Gypsy plots


The customs, beliefs and traditions of the Gypsies have long been a colorful shade of lightness and freedom. The Gypsy people have been famous for their knowledge of magic since the time when the first romuls migrated from India. Modern sorcerers and healers often turn to gypsy magic, both white and black. Their plots are particularly popular with older witches.

What are the gypsy conspiracies?

Gypsy conspiracies are of two kinds: black and white. The black ones are mostly lapels, the whites are exclusively love spells, whispers and good wishes, supported by magic power.

The gypsies divide the principles of their magic into four postulates:

  • Intention;
  • Concentration;
  • Patience;
  • Secret.

The first component necessary for the successful completion of the conspiracy, Roma consider will. The stronger your desire, the clearer it should be stated. Strong and accurately formulated desire is fulfilled faster.

In addition to the will, the next important component is concentration. It is not enough to know what you want, you need the appropriate tune in to it. Magic does not tolerate indifference, but encourages the sincerity and completeness of the feelings invested.

The third component, necessary mage for a successful outcome of the ritual, - patience. Nothing happens right away, by magic. The more we wait and the more we experience whether the business will be crowned with success, the higher the probability of failure. Having conspired - have patience.

And finally - secret. Like any other, gypsy magic does not tolerate publicity. All conspiracy must be kept secret, especially from the object of the plot or in the case of a love spell.

Conspiracy gypsy on love

Gypsy magic, though strong enough, prefers to enhance the effect than to reproduce it from scratch. With the help of gypsy conspiracies for love, it is difficult to call the betrothed out of dreams, but it is easy to strengthen the love that already exists. Also, with the help of the gypsy magic, the fortuneteer can open a path to his beloved heart, find a new love and see the invisible. With its help, you can find out whether the person who seems to show sympathy is really in love with you.

If you have a young man, in whose love you are not so sure of yours, ask for help in the gypsy conspiracies.

For this you will need:

  • wineglass;
  • ring (traditionally gypsy women use mother's wedding ring);
  • scarlet silk ribbon.

Put a glass of wine in front of you. Hang the ring on a silk ribbon like a pendulum; the thread should not oscillate. Pinch it between thumb and forefinger, with the little finger of the other hand touch the table. Try to keep the ring inside the glass and not move until the beginning of the ceremony.

In an even, clear voice, say your name and the name of the person you love or whose feelings you want to make sure. Repeat his (her) name three times. Then, without ceasing to think about the object of sympathy and keeping his image in front of your eyes, allow the ring to rotate and sway. Wait: it is necessary that the ring with a characteristic ringing touched the glass so many times, how many letters in the name of your lover.

Tie a ribbon with a ring around your neck so that it touches the chest in the region of the heart. After three weeks of continuous wear, if it is intended by heaven, the subject of sympathy will come to you, and you will learn the truth about its feelings.


The people of "Roma" never trusted medicine. You will rarely meet gypsies in queues at the polyclinic. Steppe people call them "mullomengro", translated as "a man who makes ghosts." Gypsies had local Shuvani who healed sick nomads with herbs, prayers and plots.

For example, Roma was treated with headache with vinegar diluted with warm water, rubbing it into the scalp and saying:

“Pain in my head, all evil mother - look into my eyes. You are alien to me, I do not need you, go away, go home, do not stay for a moment, to the devil, the creator of his run. Go away, go away, and whoever crosses my shadow will take my pain. ”

Toothache was treated with similar methods. Gypsy magic is especially effective against aching teeth pain that has arisen at night or on Sunday. For pain, the following plot was used:

“Peter was sitting on a marble slab, the Son of God passed by, and Peter complained that his teeth ache unbearably. Jesus said to Peter, "Heal, my son," and Peter was healed. So the one who will repeat these words and my name will never know a toothache. ”

Wealth, well-being, luck

Gypsies are a thrifty and Old Believer people. They do not use banks, do not take loans and very few people know the gypsy, who does not have a golden thing with them. Gypsies are an expert not only in the extraction of money, but also in their preservation and multiplication. In many ways they are helped by magic.

The most powerful money conspiracy for Roma is the simplest and most popular, even children know it. It is held on the growing moon with a coin. Many even specially sew on clothes pocket for this occasion.

Taking a silver coin, you must turn it in your pocket and, looking at the young moon, say:

"The moon is like a coin, a coin in my pocket!"

After that, the coin should not be touched, then your well-being will increase.

Gypsies also believe in the power of the saying “money attracts money”. It’s not for nothing that Gypsy women carry a huge amount of gold jewelry on themselves - it is believed that with their help they attract wealth.

Another Gypsy omen conspiracy says that if a red ant crawls up to you, it will bring you good luck. Seeing the ant, ahead of time should say:

"Ant-ant, hold a coin, bring me two in return."

And put a small coin next to it.

From enemies and the evil eye

The strength of the gypsy conspiracy is great, and few people decide to mess with the gypsy people out of bad intentions. However, gypsies have enemies too.

Effective conspiracy from enemies and deface know not only Roma, but also village healers. It is held on a full moon, on Thursday or Saturday on a clear moon night. You will need:

  • three red candles;
  • foe's photo;
  • sewing needle.

Cut a needle on each candle the name of your foe. Put candles on the windowsill, light them, and paste the photo on the window. Now get down on your knees, getting up so that the photo obscures the moon, and pronounce the plot. It is quite long, you can read on paper, slowly and clearly:

“My words, be strong. Stronger than stone, Bulat, knife sharp. The lock is in the mouth, and the key is in the ocean. How the mother of Jesus prayed that the Son appeared to her, and she told him how she saw in a dream that they crucified him. They shed their holy blood, nailed their hands to the cross, put a wreath of thorns on their foreheads. Do not be sad, - Jesus answered, - there is no evil on earth that would discredit the good. I am eternal for one who honors the Lord, who reads a prayer, the Almighty will save from fire, from flame, from water, from bulat, from a fierce beast, from an angry man, from a prison prison. Amen. As David was humble and meek, gracious and compassionate, he didn’t think, didn’t think evil, didn’t melt, so the judge against me, the servant of God (your name), will be gentle and humble, will not think evil, do not judge evil. As the king of jester greeted, he noticed in the courtyard and was pleased with delight, so I would have been a servant of God (your name), the judges would have welcomed, noticed and on my way let me go. Lock lock, key throw into the blue sea, bottomless sea, at the bottom of the stone will be, does not float, does not move from place to place, my words will not open to anyone. Amen. Amen. Amen".


Watch the video: BIGGEST PLOT TWIST EVER!! Michael and Dalia Dippolito Story (July 2024).