Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home: myths and reality. How to cure cervical osteochondrosis at home?


Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a complex and multifaceted degenerative-dystrophic process in the spinal column at the neck level. During it, the destruction of the vertebrae occurs. Often the outcome of such a pathology is the development of hernias, and then disability. To avoid such an unenviable fate, it is important to appear to a specialist in time and begin treatment. In the case of therapy, it is important to combine some methods with others. Many patients are interested in the question, is it possible to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home? The answer will be ambiguous: yes and no. What you need to know about the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home?

Briefly about the methods of treatment and myths about the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home


The treatment of osteochondrosis, as well as other diseases for most people is akin to the fulfillment of the sacrament. Over the years, such a pathology as cervical osteochondrosis has acquired many myths that are completely untrue. Some of the "legends" are so ingrained in the minds of the population that even doctors repeat these false "truths." Meanwhile, some “facts” disseminated in the mass consciousness can lead to disastrous consequences.

• Cervical osteochondrosis is not treated. It all depends on what is called a cure. Indeed, in most clinical cases, a complete cure is impossible to achieve: the bone structures are already destroyed, however, it is quite possible to achieve a stable remission (transition of the disease to a "dormant" state). With a competent change in lifestyle, such remission can last for years, decades, and even a lifetime.

• Osteochondrosis affects only the elderly. It is not true. Cervical osteochondrosis is a real disaster for people with physical inactivity. In most cases, the disease begins to form in the school years, when the body and the entire musculoskeletal system are still being formed. Already in more adult years, this quiet spinal killer comes to the fore, as they say, "in all its glory."

• Osteochondrosis does not need to be treated, it will pass / subside / is not so serious as to pay attention to it, etc. All that has been said is false judgment. Osteochondrosis is a terrible disease, despite the fact that it proceeds almost imperceptibly. Over time, the spine wears out so that irreversible changes develop in it. In addition, in the late stages of cervical osteochondrosis, bone spikes are formed, the muscles are in a state of constant hypertonicity. This is a direct path to vertebrobasilar insufficiency and stroke.

• When treating osteochondrosis with the help of exercise therapy, you need to continue the exercises overcoming the pain. Extremely dangerous misconception. Pain is an indicator of a problem. The body responds and signals a malfunction. In no case can not be zealous. Moreover, exercise therapy is indicated only in the period of remission.

• Cervical osteochondrosis is treated comprehensively immediately from the moment of exacerbation. This is also not entirely true. First of all, medications are prescribed, only after the process goes into the subacute stage, exercise therapy and physiotherapy are prescribed.

These are the most egregious misconceptions that are made by both patients and doctors.

Treatment methods

The treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is comprehensive. The course includes: drug therapy, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, orthopedic treatment. Some of them can be practiced at home.

Drug therapy

You can be treated with cervical osteochondrosis with tablets and ointments at home, but only a doctor should prescribe treatment without fail. In no case should one engage in self-medication. In extreme cases, when this very minute ask for honey. it’s impossible with help, for example, short-term administration of certain drugs: analgesics and antispasmodics. Or anti-inflammatory. For treatment purposes, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ketorol, Nise, Ksefokam, etc. Help get rid of inflammation in the affected vertebrae.

• Analgesics: Analgin, Ibuprofen, etc. Assigned to relieve pain.

• Antispasmodics. They help relieve muscle spasm.

• muscle relaxants. They are prescribed in advanced cases when the muscles are in a state of hypertonicity.

• Steroid drugs. Corticosteroids are prescribed for severe osteochondrosis. Help relieve inflammation.

• Chondroprotectors. Slow down the destructive process in the spine, protecting cartilage.


Typically, magnetotherapy and electrophoresis are prescribed.

Orthopedic treatment

It involves wearing a Shantz tire to relax the muscles of the neck and fix the cervical region in a relaxed state. However, do not wear the tire for too long, this is fraught with deterioration. The time and duration of wearing are negotiated with the doctor.

