What is the benefit and harm of tilapia? Proper preparation and use of tilapia with and without harm to the body


Tilapia fish due to its rich nutritional composition brings real help to the health of any person. The benefits of tilapia, in contrast to its harm, have significant advantages; when properly prepared, it is a dietary product that is undoubtedly used in the daily diet.

The chemical composition and calorie content of tilapia

Tilapia belongs to the cichlid family. It has tender light meat. It has a neutral taste and lack of a specific fishy smell. Absolutely does not contain carbohydrates.

Nutrition value of 100 g of fish consists of:

· Protein - 20, 8 g;

Fat - 1.7 g.

The protein content of tilapia in the human body replenishes its daily norm by 52%. 100 g of fish contains 96 kcal. This low calorific value classifies it as an indispensable low-calorie product.

The composition of tilapia includes:

· polyunsaturated fats;

Vitamins B, E, K;




· Mineral elements;


The benefits of tilapia for the human body

Due to the optimal presence of proteins and fats in tilapia, it is referred to as a dietary product. In the human diet, it brings great benefits, supplying the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. Especially recommended for use by pregnant women, the elderly and children. In order to stimulate the immune system, fish should be present in the autumn and winter diets.

The valuable properties of tilapia are due to the presence of:

· Vitamin B group. Allows you to normalize the activity of the nervous system. Prevents the onset of depression and headache. Regulates a sharp change of mood. It acts as a prophylactic in case of a breakdown.

Vitamin E. Is an effective antioxidant. Resists signs of aging, keeping the body youthful for many years. For most women, tilapia is an invaluable aid in the care of appearance.

· Vitamin K. Stimulates the production of red blood cells. It is recommended for use by people with reduced hemoglobin, suffering from anemia.

· Phosphorus. Promotes the formation of teeth and bones. The presence of phosphorus in the human body is an element of vigor, which eliminates a sluggish state and improves performance. The nervous system, with a sufficient amount of this element, functions normally and conducts nerve impulses at the required speed.

· Iron. It allows you to perfectly support the activity of the cardiovascular system. Mineral is important for the normal functioning of the liver. Participates in cholesterol metabolism, as well as energy metabolism.

· Magnesium. It guarantees excellent brain function. It activates the activity of the central nervous system. Normalizes respiratory function in diseases of the respiratory tract.

Possible harm from tilapia

With all the richness of the vitamin-mineral composition, the body is threatened with real harm from tilapia due to the large presence of fatty acids - omega-6. They bring deterioration in the work of the heart and blood vessels, negatively affect the metabolic process. The use of fish is categorically not recommended for persons with individual intolerance in the form of allergic reactions.

Tilapia is not recommended in the diet for people with diagnoses:


Pathology of the heart;


· diabetes;


· Diseases of the vascular system.

Omnivorous tilapia, grown in freshwater, feeds on various organic compounds, including hormones and antibiotics. Some manufacturers feed fish with low-quality raw materials, which allows them to accumulate harmful compounds in it. As a result, a certain amount of poisons and toxins is collected inside the fish, which can cause harm to the human body from telapia in the form of poisoning. Depending on the conditions of detention, it is possible to accurately determine the degree of harmful qualities of fish. Only a confirming quality certificate can guarantee a responsible producer of tilapia, and protect against the acquisition of a harmful product.

Proper preparation and use of tilapia

Small portions of tilapia in the diet of an adult can be included at his request daily. According to doctors, even with two meals a day, 500 g of fish during the week the body is completely replenished with a supply of nutrients. Effective benefits of tilapia are people with poor health. Especially the nutritional properties of fish are needed by many who need recovery after surgery, or during a period of remission of a chronic disease. During the bearing of the child, future mothers are happy to eat fish, supplying their body with the necessary nutrients for the full growth of the baby. The balanced composition of the product is well and quickly absorbed by the body of the child. Into a weekly diet is introduced 2 times - in a stew or boiled form in small portions.

The benefits of tilapia can be seen in people who decide to stick to a diet and lose a few extra pounds. However, with obesity it is possible to get harm from tilapia, through the impact of its fatty acids on metabolism. In the fish fillet, mainly small bones are absent, which allows it to be used without fear. To prepare it, use marinade with aromatic spices, with the addition of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

There are three ways to prepare diet tilapia:

1. Roasting. When preparing portioned pieces, use foil or parchment paper that preserves the juiciness of the fish.

2. For a couple. With the help of a double boiler, pieces of fish are very tender.

3. Extinguishing. Adding any fish sauce to the slow cooker will make tilapia more intense.

Due to the unsurpassed palatability of tilapia, it is called the “Royal Perch” and it is a pleasure to include in food.


Watch the video: Stop Eating Tilapia. Know this Reasons. . (July 2024).