January 29: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on January 29th.


Holidays January 29

Day of Belarusian Science

This holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday of January in Belarus. The leading research and scientific center of the country is the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, which was founded in 1928. Nowadays, it includes highly qualified scientists of various specialties and many research and development organizations. In total, the National Academy of Sciences has more than 20 thousand researchers, among them there are technicians, support and maintenance personnel, among whom are many doctors and distinguished candidates of science. In recent years, a number of reforms have been carried out in the scientific field of the Belarusian Republic, the main idea of ​​which was the creation of a parallel economy from the scientific side. However, despite the fact that the necessary regulatory framework is available, the conditions that are necessary for the emergence and development of small new enterprises, which should become the basis of this parallel economy, are not quite favorable today. Unfortunately, large enterprises do not always have a sufficient amount of funds in order to introduce new developments. Therefore, every year in the republic there is an opportunity to update no more than 2.5 percent of agricultural and industrial products, and for competitiveness in our time it is necessary to update at least 16%. One of the important indicators in scientific activity is the knowledge-intensiveness of GDP, in recent years this indicator has amounted to about one percent. This indicator is higher than in many CIS countries, but significantly lower than in countries comparable in area and population to Belarus. However, in the future, authorities plan to bring this figure to 1.8%.

Day of Firefighters of Ukraine

Year after year, on the 29th of January, Ukraine celebrates the professional holiday of the state fire safety service. Its formation was predetermined by the initiative of people who work in the fire department. The very first fire brigades were organized back in the 9th century. It was at this time that the Starokiev Fire Department was formed, it consisted of twenty-five people. The most qualified employees were given the opportunity to become top managers in this organization. In 1929, nine fire units could be counted in Kiev; they had thirteen fire engines at their disposal. Historically, each fire department was responsible for its own area. When a danger signal is received, fire officials urgently need to go to the place of the disaster. They worthily fight the elements of fire and save invaluable human lives. Ukrainian firefighters were able to eliminate the consequences of the famous and terrible accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant as soon as possible. People who choose to work in the fire service, have in their character unquestioning dedication, constant willingness to provide immediate assistance, and they also have the ability to sacrifice. Firefighters, a true example of the highest moral qualities, they have professionalism, courage and courage, a country in which there is such an irreplaceable service, there is much to be proud of.

Day of Public Prosecutors of Moldova

On January 29, 1992, the Law "On the Prosecutor's Office" was approved in Moldova, the date of promulgation of the law and became the date for the celebration of the day of the prosecutor's office worker. The main postulate of the law was Article No. 1, which instructed the country's prosecutor general and local prosecutors subordinate to him to oversee the strict implementation of state laws and by-laws. In addition, the prosecutor's office must protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, promote fair justice. The Moldovan prosecutor’s office is authorized, on behalf of the people, to ensure strict implementation of the laws of the country, to safeguard the public order, if necessary, to prosecute and represent the interests of the state prosecution in judicial instances. The prosecutor's office monitors the activities of all state, public and commercial institutions. For many years of worthy work, the Moldovan prosecutor’s office has in fact proved that it is not some kind of punitive body, but carries out the functions of supervision and protection of all attributes of state power in the country. Such attributes include: the people of the state, the bowels of the state, the borders of the country and the state legally elected government. In fact, the prosecutor's office is on guard of state sovereignty and legal stability.

January 29 in the folk calendar

Peter feed

The first part of the name of this day is associated with the apostle Peter, he was a disciple of Jesus the Savior. This date was chosen by the church to worship the "honest chains" of the Apostle Peter, who is a famous Christian relic. Verigami is called a chain; according to the legend of the Apostle Peter, they were fettered during arrest in Jerusalem and Rome. The name semi-feed speaks for itself. The peasants on this day estimated how much feed for livestock was left before spring grazing. When hay and straw turned out to be less than half of the winter stock, the peasants had to save. People said that cattle would have to fast because its owner didn’t have enough food. Due to the increased attention paid to domestic cattle on this day, St. Peter was considered the patron saint of pets. Other signs associated with Peter's name, they were more mystical than logical. The peasants checked how much bread was left in their barns. If the bread was more than half of the initial supply - this predicted the harvest in the summer. On this day, there were signs associated with the weather. If the north wind blows on Petra, it means it will be frosty, and if there was frost on that day, they expected a warm summer.

