Chocolate Muffins - The Secret Inside. Dough for chocolate muffins, how to form baking, which chocolate is better to take


Soft, fragrant, literally melting in your mouth buns made from pastry, yeast, chocolate dough. How difficult it is to resist such homemade pastries, because it is not only tasty, but also prepared with love.

With cinnamon, nuts, cherries, under a cream or shtrezel. Flowers, rolls, roses or regular closed chocolate buns. Choose any recipe, delight the household with wonderful rich baking with the taste of chocolate!

Chocolate Muffins - General Cooking Principles

• Yeast dough is prepared for homemade chocolate muffins. There are many recipes and they differ in the way of kneading. There are simple and more complicated recipes, but if you are limited in time, you can take ready-made puff yeast dough for any buns.

• Chocolate is placed in the filling of butter baking. There are no restrictions in his choice. You can take white, milk tiles or natural dark chocolate. Do not use porous or flavoring products. The perfect solution would be pastry chocolate. When choosing a natural one, stop at 76% chocolate, then the filling will not be bitter.

• Before preparing the filling, finely chop the chocolate and melt it in a well-known water bath. Sometimes they use not melted, but finely ground or minced chocolate, or lay it in the filling, dividing by the squares applied to the surface.

Buns with Chocolate and Nuts under Shtrezel


• 18 grams of fresh, pressed yeast;

• one egg;

• 20 gr. refined sugar;

• high-quality creamy margarine - 40 gr.;

• a glass of pasteurized, medium-fat milk;

• flour - 420 gr.

To the filling

• bar of white chocolate - one hundred grams;

• 60 gr. homemade natural oil;

• two full tablespoons of sugar;

• 130 grams of walnut or almond;

• a spoon of powdered cinnamon;

• 20 ml of fatty cream, not less than 30%.


• one and a half tablespoons of wheat flour;

• 20 gr. fine refined;

• sweet cream butter - a full spoon.


• a spoonful of cream;

• one yolk, carefully separated from the protein.

Cooking method:

1. Pour cold yeast overwhelmed with warmed milk and carefully stir leisurely. We add granulated sugar, stirring repeatedly, leave it warm until bubbles and rise for about a quarter of an hour.

2. In the activated yeast that has risen with a froth, pour a loose egg. Add a little salt and half the norm of the sifted flour. Stirring until smooth, pour the melted margarine, which had enough time to stop, and gradually adding flour, we begin to "start" the dough. Having received a thick mass, we shift to the table and continue to knead with your hands until the dough becomes soft and uniform at the same time.

3. Moisten the bowl with lean oil, form the dough with a ball and put it in the bowl. Covering with a towel, remove for an hour in the heat. We make sure that there are no drafts.

4. While the dough rises, let's get into the filling. Dry the nuts in a dry pan, cool. Grind it into crumbs with a blender or in a coffee grinder.

5. In a water bath with periodic stirring, we drown the chocolate with butter. Having received a homogeneous mass, add the nut crumbs, sugar and cinnamon. Pour in warm cream, stir well.

6. Next, we prepare the shtreisel - we grind the flour with butter and sugar into crumbs.

7. Transfer the dough to the table, slightly squeeze. Divide into eight parts, round them and cover them with a thin cotton towel. Leave alone for 20 minutes.

8. Pouring a little flour, roll the approached balls of dough into rectangles with sides 24 × 13 cm. Evenly distribute the filling and turn the layers on the wide side.

9. The resulting tube is slightly rolled with a rolling pin, cut, not reaching the edge by a centimeter. We twist the strips with a two-tier fist, hide the tips inside the future bun.

10. We spread the billet blanks on a baking sheet covered with parchment, moisten with yolk whipped with cream, sprinkle with a shtrezel from a spoon. Bake until golden, at 180 degrees for about half an hour.

Closed Yeast Chocolate Muffins with Dry Yeast


• two selected fresh eggs;

• a standard glass of milk;

• 2 spoons of “fast” yeast;

• three tablespoons of refined oil;

• 50 gr. margarine;

• a spoon of vanilla and 75 gr. refined regular sugar;

• two and a half cups of flour;

• dark milk chocolate - 2 grams of tiles.

Cooking method:

1. Cooking yeast yeast. Dissolve granulated yeast in warm milk, dilute two tablespoons of refined milk in a mixture. We leave the bowl with the leaven for half an hour in a warm room.

