Love is happiness ... Or misfortune?


Love ... For hundreds and thousands of years this feeling excites the heart, millions of words have been said about it. It would seem that everything should already be clear and understandable, what else can I say? But no, and at that very second someone is silent with bated breath and cannot find words to express what he feels. It turns out that not everything is so simple.

Where does love begin? Either the suddenly caught glance on oneself makes the pulse quicken, or the sensation of the presence of another person, or maybe confidence in someone and trust? Why does love die? Or is she just leaving us? How to find love? I think these questions have you ever asked yourself? But the whole point is that everyone finds an answer only for himself and only for himself.

Love has many faces. Do you like sweets? Yes. And the cat Vasya? Still would. What about your parents? Highly. Do you love him? More life. I love, love, love ... And I love the summer rain, and I also like ice cream and red. But how is it necessary to love? It happens that when you meet a person, you think “I love or not?”, Because everything seems to be so simple and very complicated at the same time.

Actually, that love is around us. We can look for her all her life, but she is nearby. We do not know how to recognize her without noticing such a familiar face of this elusive, coveted love. When a person is open to love, it flows into it without interference, fills the soul and body, vibrates in every cell, giving us this desired feeling of happiness. Now, if you like to ride a carousel, you just have to climb it and spin up to a whistle in your ears, doesn’t you feel delight? Isn't that happiness? And here the defining word is also “love”.

And again the question arises, why so few people consider themselves happy? We live, having lost the ability given to us by nature to let in love from outside. A small child knows how to do this, so you must have been surprised more than once by sincere children's laughter and joy. And this is all because the baby is open to love. Love, it seems to me, is the energy of creation, the life-giving force, it cannot be touched or seen, it can only be felt. Until you let it into your soul, you will not consider yourself happy.

Love for another person has the same nature. When we see a man or woman we like, we involuntarily open the veil of the soul, thereby giving the opportunity for love to settle there. And it is important not to miss this energy, constantly nourishing and not expelling from your soul. Love does not die, it really leaves us, slips away, and most often we ourselves become the reason. Love is fragile and tender, especially under the influence of our mind. It is our thoughts that drown the soul, drive out love. When to give free rein to jealousy, pride, selfishness, love, there is no more room.

But, perhaps, one of the most magical and strong feelings is love for the child. This love originates within us and grows with the baby, and with his birth fills us to the brim, crowding out all other feelings. When the mother presses the baby's body, so dear, warm, when it smells, the whole world around it ceases to exist.

And now you will think that you haven’t learned anything new in the foregoing, you haven’t discovered anything for yourself. And, undoubtedly, you will be right. After all, everyone comes to love in their own way, this can not be taught, give recommendations. Everyone must find the answers to their questions. The main thing is, do not be afraid of love, do not close yourself, notice it where you did not look or looked and did not notice, find it where you did not look, and even easier to know that Love is everywhere, and it will find you and will stay forever!