Historical events of January 29

January 29, 1616 Dutch sailors discovered Cape Horn

At the beginning of the XVII century, a group of Dutch merchants went on a long expedition in order to find a new path to the East Indies. Soon, two ships, the Endracht and the Horn, left the port of Horn. More than eighty people were aboard both ships, captain Willem Schouten led the expedition. Six months later, the expedition ships approached the shores of Patagonia, where they made a stop for the repair and cleaning of ships. During the repair and cleaning works, the flagship, the Horn, caught fire for some reason and caught fire almost completely. The team of the burned vessel collected everything that was not injured from the fire and switched to Endracht. A few weeks later the voyage continued, the “Endracht” passed the Strait of Magellan, but the land did not end there. A turning point in the situation occurred on the evening of January 29, when Schouten discovered the southern tip of the South American continent, this place was named - Cape Horn (Horn). In addition, Schouten proved to the world geographic community that Tierra del Fuego is an island. Further, the Schouten expedition crossed the Pacific Ocean and discovered many islands and archipelagos. In October 1616, the ship arrived at the Dutch port of Batavia, which was located in the Dutch East India. Upon the arrival of the sailors in Batavia, the local authorities arrested the crew of the ship, accusing the sailors and the captain of illegal passage along the Strait of Magellan. The ship’s cargo was confiscated, and the whole team was sent to Holland, where they were put on trial. However, the Dutch court acquitted Schouten’s team, the sailors were compensated for all losses incurred as a result of the arrest and confiscation of property, the governor of Batavia, dismissed.

January 29, 1886 Karl Benz patented the first car

After the invention of the internal combustion engine, a number of scientists began to refine and improve this device. One of these scientists and inventors was a German native, Karl Benz, who designed and built his first car in 1885. The car was a three-wheeled crew designed for two passengers, the car was located on high wheels with spokes, the car weighed 250 kilograms. The car was equipped with a four-stroke gasoline engine, there was also water cooling, the car's power reached one horsepower. The cylinder was located in a horizontal position and, as it were, hung above the wheel axle. The wheels were driven by a belt and chain transmission. A car could travel at a speed of 16 km / h, in our time this speed is simply ridiculous, but in those days, Benz’s invention revolutionized the development of vehicles. After all, a horse was not needed for a Benz’s car, and a man, although at a low speed, could move without any efforts on his part. The car was named Motorwagen. The elite German community liked the Benz’s self-propelled crew so much that they were given a patent for a new invention without any problems and placed a millionth order for serial production of Benz’s cars. Nevertheless, the invention of Benz had many shortcomings, one of which was a terrible noise and crash made by the machine during movement, which frightened both people and horses. In addition, there were no gas stations, and this created the problem of traveling long distances. After the fading of the first passions around the new invention and the analysis of its shortcomings, wealthy German industrialists refused the serial order of these cars. Benz had to significantly modify and improve his car.

January 29, 1964 The murder of the Achinblit family

A major robbery, which ended in the death of a whole family, occurred on January 29, 1964 in Sverdlovsk. The crime occurred at a time when in the USSR, there was a certain ethnic conflict, against which bloody crimes took place, against persons of non-Slavic nationality, especially against Jews. In January 1964, members of the gang of the Korovin brothers set fire to the house, market directors Aron Akhinblit, died in a fire: Aron, his wife and mother-in-law, as well as a teenage son. In addition, two relatives of the Akhinblit family died in the house. The crime was personally reported to the head of state, Nikita Khrushchev, the secretary general ordered the case not to be disclosed, and the nationalities of the victims not to be advertised. At the same time, Voice of America radio notified the whole world about the mass death of Jews in the USSR. In early February, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR Aleksey Kudryavtsev arrived in Sverdlovsk, and he brought with him a specially prepared commission of inquiry. In the early days, the investigation managed to get on the Korovin’s gang, while the criminals turned in their accomplice. Soon they were all arrested. All convicts were sentenced to death; the sentence was carried out very soon. Families of the executed criminals were evicted from their apartments and transferred to dormitories. A number of family members were also convicted and sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. As the crime found out, the crime was committed for selfish purposes, the criminals believed that innumerable treasures were hidden in the Jewish house.

