Alopecia: treatment at home or drug therapy? What is the treatment for alopecia at home?


Alopecia is a pathology that is accompanied by hair loss in both women and men. Before proceeding with the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence. After identifying the root cause, you can proceed to the treatment of alopecia at home, using many recipes of alternative medicine.

Causes of Alopecia

There are a number of reasons why an illness can begin to develop. The most common causes are:

· Stress and depression;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

· Lack of calcium in the body;

Lupus erythematosus and diabetes;

· Radiation exposure;


· Burns and head injuries;

· Some infectious diseases (ringworm, syphilis);

Hormonal disorders;

Excessive consumption of alcohol;


Oncological diseases.

Whatever the cause of baldness, it is necessary to proceed to the treatment of alopecia at home. At the first manifestations of the disease, consult a doctor.

Folk remedies against the disease

There are many recipes for treating alopecia at home. The most effective are:

1. Red pepper. To prepare a healing product, you need to take 1 red hot pepper and add 100 ml of vodka. Leave the infusion for one day. After a day, start the procedure. Rub the product thoroughly into the epidermis. After performing the manipulations, the dermis of the head must be rubbed with a chopped garlic clove. It is necessary to rub the drug not only into the affected areas, but also into the hair next to the formed bald spot. Pepper tincture is considered the most effective and potent drug in the fight against the disease. Improvements are seen after 2 weeks. This recipe is actively used not only for male pattern baldness, but also among women.

2. Mustard and castor oil. Stir 2 tablespoons of oil with 1 tablespoon of mustard powder. Castor oil can be replaced with burdock. Leave the whole mass for half an hour. After this period of time, apply the resulting drug mixture to the hair roots and do not eliminate until a burning sensation appears. Manipulate only before washing your hair twice a week. After doing the action, wash your hair twice. This method not only fights against alopecia, but also protects the hair from further loss.

3. Onions. 2 onions must be chopped and pour 0.2 liters of cognac. Knead the whole mass well. Wipe the dermis of the head daily with the resulting drug once. On bald areas, thin whitish hairs begin to appear, which should be shaved. After that, ordinary hair will begin to grow. Such a prepared drug can be used for a very long time. But every 7 days you should take a week break.

4. The roots of burdock and calamus. Take a tablespoon of each ingredient, add a glass of liquid and put on low heat for 20 minutes. After preparing the broth, let it cool and filter. The finished product can be used after a day. Rub the broth into the dermis of the head every day. A similar effect has a decoction of oak bark, willow and thyme.

5. Onion gruel. Onion gruel has a great effect, which must be applied to the hair roots. Onions irritate the skin and cause blood flow. Thanks to this, hair growth is stimulated. Keep the mask on your head for about an hour and then wash your hair with shampoo. You can add some garlic and honey to the onion gruel.

6. Egg yolk with onions. Squeeze the juice from one onion, add one egg yolk, a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of honey. Knead the whole mass well and apply to the hair roots. After the mask should be uniformly uniform over the entire length of the hair. Wrap the head with cling film and wrap with a towel. Leave the mask on your head for half an hour. After rinse with warm water and do not use shampoo. The head should be washed only after 4-5 hours after the procedure. Repeat the procedure daily. As soon as improvement is noticed and the hair begins to grow, do the mask once a week.

7. Vinegar and nettle. From these components you can prepare a healing lotion. Nettle leaves are very finely chopped. 5 tablespoons of the resulting slurry pour 0.5 liters of water. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to the resulting potion. Put on low heat and cook for about 30 minutes. Then cover the container with a lid and leave to cool. Lubricate the hair roots with this product every 2 days. The duration of therapy is 2 months.

8. A decoction of hops. To prepare a medicinal product, 1 tablespoon of hops, pour a glass of boiling water and put on low heat for half an hour. After this time, the product is filtered and applied to the hair after washing the hair.

9. Nasturtium. Rinse aid can be prepared using this raw material. 2 tablespoons of buds pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. After cooling, the product can begin to rinse the hair.

10. A decoction of coltsfoot and calendula. To prepare the drug, take 1 tablespoon of each raw material and pour 0.5 l of water. Put on low heat for 20 minutes. Rinse hair after each wash.

These recipes have the greatest effect in case of illness.

Salt treatment for alopecia at home

Head massage with salt is very popular for baldness. For procedures, you can use only coarse salt. It is enriched with minerals and other beneficial substances. The healing properties of salt are as follows:

1. When applied to the skin is an antiseptic effect. All pathogens are destroyed.

2. Nutrition of hair follicles. Due to this, hair growth is enhanced.

3. Cleansing property. Salt is able to clean pores from dirt.

4. Regenerating property. Promotes exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the dermis.

Recipes of folk remedies with salt:

1. Cleansing massage. Large crystals of salt are rubbed into the dermis of the head. Skin must be moistened in advance with warm water. Massage the skin until the salt is completely dissolved. Usually a massage takes up to 10 minutes. Wash the remaining salt with warm water. Do not use a hair dryer after washing your hair.

2. Mask with honey. Heat 50 ml of honey and dissolve 50 g of salt in it. The resulting mixture must be beaten with a blender until a thick foam is formed. Rub the resulting product into the skin of the dermis. After the rubbing procedure, wrap the head with cling film and leave for half an hour.

3. Mask with olive oil. Heat 50 ml of oil and dissolve 50 g of salt in it. All other actions are carried out in the same manner as in the previous recipe.

4. Mask with honey and cognac. In a mask of honey and salt add a tablespoon of brandy. Smear the roots of the hair and wait half an hour. For maximum results, wrap the head with cling film.

5. Mask with egg yolk and semolina. Cook rare semolina porridge in homemade milk and let cool. Salt and porridge should be taken in equal proportions. Add a tablespoon of olive oil, a spoonful of honey and one yolk. Mix the whole mass thoroughly and apply to the hair roots. Leave for half an hour.

Salt is extremely beneficial for the dermis of the head and enhances hair growth.

Black Cumin Oil Against Hair Loss

Alopecia is often treated at home with black cumin oil. The most effective recipes are:

1. Mask to enhance hair growth. Heat 50 ml of coconut oil and add 4 drops of black cumin oil to it. Before carrying out the manipulations, the scalp must be treated with tincture of red pepper, diluted 1:10 with water. After that, rub in the finished mask and leave for half an hour. After this time, rinse with warm water.

2. Mask to stimulate hair growth with the addition of olive oil. Heat 100 ml of olive oil and add a tablespoon of cumin oil. Mix everything and add a tablespoon of ground onion seeds. Rub the resulting product into the dermis of the head and wrap it with cling film on top. Leave the mask for half an hour. During this time, all nutrients penetrate the scalp.

With the use of such recipes, you can get rid of the disease quite quickly. But before use, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pathology. Perhaps complex therapy will be indicated.


Watch the video: Drug Restores Hair Growth in Patients with Alopecia Areata (June 2024).