A newborn farts - this is the norm or deviation. What to do if the newborn farts often, do I need a doctor


Often in infants there is an increased flatulence in the intestines - flatulence. This leads to the fact that the newborn farts. If the discharge of gases is not accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition, this process can be adjusted by changing the mother’s nutrition during breastfeeding, or by choosing another mixture in case of artificial feeding.

When flatulence is accompanied by fever, diarrhea or vomiting, refusal to eat, a pediatrician should be consulted. The reasons for this condition can be different, and you can not engage in self-medication.

The main reasons that a newborn farts

The main reasons why the newborn farts, but at the same time his condition is not generally disturbed, and the child feels satisfactorily:

• This may be a manifestation of a normal physiological process: when straining, gas escapes - the child begins to fart.

• A similar situation occurs with the development of constipation, when the baby has to strain to empty the intestines.

• The presence in the diet of a nursing mother of a large number of foods that cause flatulence - brown bread, butter products, fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, whole milk and lactic acid products.

• Simple dyspepsia, which can occur in a newborn and with breast and artificial feeding.

Dyspepsia, in turn, leads to the fact that the newborn farts often, and the reasons for this are not only the diet, but also the diet:

• non-observance or absence of time intervals between feedings - random feeding;

• insufficient amount of fluid that the child consumes;

• low vitamin content in the child’s diet;

• incorrect ratio of the main food components - proteins, fats, carbohydrates with the introduction of complementary foods;

• frequent overheating of the child (constant wrapping up, high temperature in the children's room);

• regular overfeeding - when a child receives more than necessary amount of milk, and part of it does not have time to be digested.

Symptoms of Flatulence

With dyspepsia, in addition to the fact that the newborn farts, flatulence is accompanied by several more symptoms:

• unpleasant odor of exhaust gases;

• spitting up and vomiting up to 1-2 times a day;

• defecation: stool yellowish-green with an admixture of lumps or mucus - up to 8 times a day;

• subfebrile condition: increase in body temperature to 380 ° C (usually 37.20 - 37.30 ° C) in some cases;

• in the presence of a distended abdomen, the appearance of intestinal colic - sharp pains in the abdomen, due to which the child becomes restless, capricious, tearful;

• slight decrease in body weight;

• tongue coated in white.

As a rule, simple dyspepsia with all its manifestations lasts no more than a week. With proper treatment, the condition normalizes, and the symptoms disappear without the development of complications.

Considering that the process of gas evolution accompanies defecation - with normal health of the child, this can be considered the norm.

When a newborn farts, and this is not the norm, but a deviation

In cases where flatulence and gas production are not the norm, the following manifestations apply:

• concern of the child for no apparent reason - the diaper or diaper is dry and clean;

• anxiety appears after feeding;

• the child constantly pulls the legs to the chest and pushes;

• often screams and cries for no apparent reason;

• rarely farts, or gases ceased to be released;

• the abdomen is hard to feel.

Similar symptoms should alert. If they are found, it is necessary to consult a qualified specialist.

Increased gas formation is accompanied not only by the fact that the newborn farts often, but also by the unpleasant smell of the gas released. Often this is due to a lack of fluid intake. It is necessary to give the child more water.

Causes of flatulence

The main reason is that the gastrointestinal tract of the baby is still in the process of development. It lacks the bacteria necessary for the normal digestion process. Therefore, rotting and fermentation begins in the stomach and intestines, which is accompanied by flatulence with the release of gases with an unpleasant odor. As soon as the period of formation of the digestive organs ends and the normal intestinal microflora appears, the process normalizes, the fetid odor disappears. This does not mean that no action is needed. We need qualified advice from a doctor who will examine the child and, possibly, prescribe drugs that will accelerate the normalization of the process.

Bad smell

One of the causes of an unpleasant odor during the release of intestinal gases can be dysbiosis - a violation of the proportions of the bacteria in the intestine. A characteristic sign of this condition is feces with mucus. It may appear after using a dirty toy or a poorly washed nipple. In this case, you can not engage in self-medication, as this will aggravate the situation: it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. After an additional examination, treatment will be prescribed.


What measures should be taken in the most common situations:

1. If the newborn can’t crawl for a long time, but he has flatulence, you can attach a diaper warmed up when ironing with an iron. Heat will relax the abdominal muscles, warm and remove discomfort.

2. In opposite cases, when the child farts often, you can do a special massage: stroke the stomach with your hand in a clockwise direction. Another way: exercise with the legs of the child - to press them bent to the stomach, or "bicycle" - circular movements with bent legs.

3. You can make a warm bath for a newborn - this will help him to relax, pain and discomfort will disappear.

4. Before each feeding, the baby should be spread on the stomach for several minutes, and after eating - keep it “column” in an upright position so that the gases freely move out of the intestine and from the stomach.

5. If the child is naughty, crying, screaming, the stomach is swollen from gases, but they do not come out, you can use a vent pipe. But you need to do this very carefully so as not to harm. It is recommended to perform this procedure after massage. But you can’t do this often, because addiction can come.

In those cases when the child strains heavily before emptying and freeing gas from the intestines, you need to consult a pediatrician and, possibly, supply dill water for some time, which works well with flatulence.


If during the examination a child was diagnosed with simple dyspepsia, the symptoms of which did not go away within a week without treatment, the specialist will prescribe therapy.

First of all, it will be necessary to make a "hungry pause - this is an 8 - hour break in nutrition while maintaining the drinking regime. At this time, the child should be given a drink at the rate of 0.15 liters per 1 kg of weight:

• saline;

• slightly brewed green tea;

• sweetened water;

• 5% glucose solution;

• rosehip infusion;

• vegetable broth.

A hungry pause helps the digestive tract to rest, food remains are digested, rotting and fermentation stop.

After the termination of the hunger pause, feeding resumes, but with minimal application to the chest - no more than 7-10 minutes. The missing volume is recommended to be filled with liquid from the above list.

If the child is breast-fed, then on the first day after a hungry pause, you can give ½ the usual amount of the mixture, and on the next day - 2/3 of the required amount. Next, you need to observe the well-being of the baby: if the appetite and stool are normal, flatulence and gas secretion decrease, you can switch to a normal diet with the required amount of food. The introduction of complementary foods is carried out in small portions. Vitamin B and ascorbic acid are recommended as drug therapy. As a rule, children at this age tolerate vitamins well, allergic reactions do not occur.

Maternal Nutrition

At the same time, it is necessary to adjust the nutrition of the nursing mother: to exclude or replace all foods that cause flatulence and active gas in the child.

Fresh fruits and vegetables must be replaced with boiled or baked. Black bread - replace with rye flour bread products. The bread eaten should be slightly stale, since yeast promotes active gas formation. In case of intolerance to whole milk, it can be replaced with low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.

The main preventive measure of flatulence, in which a newborn farts, is the correct diet of a nursing mother. With artificial feeding, it is necessary to find out the causes of increased gas formation and active gas evolution and eliminate them. In all incomprehensible cases, you must consult a doctor.


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