Healing properties of ginger with cough honey. How does a combination of ginger with honey and cough lemon help: recipes for treatment


Healing properties of ginger with cough honey. How does a combination of ginger with honey and cough lemon help: recipes for treatment

From time immemorial, Indian healers have been considered the best way to treat cough. Having a burning and pungent taste, the root of the plant is able to have a beneficial effect on the body, has an antimicrobial effect and is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of influenza and colds.

How ginger cough helps

The presence of its healing qualities overseas root is due to its rich and useful composition, which includes:

• organic acids;

• essential oil;

• polysaccharides;

• trace elements: copper, magnesium, chromium, zinc, vanadium, cobalt, aluminum, nickel, selenium, boron, strontium, iodine;

• macrocells: iron, calcium, potassium and manganese;

• starch.

To verify the effectiveness of ginger in the treatment of cough, just look at the list of pharmacological properties characteristic of the root:

• expectorant;

• bactericidal;

• antipyretic;

• disinfectant;

• anti-inflammatory;

• pain medication;

• antiseptic;

• antibacterial;

• sweatshops;

• antispasmodic;

• tonic.

In addition to them, ginger has a sedative and hypotonic effect on the body. The effectiveness of ginger with honey for cough is much higher. Also, such drugs with the addition of lemon or in pure form help the body overcome bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, other inflammatory processes and catarrhal diseases caused by infection of the respiratory tract.

Home-made and ready-made ginger-based medicines strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation and normalize metabolic processes in the body. Due to the high content of essential oils, sputum from the lungs is excreted faster, and it has a healing effect on the respiratory tract. Therefore, quite often, ginger acts as a home remedy that effectively eliminates colds and coughs and quickly helps the body regain strength.

Using Ginger with Cough Lemon: Home Treatments

Lemon along with ginger is another potent natural remedy for fighting colds. Phytoncides, substances that can kill viruses and germs, are embedded in nature by nature.

In turn, ginger strengthens the immune system and has all its many beneficial properties on the body. Therefore, in combination, both of these components allow you to avoid the use of medications in the first stages of a cold, relieve irritation from the mucous membranes and significantly reduce the strength and frequency of coughing.

In order to prepare a healing product, it is necessary to draw clean water into a pan and set to heat. At this time, grate a small piece of peeled ginger root on a fine grater and add the ingredient to boiling water. Without a lid, ginger should be boiled for 15-20 minutes, and only then add freshly squeezed lemon juice.

The finished elixir needs to be filtered into a cup, cooled and you can drink. If in this form you can’t drink tea, you can add a spoonful of honey to it. It will make the drink even healthier and tastier. There are no clear dosages in making healthy tea. They can be changed based on your own taste preferences. In the first stages of "acquaintance" with ginger root, it is necessary to take the minimum amount of product, which has a characteristic smell and pungency. The optimal amount of ginger tea with cough lemon is 2-3 times a day. You can make blanks 1 time per day, only be sure to warm the drink before use.

Another way to quickly cure a cough is to make a lemon-ginger drink. To do this, squeeze the juice of two lemons, add 2 liters of drinking water and put chopped ginger in the same place. Such a mixture should be boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then she must be well infused. When the drink is ready to drink, it can be freshened with a few drops of lemon juice.

Combination of Ginger with Honey and Cough Lemon

When a dry cough appears, then this is a sure sign of a disease of the upper respiratory tract. Coughing attacks become more frequent, but during a dry cough, bacteria and viruses continue to be on the surface of the bronchi. In order for the patient's condition not to worsen in such a situation, a dry cough should be softened by any means. A good option is to take a healing ginger drink with lemon - an equally effective product for coughing and honey - a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. To prepare it, grate the fresh root of ginger, mix with squeezed juice from lemon and honey. All components are taken in equal proportions, for example, you can take 1 tsp. each ingredient. Ginger and lemon juice are mixed first, then they should be infused for about half an hour. Then in the mixture you need to add half a glass of boiling water and cover the infusion with a lid. Honey is added last when the drink has cooled slightly. So the product will not lose its beneficial properties and magical aroma.

To get rid of a dry cough, you need to drink such a drug every day for 1 tsp. with an interval of 30 minutes.

Such tea will help the body not only overcome a dry cough, but even if it is absent, it can increase the tone of the body, relieve tension and fatigue.

How to use ginger root for cough

Ginger elixir is very easy to prepare, but at the same time it is a strong and effective tool in the fight against colds and cough, in particular. However, not every type of cough can be treated with the same medicine. If ginger tea was not taken in order to prevent flu and colds, and the disease suddenly appeared, then ginger treatment should be started by determining the type of cough:

• when dry, ginger with cough honey is suitable;

• Milk and ginger drink will quickly get rid of a wet cough.

In addition, cough can be treated not only with ginger tea, but also in other effective ways based on the product:

1. Ginger baths. To prepare this procedure, grate the ginger root, place the product in cheesecloth and lower this bag into the bathtub with water. After 10 minutes, ginger has time to give all its beneficial properties to water. Taking such a bath promises the attainment of calm before bedtime, relaxation of the body, and relief of the symptoms of the common cold. However, such baths can not be taken at elevated body temperature and at low pressure.

2. Tinctures from ginger. To create a tincture you will need 250 g of chopped or grated ginger. You need to put the raw materials in a jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters. and pour ordinary vodka. In this state, the mixture should be infused for 2 weeks, every three days it will need to be shaken. Such a period will be enough for the tincture to reach perfect condition. The medicine without fail will need to be filtered and add a little honey to it. This tincture is used inside 2 times a day: after breakfast and lunch. It is necessary to breed 1 tsp. medicines in a glass of water and drink in one gulp. If such a remedy is used to treat cough in children, then from 3 to 5 years should be given 5 drops twice a day, and from 5 to 12, 10 drops.

3. Ginger inhalation. This method of treatment will help get rid of not only cough, but also from a runny nose or congestion. The grated root is poured with boiling water to begin with. Then, over this capacity, the patient will need to bend over, put a towel on his head and breathe in ginger vapor for several minutes. The best time for evening inhalations is before bedtime.

How to drink ginger with honey and cough lemon

To increase the effectiveness of a ginger drink, it should be properly prepared. The main ingredient is ginger, following simple recommendations from it you can make a healing drink:

1. To treat colds, boil ginger water without a lid for about 10 minutes.

2. If necessary, replace fresh ginger with ground dried. To do this, the amount of product according to the recipe should be divided by 2. To prepare the drink should be at least 20 minutes.

3. When the first signs of a cold appear, you can immediately start ginger drink.

4. A sick person should drink ginger tea only warm, while making small sips. At least 3 cups should be drunk throughout the day.

5. Ginger should always be infused in tea for at least 5 minutes.


Watch the video: How-to make Ginger Tea (July 2024).