2. Break one egg into a bowl, add only protein from the second. Drain the yolk into a cup and set aside temporarily to the side, it is useful for greasing buns. Mix and beat eggs well with the remaining sugar.

3. Add the pre-melted margarine to the egg mass, pour out the foamy yeast mixture, vegetable oil, add vanilla sugar, stir slowly. Here we sift part of the flour and, stirring, bring to uniformity. Then, gradually pouring the remaining flour, we knead the soft, weakly sticking dough to the palms of our hands and let it rise well. To do this, cover the bowl with the dough with a cloth and place it closer to the heat, not on the draft.

4. Break the chocolate bars into a notch, chop into small pieces and melt in a steam bath.

5. The dough that has risen well and has risen well, having slightly washed, we cut into balls. Knead them lightly, put the chocolate in the center - about one and a half tablespoons. Pinching the edges, we form round or slightly elongated buns.

6. We spread it on the oiled fryer with the seam down and allow half an hour to distance. Place the roasting pan covered with a towel closer to the included stove.

7. Put the raised buns in the oven, bake for forty minutes. Five minutes before readiness, be sure to lubricate the surface of the rolls with whipped yolk, then they will be shiny and rosy.

"Cinnabons" - buns with chocolate and cream


• sweet cream 72% butter - 80 gr.;

• two eggs;

• a pound of high-quality flour;

• fresh alcoholic yeast - 15 gr.;

• a glass of three percent milk;

• half a glass of sugar;

• one gram of dry vanilla powder.

To the filling:

• three hundred grams of dark milk chocolate bars;

• 90 gr. oils, "Peasant".

For cream:

• 150 gr. creamy soft cheese;

• sugar, freshly ground powder - 100 g .;

• vanilla powder - a small bag, standard weight.

Cooking method:

1. Mix the crumbled yeast with warm milk. Pour the beaten eggs into the mixture, put sugar and vanilla together and mix thoroughly. Set aside up to a quarter of an hour to the side, if possible in a warm place.

2. We sift the flour. Add to it two-thirds of a spoonful of fine salt, mix well. You can just sow the flour again. Pouring a little flour into the yeast mass, knead the dough. Having entered half the norm of the flour, we pour in the same and melted butter. We cover the bowl with the dough and set in the heat for an hour and a half.

3. Finely chop the chocolate and melt it by heating in a water bath. We do this by constantly stirring, and having obtained a homogeneous mass, we interfere with milk in it.

4. Approach the dough in two and roll it into two large layers, not thinner than 5 mm. Evenly spread the melted chocolate on the surface. Roll layers into rolls, cut across, in pieces, 5 cm wide.

5. We cover the roasting pan with parchment baking paper. Thinly grease with vegetable oil. Having spread the buns in the brazier with slices down, let them stand for a while under a linen napkin in the warmth.

6. We bake Cinnabons for 45 minutes, putting the roasting pan in a well-heated oven.

7. While the buns are baking, there is time to tackle the icing. Beat cream cheese with sugar and vanilla until splendid and uniform.

8. We transfer the hot buns from the fryer to a flat dish and evenly distribute the cream over their surface. You can make a cream layer with chocolate chips.

Signature buns with chocolate, cherries and nuts - "Cosmos"


• "instant" yeast - 10 gr.;

• 50 gr. chopped walnut kernels;

• two tablespoons of powdered natural cocoa;

• 20 gr. oils, high percent, sweet cream;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• 125 milliliters of milk;

• egg.


• 76% chocolate - 200 gr.;

• 60 grams of dried, pitted, cherries, can be replaced with raisins;

• one egg;

• 50 grams of chopped almonds or walnuts;

• butter, medium fat oil - 20 gr.

Cooking method:

1. After mixing the flour with cocoa powder, reseed the mixture twice, add yeast, a little salt and granulated sugar. Mixing thoroughly, pour the beaten egg, then melted, slightly cooled butter and knead the dough. We’re not in a hurry, we give it at least 15 minutes to keep it warm. To simplify the kneading, you can use a bread machine.

2. In a water bath, together with the butter, melt the chocolate chopped into small pieces. Add the crumbs and cherries, mix.

3. Roll out the dough with a rectangular layer, a half centimeter thick. We apply chocolate-nut filling evenly on it, retreating from the top edge one and a half centimeters. We turn it into a roll, for better bonding, lubricate an unoccupied edge with a beaten egg mass.

4. Cut the resulting roll into pieces of five centimeter width. The outer loop of the dough is slightly pulled down, tightly fastened and laid them on a greased baking sheet, seam down.