January 29, 1833 the first city postal network in Russia was founded

City mail in Russia, first appeared in St. Petersburg. And the first postal network was opened on January 29, 1833. Technically, the new postal service operated in specially defined postal districts. Petersburg was divided into 17 communication districts, which in turn were divided into 45 points of mail reception. Shops were open until late in the evening and were great for collecting email notifications. Two postmen worked in each district, three times a day, they collected mail around the district and took it to the post offices. In 1848, the post office refused the services of shopkeepers, in contrast to this, mailboxes were hung around the city. At the post offices, letters were sorted, stamped, and postmen distributed correspondence to addresses. Since 1858, the postal service introduced special envelopes for embedding and sealing correspondence, and postage stamps. A state postal department (ministry) was formed, which dealt with both state correspondence and ordinary correspondence. This department also issued envelopes, stamps and stamps. At present, the Russian Federation has a federal postal service that provides postal services throughout the country. The postal service is one of the most important structures of activity and the full functioning of the state.

Born on January 29

Dmitry Malikov (January 29, 1970), composer and singer, Honored Artist of Russia

Dmitry Yurievich was born in Moscow. The guy’s parents were creative people. Father, Yuri Malikov, is known as a musician and composer; he founded and was the leader of the Gems ensemble. Mom, Lyudmila, danced well, soloed in the Moscow Music Hall. Of course, this affected Dima’s hobbies. In 1994, he successfully graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in piano. The guy began his career at the age of 16, recorded two songs, the first - "Sunny City", and the second - "I am painting." Later, he worked as a pianist and keyboard player in the VIA Gems. Dmitry became the laureate of the International Festival, which was held in Sopot, became the winner of the television festival, the well-known "Song of the Year", and in 1990 he was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize. Five years later, he received a grand prix at the festival, which was held in Monte Carlo. In 1994, Dmitry starred in the movie Proshkin "See Paris and die", this played a rather significant role in Malikov's creative career. His most significant performance as a pianist is marked by Dmitry’s performance in 1996 of F. Liszt’s concert, which was accompanied by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra. Among Malikov’s discography, one can single out a disc called “Fear of Flight”, where Dmitry performed as a conductor of the symphony orchestra. The released disc "One Hundred Nights" can be noted as a noticeable talented composer work by Dmitry. He wrote many vivid composer and executive works, these songs will forever remain in the hearts of admirers of Dmitry Malikov.

Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), Swedish philosopher

Emanuel Swedenborg was born on January 29, at the end of the 17th century, in Sweden. In the family of the bishop and professor of theology of Skara. After graduating from school, Emanuel entered the university in the ancient capital of Sweden - Uppsala. At the initial educational stage, the young man studied physics and mathematics, in these disciplines, he achieved great success. In addition, he thoroughly and thoroughly studied mineralogy, which allowed him to become an assessor of the state mining school very soon. Swedenborg held this post for more than 30 years. Swedenborg has published many outstanding scientific works, in addition, the scientist regularly published the journal North Dedalus. Emanuel Swedenborg put forward a number of cosmogonic theories, he predicted a number of discoveries many years ahead, which in the future confirmed his assumption. For example, he was the first to predict the presence of nebulae in space, put forward a molecular theory, tried to develop a theory of cosmic atoms, and founded a new science of crystallography. The scientist introduced into navigation practice a method for calculating geographic longitude when a ship is on the high seas. Swedenborg proposed determining this longitude by stars. An outstanding invention of the scientist was the creation of a mechanism capable of transporting ships by land.In addition, he developed prototype designs for a machine gun, an underwater vehicle, and an aircraft. Since 1743, the scientist has plunged headlong into mystical teachings and has published a number of books and encyclopedias on this subject. In his works on theology, Swedenborg tries to explain the secrets of the universe and the essence of the other world. The scholar interpreted biblical scriptures and other religious books and monographs in his own way.

