Classic Lasagna: step-by-step recipes for Italian dishes. Secrets of cooking, options and step-by-step recipes for classic lasagna


Lasagna is one of the most famous Italian dishes after pizza. It is a kind of puff casserole from dough and toppings. Here are the best step-by-step recipes for classic Lasagna with Bechamel, mushrooms and Bolognese. It's time to try!

Classic Lasagna - Tips & Tricks

Lasagna will require sheets of dough. They can be bought at any nearby supermarket. In Russian stores the products of different companies are presented, we carefully study the features of the preparation of leaflets. They need to be boiled, or soaked, or used immediately in a dry form. We follow the manufacturer's instructions.

What else do you need for lasagna:

• Meat sauce. This is not always Bolognese. Minced meat sauce with ham or mushrooms can be used. But always there are tomatoes or tomatoes.

• White milk sauce. Bechamel itself does not have a pronounced or vivid taste. But without it, cooking an Italian dish is impossible.

• Cheese. In the classic version, it is parmesan. It is placed inside and used for top dressing. Sometimes to reduce the cost of lasagna between layers, sprinkle with other cheeses.

To build an Italian dish you will need a high rectangular shape. At the bottom put a little bechamel or meat sauce, then go sheets of dough and other components of the casserole. The number of layers can vary from three to infinity. Bake the dish in the oven until cooked. At a temperature of 180 degrees, the process will take from 30 to 45 minutes.

Classic Lasagna: step by step recipe with Bolognese sauce

Lasagna "Bolognese" is considered a traditional version of this dish. The classic Lasagna step by step recipe uses ground beef. But this is an amateur, you can take not very fatty pork or lamb.


• 500 g of ground beef;

• 450 grams of tomatoes in its juice;

• 1 onion;

• 2 stalks of celery;

• 35 ml of olive oil;

• 1 carrot;

• 110 ml of wine;

• 1 tsp herbs (Italian, Provencal);

• 150 ml of wine;

• 2 tbsp. l tomato paste;

• dough leaves;

• 240 g of parmesan.

For bechamel:

• 0.5 liters of milk;

• 3 tablespoons of flour;

• 0.2 tsp nutmeg;

• 90 g of oil cl.


1. Measure out the right amount of olive oil, pour into a skillet, heat.

2. Dice the onion. If the head is small, then we use two things. Pour vegetable to oil, fry for a minute.

3. Cut the carrots and slices of the celery into strips. Pour vegetables to the onion.

4. We pass the vegetables for Bolognese for another two minutes, then add ground beef to them. Mix. Cooking together for about ten minutes.

5. Pour dry wine in Bolognese. We wait until it evaporates completely.

6. Open a jar of tomatoes in your juice, pour the juice into a bowl, remove the tomatoes and cut them into cubes. We shift to juice.

7. First add the tomato paste to the pan. Mix quickly, pour tomatoes with juice in a minute. Reduce the fire, extinguish the bolognese for about twenty minutes.

8. At the very end, add Italian herbs to the meat sauce, salt to taste.

9. While stewing meat sauce. Cook the bechamel. We take another pan for this, put butter, put on the stove to melt.

10. Add the flour to the butter, stir, throw the nutmeg. Fry together.

11. As soon as the mass becomes beige, we introduce whole milk in a thin stream. Cook the sauce until it boils, then warm it for another minute. Salt to taste, turn off the stove.

12. Cheese must be grated. About half, maybe a little less, will be needed for the top sprinkling of lasagna. Everything else is required for the layers.

13. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, pour 3 tablespoons of Bolognese meat sauce. Leveling.

14. We begin to collect lasagna: we put the sheets of the dough prepared according to the instructions in one layer, they have meat sauce, then a little milk sauce and sprinkle lightly with grated cheese.

15. We repeat everything according to the same scheme.

16. We cover the sheets of dough collected with lasagna, pour in the milk sauce that remains, and sprinkle with cheese.

17. Put the dish in the oven to bake. We cook for at least half an hour, the temperature in the oven is 180 degrees.

Classic Lasagna: a step by step recipe with minced meat and ham

One of the most popular Italian casserole options. This step-by-step recipe for classic lasagna also uses minced meat, but also needs some extra ham.


• 250 g sheets of dough for lasagna;

• 300 grams of beef or other minced meat;

• large carrot;

• celery root;

• 150 grams of quality ham;

• 4 tbsp. l oils;

• 700 g of tomatoes in its juice;

• 100 ml of dry wine;

• large onion;

• clove of garlic;

• 200 g of parmesan;

• Italian herbs and salt.

For milk sauce:

• 500 ml of milk;

• 100 g of oil;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• laurel, nutmeg, pepper, salt.


1. Start cooking with meat sauce. We take a large frying pan, a cauldron or a wok, pour olive oil. We put on the stove.

2. Put the chopped onion head, a clove of garlic in the warmed oil, and cook onion slices together until transparent.

3. While the first vegetables are fried, we will prepare carrots and celery root. You can use stems, but with the root it tastes better. We clean, cut into small strips or rub. Pour over onions and garlic. Cooking for about three minutes.

