Crispy coconut-oatmeal cookies reach in 10 minutes.

Oatmeal Cookies - Secrets and Tricks

· If you want a firmer oatmeal cookie, increase the baking time by literally three minutes.

· To make sugar easier to mix with butter, you can pre-grind it to a powder state using a coffee grinder.

· Before removing the finished cookies from the pan, let it cool slightly so that it does not break.

· To keep the oatmeal cookies soft for longer, it is better to store them in a paper bag or in a closed box.


Watch the video: Honey and Oats Granola Recipe. Tess Ward, The Yes Chef (July 2024).