Lazy cabbage rolls with rice - a dish without "clothes." Simple recipes for lazy cabbage rolls with rice in a pan, slow cooker and oven


Who does not like homemade cabbage rolls, delicious cabbage envelopes with minced meat and rice? But only culinary experts know that creating such a dish is a laborious process and takes a lot of time.

Lazy meat stuffed cabbage with rice is a simplified and somewhat modified version of the classic dish. No innovations, a standard set of products: cabbage, minced meat, rice and spices, the fundamental difference is only in the formation. The absence of clothes from cabbage leaves saves time, eliminating blanching and a painstaking packaging process.

Lazy cabbage rolls with rice - general principles of preparation

• Stuffing can be anything, if only non-post. It is ideal to choose beef and fatty pork in equal parts. You can use minced chicken or turkey, but be sure to add lard.

• Rice is preferably taken round grain. Unlike long-grain, it absorbs and retains moisture perfectly, which means that the finished cabbage rolls will not be dry. Cereals must be sorted out and lightly welded in brackish water.

• Vegetables. Carrots and onions not only complement the taste, but also add juiciness. Vegetable roasting is added to minced meat or gravy. Fresh onions may interfere with the meat mass.

• Tomato-based dressing. It can be pasta, tomato juice or mashed potatoes prepared independently from fresh tomatoes. To soften the taste, you can add sour cream or mayonnaise to it. The taste of dressing is regulated not only by salt, but also by adding sugar.

• Chop cabbage with straws. If it needs to be combined with minced meat, then it is very thin and small, in other cases they are cut larger. Whole leaves can also be used. In this case, the cabbage will need to be boiled a little, so that, disassembling it, not to violate the integrity of the sheets.

• More often lazy cabbage rolls are cooked with white cabbage in late, autumn varieties. But it can be replaced without damage with a young or Beijing one. The dish will not suffer from this, and the stuffed cabbage will turn out even more tender. It is worth noting that in this case they reduce the cooking time, such cabbage comes to readiness faster.

• The method of preparation depends on the selected recipe. Lazy cabbage rolls can be formed from minced meat in the form of large meatballs, oblong in shape. The same dish can be prepared by shifting individual components in layers.

• Lazy meat stuffed cabbage with rice baked in the oven, stewed in a pan or slow cooker. If your household likes the taste of the dish, it is worth experimenting with technology.

Lazy cabbage rolls with rice, in a gentle tomato sauce (in a pan)


• pork and beef, low-fat mincemeat - half a kilo;

• 100 gr. round grain rice groats;

• three tablespoons of thick tomato;

• a spoonful of mayonnaise or 20% sour cream;

• refined oil;

• 300 ml of drinking water;

• Wheat flour;

• 200 gr. fresh unripe squirrel.

Cooking method:

1. We remove the damaged leaves from the head and shred not very large. It is desirable that the strips are thin and not too long. Pour boiling water over cabbage straws and leave for five minutes to make it softer. Then we put it in a colander and leave it in it until the right moment.

2. Choose litter from the rice and damaged grains. We wash it well, dry it, laying it on a sieve, and transfer to the minced meat.

3. Add cabbage and a little salt, season with ground pepper and knead thoroughly. With moistened hands, we form semi-finished products of oblong shape, a size slightly smaller than the palm.

4. Pour a little oil into the pan and put on medium heat. After waiting about a minute, lower the cabbage rolls, generously breaded in flour. Fry until a light blush appears. The surface should grasp well, but not burn. We shift the fried cabbage rolls into a deep pan.

5. In a small bowl, spread the tomato and mayonnaise (sour cream). Add water, salt a little and mix until smooth. Pour cabbage rolls with the resulting sauce and quickly bring to a boil. Then we reduce the heat so that the sauce in the cabbage rolls is only slightly "worried", cover with a lid and simmer until cooked for at least 40 minutes.

Lazy cabbage rolls with mixed minced rice in tomato gravy in the oven


• paired pork neck - 300 gr .;

• 350 grams of beef;

• large onion;

• round-grain rice - 50 gr.;

• 25 gr. home-made frozen cream or freshly whipped butter;

• sweet carrot;

• 200 gr. white cabbage;

• vegetable oil;

• fresh dill.

In gravy:

• 400 gr. fresh tomatoes;

• a small onion;

• a spoon of wheat flour;

• 50 ml of water;

• tomato unsalted pasta - 30 gr.;

• medium-sized carrots;

• thyme.

Cooking method:

1. Cooking stuffing. Finely chop the onion head and fry in sunflower oil until transparent, add coarsely grated carrots. Cook at a moderate temperature, stirring occasionally, until golden color and complete softening. Then remove from the stove and transfer to a bowl.

2. Rinse the sorted rice, fill with cold water and set to cook. We cook after boiling for about three minutes, not allowing the water to boil intensively. Then we rinse again and decant the remaining moisture by pushing the rice into a colander.

