How the Chinese cook rice + interesting recipes of Chinese cuisine


The Chinese will make a masterpiece from scratch, this is known to everyone without exception. They are very smart, these Chinese! And they cook not bad. About one hundred dishes can be made from rice alone. I know one recipe for Chinese cuisine. I share it with you.

Rice in Chinese.

We take a glass of any white rice, wash it, fill it with water at the rate of one to four and put on the stove to cook. Rice is cooked, while we cut into small cubes: 200 gr. milk sausage, one medium-sized cucumber, a small white onion and one small carrot. All vegetables along with sausage are slightly fried in a pan. Rice will be cooked by this time. We drive two fresh eggs into the pan with rice and mix, immediately add the fried mixture of vegetables and sausages to the pan, and also add two tablespoons of canned corn. Mix the contents of the pan well. When serving, there should be soy sauce on the table.

And that’s all! Quick yes? This is the most important thing!

The Chinese cook almost all the dishes on high heat, ten minutes - and the dish exuding a unique Asian flavor can be eaten! The dream of any hostess! Fast cooking is not just saving time, but a way to preserve vitamins and nutrients in foods. It would be nice to have a Chinese wok pan, then nothing will burn. But if you don’t have it, but you want to pamper your family with something Chinese, a cast-iron skillet with a thick bottom will come down.

Another quick recipe for Chinese food.

Eggplant with pepper and potatoes.

Cut into small slices one large eggplant, one large carrot, three medium peeled potatoes, and two large sweet peppers. We cut a large head of onion in half rings and chop three cloves of garlic. We heat the oil in a frying pan, first fry the potatoes, add the onions in three minutes, then the eggplant, and put the pepper last, fry for another five minutes, do not forget to stir occasionally.

When the vegetables are ready, pour the garlic into the mixture, then add soy sauce, approximately one or two tablespoons, if desired, you can add chili sauce. The final step will be to add the starch mixture (dessert spoon of starch in cool water) Quickly mix and remove the pan from the heat. Oh! What aroma has spread throughout the kitchen!

How? Inspired by Chinese food? Try to make sure. You will not regret!


Watch the video: Simple Fried Rice Recipes That Are Awesome Taste The Chinese Recipes Show (July 2024).