Exercise therapy

Appointed as a preventive and rehabilitation means. It involves the regular implementation of a set of exercises at home or in groups (within the hospital). Simple exercises can strengthen the muscle corset:

1) Lie on the floor. Put your left hand on your stomach, place your right hand on your chest. Measure breathing in a measured and leisurely manner. 10-12 breaths will be enough. Doing the exercise should be in a completely calm state. It allows you to achieve relaxation of the neck muscles.

2) Flexion of the neck. It should be performed with great care, since there is a high risk of pinching of the nerve roots. You can do it both standing and lying down. Hands down on the sides. Slowly lower the head, touch the chin of the chest, then return the head to its original position. So continue 7-10 times.

3) Lie on your stomach. Hands spread apart and touch the floor. Slowly raise the neck and chest, maintain this position for 2-3 seconds, then return to its original position.

4) Like last time, lie on your stomach. Lower your hands and relax. Slowly turn your head on its axis to the right, touch the floor with your ear, then turn the other way. Repeat 7-8 times.

5) Take a standing position. Hands relax, neck too. Pull your shoulders to your ears, maintain this position for 15 seconds. Repeat several times.

6) In a standing or sitting position, rest your forehead against an open hand. Exert maximum pressure on the arm. This exercise helps strengthen your neck muscles.

7) Lateral bends. Turn the head to the left, try to touch the shoulder with your ear, then turn to the right.

The whole complex of gentle exercises is performed 3-4 times during the day. As soon as pain is felt, you must immediately stop the complex. Important! As already mentioned, in the acute period of exercise therapy is contraindicated.

Treatment with folk remedies

"Adherents" of alternative therapy also do not stand aside. The Internet and specialized publications are literally full of recipes for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home. All such recommendations and recipes should be treated more than skeptically, separating the grains from the chaff. You need to consider some recipes.

• Kerosene compresses. The tool is dual: on the one hand, kerosene helps warm the affected area, on the other, it can cause burns. In addition, in the first days and even weeks of the course of the exacerbation, there can be no talk of any warming up.

  • Bath from osteochondrosis. Extremely dangerous advice. During the period of exacerbation, heat is prohibited.
  • Infusion of pine buds. Effective recipe. To prepare the infusion you will need:
  • Buds of pine (200 grams).
  • Sugar (400 grams).


1) The kidneys are crushed (can be cut into circles, can be crushed differently).

2) The crushed raw materials are filled with sugar in a ratio of 1: 2 (kidneys / sugar).

3) Pour the mixture into water.

4) Insist for two weeks.

5) Drink the product in half a teaspoon for 2-3 weeks.

• Grated potato compress. Also an effective recipe. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need 70 grams of grated potatoes. The compress is left overnight. Helps relieve inflammation and pain.

• Compresses from crushed comfrey with sour cream (mixed in a ratio of 1: 3). Helps relieve inflammation and pain.

• Fir needles. A liter of water will need a quarter kilogram of fresh needles. Boil boiling needles with boiling water! Insist the received remedy for 30 minutes. Then drink 3 tablespoons of the resulting infusion. After 7 hours, consume another 3 tablespoons. The duration of treatment is three days.

• Pour boiling water over dandelion roots (40 grams of roots per quarter liter of hot water). Insist for 8 hours, then use the resulting product in an amount of 50 ml. Drink 50 ml for a week.

• Sunflower roots are no less effective. Prepared in a manner similar to dandelion.

There are many effective recipes for traditional medicine. However, it is important to keep in mind that they are not able to replace traditional treatment with medicines. But this does not mean that such a storehouse of knowledge and solutions must be forgotten, traditional medicine can be a good help in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home.

It is necessary to comprehensively approach the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. In most cases, this pathology can be treated at home: at the patient’s services are medicines, exercise therapy, and folk remedies. However, all treatment methods should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.


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