3. Cut the film from the pulp and grind it with a meat grinder in the maximum grinding mode. Pass the cabbage through a larger grill, but do not mix it with minced meat. We give a little rest, drain the allocated juice and, having slightly squeezed, we shift cabbage to forcemeat.

4. Add ground pepper, here we spread the sautéed vegetables and rice that have cooled down. Slightly add, sprinkle with chopped dill and mix thoroughly. After that, carefully mix the pre-softened oil into the minced meat.

5. We beat off the forcemeat - several times from a small height we hit it on the table, after which, wrapping it in film, put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

6. While the meat mass is cooling, we do gravy. Cut the tomatoes and rub the pulp with a coarse grater (the peel should remain in the hand). Add tomato paste to the resulting puree and mix thoroughly.

7. In a dry frying pan until creamy, we heat the flour and dilute it with cold water. We break all the lumps to get a homogeneous mass.

8. As for minced meat, chopped onion together with carrots in vegetable oil. At the end, add the tomato to the vegetables, and another minute later we introduce the flour mixture. Season the gravy with pepper, add the thyme, mix and remove from the stove.

9. From the minced meat we fashion cabbage rolls in the shape of palm-sized oval cutlets and carefully, using a slotted spoon, lower them into boiling water. We stand in boiling water until the surface of the cabbage rolls turns white.

10. Along the bottom of the refractory form, evenly distribute part of the prepared gravy and carefully, in a dense layer, lay out the cabbage rolls. Fill with the remaining gravy and cover the form with foil.

11. If the form with thin walls, bake cabbage rolls initially under the foil for 20 minutes, and then without it for 7 minutes. In clay or porcelain containers, the initial preparation (under the foil) will take half an hour, in open form 10 minutes. We put it in a well-heated oven, at a temperature equal to or slightly above 180 degrees.

A simple recipe for lazy cabbage rolls with rice in an oven in layers


• beef and pork in equal parts, in the form of minced meat - only 800 g .;

• 400 gr. cabbage;

• two large onion heads;

• 150 gr. rice groats (round-grain);

• a tablespoon of high-quality thick tomato;

• 300 gr. sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• 60 ml of drinking water for breeding pasta and a half cup for gravy.

Cooking method:

1. First, we will prepare the sauce. For it, we bred a tomato with 60 milliliters of water and, adding sugar, mix thoroughly. We combine the tomato mixture with sour cream, add one and a half glasses of cooled boiled water. Salt and mix thoroughly. You can pepper the sauce a little and add with spicy spices.

2. Finely chop the cabbage, grate the onion with a coarse grater. We put the cabbage in a colander and lower it into a deep bowl. Pour boiling water over the cabbage and let stand for a minute. Then we lift the colander and place it on a smaller diameter bowl, let it drain all the water, and spread the cabbage on the bottom of a deep shape in an even layer.

3. For two minutes, washed rice is poured with boiling water, washed again, dried and spread on top of the cabbage. We soak the laid out layers with half the cooked sauce.

4. Combine the onion chopped with minced meat, adding a little salt and slightly pepper. We spread the meat mass on the previous layers. Top with the remaining sauce and place the makeshift stuffed cabbage in a hot oven for 40 minutes.

5. Serve, chopped in portions and lightly sprinkled with chopped dill.

Recipe for lazy cabbage rolls with rice and Chinese cabbage for a slow cooker


• mixed meat, low-fat - one kilogram;

• a pound of rice;

• small forks of Chinese cabbage;

• one carrot;

• a raw egg;

• two onions;

• garlic;

• 30 gr. tomato paste;

• seasoning "For meat dishes";

• meat broth or water - 600 ml;

• 60 ml of lean frozen oil;

• two small leaves of parsley.

Cooking method:

1. In brackish water we weld rice until half ready. We rinse and transfer to a sieve or colander to express moisture.

2. Finely chop, chop, chop the cabbage. Grind one of the bulbs with a meat grinder or a blender.

3. Pepper the meat mass, add salt, pour the egg. Add dried rice, cabbage, slowly knead carefully. We form oblong cabbage rolls, slightly beating the minced meat in the palm of your hand, and lay them out on a cutting board. So that the meat is not sticky, first wet your hands with water.

4. Having formed all the cabbage rolls, on the multicooker panel we launch one of the programs: “Baking” or “Frying”. After pouring a little oil into the bowl, drop the finely chopped onion and grated carrots in a coarse grater. Cook, stirring until vegetables are soft enough.

5. Put the tomato, add 150 ml of broth. After mixing, gently lower the cabbage rolls in the bowl and add the remaining liquid. Gravy is slightly salted.

6. Prepare lazy duckies for half an hour, changing the mode to "Quenching".

7. After the end of the established program, dip the bay leaves and finely chopped garlic into the gravy. We put the slow cooker into the "Baking" mode, turn on the timer for another 20 minutes.