4. Prepare the minced meat and ham. First add minced meat. Fry it with vegetables until half cooked.

5. Add the ham, cut into strips, after the minced meat. Stir. Cook for about two minutes all together. We try to ensure that the foods are fried evenly.

6. Pour dry wine into meat sauce. Stir. We evaporate alcohol for about ten minutes, then put Italian herbs in meat sauce. One teaspoon is enough, stir well, you can pepper.

7. Open a jar of tomatoes in their own juice, chop the tomatoes. You can just cut it. Pour the contents of the pan, stir, cover and simmer for about half an hour. If the tomatoes are not salted, then we throw additional salt.

8. We are engaged in the preparation of milk sauce. For bechamel we take a saucepan with thick walls or a frying pan, stewpan. Dissolve the butter, throw the flour. We begin to fry, in the process we introduce a pinch of nutmeg.

9. As soon as the pleasant aroma of roasted walnut comes out of the pan, pour a stream of milk, quickly stir. We throw a bay leaf, salt, warm the sauce. We achieve the consistency of liquid sour cream. We take out the laurel, remove the sauce from the heat.

10. Prepare lasagna sheets. We do this strictly according to the instructions or use it immediately in a dry form. It all depends on the manufacturer.

11. Parmesan is rubbed very finely to make dry chips.

12. Take a rectangular shape, apply a thin layer of meat sauce with tomatoes. We lay out the first pieces of dough.

13. On the dough again apply a layer of meat sauce and pour it with bechamel, but only a little, slightly, smear with a spatula.

14. Now make a layer of grated parmesan. We also do not put it very much so that it is enough for the whole casserole.

15. Repeat layers: dough leaves, meat sauce, milk and parmesan.

16. Finish the assembly of the Italian dish with sheets of dough. Pour them with milk sauce abundantly. Sprinkle with parmesan, which remains.

17. We put the dish to bake. At a temperature of 180 degrees, it will cook for 35-40 minutes. In other step-by-step recipes for classic lasagna, you can find a different time and temperature. Usually it is higher. But it is better to cook the dish in a moderate mode, so that all products have time to bake, soak, and connect.

Classic Lasagna: a step by step recipe with mushrooms and chicken

For this very popular and delicious step-by-step recipe for classic lasagna, you will need chicken. It is advisable not to use clean breast fillet. White meat during the long heat treatment is dry.


• sheets for cooking lasagna;

• 600 g of chicken;

• 300 g of cheese;

• 150 g of onion;

• 30 ml of oil;

• 350 g of champignons;

• 450 g of tomatoes in its juice;

• oregano, basil and salt.

For bechamel:

• 2 glasses of milk;

• egg;

• salt;

• 70 grams of oil;

• 2 tablespoons of flour.


1. We clean the heads of onions. Cut into cubes.

2. Pour oil. Set to warm up on the stove. Add onions and fry for three minutes.

3. Chicken meat should be washed, dried with napkins. Cut the chicken into small cubes. Add to the pan to the onion. Cook for about five more minutes.

4. Cut fresh champignons into small cubes. Like a chicken. Add next to the pan. Cooking all together for about ten minutes.

5. Open a can of tomatoes, measure the right amount, chop. Pour the kV pan to the chicken and mushrooms.

6. Immediately you can add a pinch of basil, oregano. Slightly add. Stew for about ten minutes.

7. While the main filling is preparing, make the sauce. In this step-by-step recipe for classic lasagna, the egg variant. Put the butter in a pan, melt it, add flour and fry for a minute.

8. Beat the egg, gradually add milk. Salt and pepper immediately. Pour the milk mixture into the pan, at the same time quickly stir with a spatula. Brew. Remove the thickened sauce from the stove.

9. Cheese just rub on a medium grater.

10. Lubricate the rectangular shape with a piece of oil. Pour a little white sauce, three spoons are enough.

11. Put in the form a layer of dough leaves. We spread mushrooms with chicken in tomato sauce on them. Sprinkle with milk sauce, sprinkle with cheese.

12. Make a new layer: dough, chicken with mushrooms, white sauce and cheese. We repeat one more time.

13. Cover the top of the casserole with leaves of dough. Fill with the remaining bechamel, cover with a layer of grated cheese.

14. Bake lasagna with chicken and mushrooms for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Classic Lasagna - Tips & Tricks

• If the cheese crust starts to burn on top, and the lasagna is not ready at all, you need to cover the mold with a piece of foil or wet paper.

• If there are no tomatoes in your juice, then use regular ripe tomatoes, just remember to remove the peel from them.

• To make an Italian casserole of the same thickness over the entire area, each time the sheets of dough should be lightly pressed with your palms.


Watch the video: BEST ITALIAN LASAGNA RECIPE. How to Make Homemade Lasagna. Italian Food Recipes (June 2024).