Beautiful do-it-yourself needle case - original models and options. How to make a needle bar do it yourself: creativity in its purest form!


If your home has sewing accessories, then there should be a needle bar.

Making a beautiful needle case with your own hands is not a tricky thing, the main thing is to know the technology.

Beautiful needlework do-it-yourself: materials

In order to make a needle bar, the following materials will be needed: fabric, solid base, filler (synthetic winterizer or holofiber), threads, beads or other jewelry. As a basis, any hard material, for example cardboard, plastic, wood and so on, is suitable.

A solid base plays the role of a skeleton or retaining frame. If you want to have a stable volumetric needle bed, then a small glass jar or a plastic bottle is suitable for the base. If the needle bar will have to lie or hang, then something flat is used as the basis.

Beautiful needlework do-it-yourself: manufacturing methods

It will be very good if your product turns out so that no matter where you turn and from which side you look, you will not see seams and rough threads. Such curly needles are compared with gift figurines and are often used as a gift.

Mushroom needle bed

Mushroom clearing for needles originally looks on the working surface. You can offer two options for the needle box in the form of a mushroom, which will vary both in functionality and in appearance.

To make the first option, you will need a standard set of materials, which are described above. Such a needle-shaped mushroom will look especially fabulous if the material for its manufacture is colored felt. A piece of dense cardboard or plywood of approximately 10 × 15 cm will be used as the basis.

According to the pattern as in the picture below, draw and cut the details of the mushroom. Sew separately between each other the details of the cap and stuff it tightly with filler. After sew the leg and hat with each other. Tightly and densely fill the leg of the mushroom with filler so that it is more stable on the base.

This is how the cap of the mushroom is fixed on its leg.

Cut off the corners at the base, making it oval or round, and cover with a green cloth. To do this, it is necessary to cut out a part of the same shape as the base, only 3-5 cm larger in diameter. Step back from the edge of 0.5 cm and sew around the entire circumference with a dotted line. Put the base on the center of the part and pull the thread. The fabric will be gathered by an accordion and will fit a cardboard. If you want the glade to appear semicircular, then before you tighten the fabric on the base, add a little filler inside.

Now sew the mushroom in an upright position to the base with a secret seam in a circle around the legs. For reliability, you can do this in a few turns. The needle bar is ready. Now, if you wish, you can decorate it with beads, fringe or lace. Also on an improvised lawn there can be not one mushroom, but several different sizes.

Option needle-mushroom No. 2

This needle bar is more functional. To make it, you will need the same materials, instant glue of strong fixation, and as a basis, prepare a glass jar of preferably elongated shape with a screw cap. A jar of more than 700 ml. it’s better not to use it, but you can take any if you wish.

Wash the can of stickers and streaks. All you have to sew is a mushroom hat, which will be attached to the lid of the can with glue.

According to the previous pattern, cut the top and bottom of the mushroom cap and sew them into a single element. For decoration, while stitching the lower and upper parts of the mushroom, you can sew part of the zipper between the parts. Fill the hat tightly with filler.

Now cut a strip of fabric equal in length to the circumference of the lid and 2-3 cm wide. Make zigzags on it on one side. You should get cloves. Sew the smooth side of the strip to the base of the mushroom cap so that the cut cloves look straight down. Coat the sewn tape with glue and stick to the can lid.

You should get a jar with a mushroom cap on top, and the lid should open and close freely. The top of the mushroom can be decorated as desired.

Needle case cactus

This needle box will look best if made from felt. To make it, you need a green felt, a filler (synthetic winterizer or holofiber) and an impromptu pot. The latter can also be sewn from felt on the basis of cardboard or use an old mini flower pot.

Cut out rectangular fabric parts with slightly rounded two corners. Also, one of the upper sides can be made in the form of a heart or a checkmark with rounded corners. With this pattern of details, the middle of the cactus will be lower than its sides.

Now sew the parts together without sewing the bottom of the cactus, as shown in the picture. Through the resulting windows you can fill the cactus with filler. The denser you fill the cactus, the more voluminous it will look.

If you decide to use a plastic pot, then pour a handful of small stones into it, place the cactus vertically and crush it with pebbles on all sides. If there are holes on the bottom of the pot, then to prevent the cactus from falling out of the stones, you can pass a thread through it and tie it to the bottom of the pot by passing through the holes and tying it.

If you want to make a pot for a cactus with your own hands, then make it from the same material that was used when sewing the cactus. As a rule, the color for the pot is chosen dark.

Cut out the details for the pot according to the following pattern.

Sew the parts together, first folding the wall of the pot, and then sew the upper circle to it. For the bottom of the pot, cut the same piece out of cardboard and sew it at the same time as the bottom piece of fabric. This is necessary to give greater strength and stability to the product. Tightly fill the pot with a synthetic winterizer and sew a cactus with a tight seam to its top.

Beautiful needlework do-it-yourself: tips from professionals

• When making a beautiful needle needle case with your own hands, use multi-colored bright fabrics. The more small elements and subtle decorations, the more interesting the product as a whole.

• Do not make the needle bar too large or too small. The optimal size of the product is the size of your fist. It will not interfere and occupy a large space, which without that is constantly lacking. Even if, in your opinion, you have too many needles in the house, then a slightly larger than average needle bed is quite suitable.

• For the manufacture of a needle bed, do not use material that:

- it is difficult to pierce the needle;

- at the slightest inaccuracy leaves puffs;

- after you take out the needle, it leaves a hole in the threads that does not disappear over time.


Watch the video: Episode 20: I don't block 'em. I just wash 'em. (July 2024).