Lazy cabbage rolls with rice in a slow cooker filled with fresh tomato


• juicy squirrel - 300 gr.;

• round-grain rice groats - 150 gr.;

• two onions;

• a pound of minced meat;

• eggs - 2 pcs.

To fill:

• 200 gr. sour cream 15% fat;

• 2 carrots;

• one bay leaf;

• five large, necessarily fleshy, tomatoes;

• 2 onions;

• 30 ml of highly refined sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. We rinse the moved croup and leave it, pouring cold water.

2. Rub one onion on a coarse grater, mix thoroughly with minced meat. Finely chop the second and fry in oil in a slow cooker until softened, cool.

3. Pour washed rice into a clean bowl. Pour enough water so that it only slightly covers the grains. Boil in the "Croup" or "Rice" mode, exactly 10 minutes, transfer to a sieve and let it cool well.

4. Rinsing the bowl, pour the oil and warm it. We use the "Frying" or "Baking" mode. First, bring the chopped onion to softness, and then add the coarsely shabby carrots to it and continue to warm until golden. Do not forget to stir so that the roasting does not burn.

5. While the vegetables are fried, we prepare the tomatoes. Remove the peel and chop the pulp with a blender in mashed potatoes. You can just cut the tomatoes and grate, but the peel should remain and be removed.

6. Pour the cooked tomato puree to the fried vegetables, add sour cream and salt. Having disturbed, we take a sample, if necessary we add. Cooking the gravy for another five minutes.

7. Put the cooled rice and onion in a bowl with minced meat. Add salt, eggs, a little pepper and thinly shredded cabbage, mix. We moisturize our hands and mold small balls from the minced meat. We repulse them, flipping from palm to palm, and give an oblong shape.

8. Carefully lower the cabbage rolls into the bowl with tomato filling and immediately lay the bay leaf. For 40 minutes, activate the "Extinguishing" option.

Lazy cabbage rolls with European-style rice, in the oven


• medium-sized head of cabbage;

• 450 gr. minced meat;

• three small carrots;

• three onions;

• 600 ml of tomato juice;

• "Poshekhonsky" or "Kostroma" cheese - 150 gr .;

• two eggs;

• 15% sour cream - 100 gr.;

• spices "For minced meat" and additionally freshly ground pepper;

• rice for stuffed cabbage.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the cabbage: cut the stalk, remove the top leaves if they are damaged. Place the heads in a large pot and fill with water. It is advisable that the plugs be completely covered. We take out the head of cabbage, and put the pot of water on an intense fire and add salt.

2. When it begins to boil, carefully lower it into the water and cook the cabbage, periodically removing the upper, easily separated leaves.

3. Peel the vegetables and grind them: finely chop the onion with a knife, and rub the carrots through an average grater. Warm the onion in the oil until transparent, then add the carrots and simmer them together until completely softened. Put the frying in a bowl, let it cool.

4. Lightly weld the rice, rinse thoroughly with water. For drying, put on a colander.

5. We transfer the minced meat into a bowl, mix in it one raw egg, a third of the sautéed vegetables, some spices or pepper. Do not forget to salt.

6. Prepare the fill. Stir in sour cream well with tomato juice. Add the beaten egg, slightly add salt and stir well again. You can add a little sugar.

7. We grease a wide form or a baking sheet with high sides with vegetable oil. Lightly laying on top of each other so as not to leave gaps, spread cabbage leaves along the bottom, pour with a small amount of cooked sauce. We spread a layer of rice and cover it with cabbage leaves, which are also lightly watered with tomato sauce.

8. Next, we lay out the minced meat, we also cover it with cabbage, but do not water it with sauce. On top we level the fried vegetables and put the cabbage again.

9. Repeat the styling by soaking in the rice layers only. The top layer should be sauteed vegetables, covered with cabbage.

10. Pour everything with the rest of the sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese for 40 minutes and send to the oven. Cook at 180 degrees.

Cooking technology for lazy cabbage rolls with rice - tips and tricks

• After chopping the late white-breasted egg, lower it in boiling water for a minute. Cabbage will become softer and more tender, which will facilitate the formation of cabbage rolls and reduce cooking time.

• Do not over-cook rice, it should not turn into porridge. Lazy cabbage rolls will turn out friable if the minced meat is mixed with somewhat undercooked groats.

• When using whole leaves, be sure to cut off thick, thick veins. Leaving them, you risk getting unevenly prepared dish. In places of thickening of cabbage leaves, the minced meat will be poorly steamed, and the duckies will be hard.

• If the minced meat breaks up during the formation of cabbage rolls, mix a raw egg into it. First, beat it separately, and then intervene, introducing in small portions.


Watch the video: Lazy Cabbage Rolls. . Easy And Good! Recipe. . (July 2024).