5. Bake chocolate rolls for at least a quarter of an hour.

Butter rolls with chocolate - "Flowers"


• high-quality flour - 350 gr.;

• a quarter cup of sugar;

• "instant" yeast - a teaspoon;

• 30 gr. thickened homemade cream in the dough plus the same amount separately;

• one and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil:

• one egg;

• 2/3 cups of milk.


• a spoonful of cinnamon powder;

• 30 gr. white chocolate;

• 4 dessert spoons of sugar;

• a small banana.

Cooking method:

1. In warm milk, stir the previously spilled egg. Pour the mixture into a large bowl, add sugar, add a little salt, stir until the loose components dissolve.

2. Melt the butter, mix it with lean, pour the mixture of fats into the milk mixture, stir.

3. Stir the sifted flour with yeast. Gradually pouring the flour mixture into the milk, knead a soft, fairly plastic dough. Knead it well on the table, after which we set it for one and a half hours in the heat. Be sure to cover the bowl with a cloth.

4. Lush, well-suited, form the dough with a tourniquet, which we cut into nine equal pieces. We lay them out on a table sprinkled with flour, cover with a napkin, leave for twenty minutes.

5. Break the chocolate into small squares, cut the banana into short, not wide stripes. Mix powdered sugar with cinnamon. In a small bowl we pour vegetable oil onto the thickness of the finger.

6. The spaced pieces of dough are rolled out in thin, rectangular shapes. On narrow sides, stepping a little to the center, put chocolate on one side, and a banana on the opposite side. Close the filling with dough, firmly press it on the sides.

7. Lubricate the dough remaining in the center with vegetable oil, cut with a sharp knife into longitudinal strips, 7 mm wide. Holding the edges with the filling, we raise the workpiece and lower it with the oiled side onto the mixture of granulated sugar and cinnamon. Raise again and, turning over, we cross in the center twice. Then, turning the edges down, we hide them inside.

8. Spread the future bun on a baking sheet and carefully straighten the strips on it. We give the “flowers” ​​20 minutes of exposure and put the roasting pan in the oven. Bake rolls for 20 minutes, until the top is evenly colored.

9. Lubricate hot chocolate rolls with melted butter and sprinkle with small sugar.

Cinnamon rolls with chocolate: a quick recipe from puff yeast dough


• a kilogram of frozen yeast dough (puff).


• a glass of sugar;

• two tablespoons of grated cinnamon in a mortar;

• butter - a third of a standard pack;

• 200 gr. white or natural dark chocolate.

To fill:

• Philadelphia cheese, cream - 200 gr.;

• 150 gr. powdered sugar;

• crystalline vanillin - 1 g .;

• two tablespoons of milk;

• juice from a quarter of a medium thin-skinned lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Put the dough out of the package and wait until it thaws.

2. Meanwhile, finely chop the chocolate or grate it coarsely. Sugar thoroughly mixed with cinnamon. Cut the butter into thin slices, leave in a bowl to melt.

3. We softly roll the soft dough with a rolling pin, giving the formation a rectangular shape. Lubricate with softened oil, not reaching the wide edges by one and a half centimeters. Sprinkle with cinnamon mixture and chocolate on top, wrap in a roll, pinch the edges. Cut into wide, five-centimeter pieces.

4. Spread the future buns into slices, in a wide oiled form. We cover with a linen napkin, give for proofing 25 minutes. Next, bake at 180 degrees, not lower, for half an hour.

5. Prepare the fill. Mix cheese with powdered sugar. We breed vanilla with warm milk, cool and pour over the cheese. Add lemon juice, mix thoroughly.

6. We select part of the filling and pour hot rolls with it immediately after baking. The remaining mixture is lubricated already cooled baking.

Chocolate Muffins - Cooking Tips and Tips

• When melting chocolate, try to mix it as often as possible. Then it will bloom faster and more evenly. Do not take a porous product, it is almost not drowned.

• Cultivate yeast with warm milk warmed up to 38-40 degrees. If they are dissolved in a cold or excessively hot liquid, the dough will not rise.

• Cook the chocolate filling when the dough is almost ready to form buns. If this is done earlier, the chocolate mass will harden and applying it to the dough will be problematic.

• Moisten hot buns immediately after baking with water, the golden crust will become softer. This is convenient to do by spraying water from a spray bottle.


Watch the video: How to Make The Most Amazing Chocolate Cupcakes. The Stay At Home Chef (June 2024).