Romain Rolland (1866-1944), French writer

Born on January 29, 1866, in Klamsi, in a family of lawyers. He received his primary education at the Lyceum of King Louis, and then entered the Higher School "Normal". After graduation, Romain went to Italy, where he studied the art of painting and music. Two years later, he returned to his homeland, to France, where he defended his dissertation on the origin of modern theater art. For defending his dissertation, Rolland received the title of professor of music history. After which he began to teach at the University of École Normal, as well as at the Sorbonne. The scientist has published many books on the history of music. Soon he began to engage in literary activities, his first work was the novel-tragedy "St. Louis." The writer gained great fame after successful productions of plays about French revolutionary events. The most famous of his works were the novels "Charm of the Soul" and "Cola Bruyon." During the First World War, Rolland took part in the resistance movement, actively fought against military conflicts, published a number of articles and books on military subjects. In 1915, Romain Rolland was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature. The writer was friendly with Russian writers, L. Tolstoy, M. Gorky and others. I personally knew the great Albert Einstein.

William McKinley (1843-1901), Outstanding President of the United States

McKinley was born on 01.29.1843 in Ohio in a simple decent family. During the Civil War, William was only 18 years old, but despite his young age, the young man went to serve in the infantry corps, which led the fighting in Virginia. After demobilization, William entered the university at the Faculty of Law. In 1867, he founded a law office. In 1869, he was appointed district attorney. From 1877 to 1883, McKinley worked in the country's Parliament, in the House of Representatives, and from 1884 to 1891 he was elected a member of Congress. From 1891 to 1895, McKinley, as governor, led the state of Ohio. Since 1891, William McKinley began to dream about the post of president of the country. But in the 1891 election, he lost his elected company. However, already in the next presidential race, in 1896 he triumphantly won. More than 7 million voters voted for him. During the election campaign, McKinley traveled a lot around the country with campaign appearances. The future president met directly with the people, he tried to understand the problems of each specific person and layer of society. As President of the United States, William McKinley, supported the interests of industry and business, he was open to the people and the press. The president initiated the adoption of the Gold Standard law, this law put an end to the war of monopolists in the non-ferrous metal industry. The president’s activity is estimated by the Americans as the most successful and outstanding for the country. He significantly raised and strengthened the country's economic potential, contributed to the development of state infrastructure and transport. Adhered to the principles of democracy.

Anton Chekhov (1860-1904), an outstanding Russian writer

Chekhov’s quotes are known all over the world: “Brevity is the sister of talent” and “Everything should be perfect in a man ...”. Anton Pavlovich, born January 29, 1860, in the city of Taganrog. He studied at the local city gymnasium; in his spare time, he helped his father in a grocery store. Anton was a big fan of reading books, he often read aloud for the whole family, and read with such expression and intonation that all the household could not tear himself away from his reading. In 1876, Antosha’s family went bankrupt, his father sold everything, and the family went to seek happiness in Moscow. However, Anton decided to stay in his native Taganrog, in order to somehow support himself, he began to give private lessons to children of wealthy families. After completing his studies at the gymnasium, Chekhov entered the Moscow University, the faculty of medicine. In Moscow, Chekhov begins to engage in literary work and writes satirical stories. This writer came to great literature after receiving a university education. After the university, Anton Pavlovich began to work as a county doctor, and in parallel, he continued to write his novels, novels, and stories. His collection, "At Twilight," published in 1887, impressed critics and readers alike. At the end of the 19th century, Chekhov was the most popular and readable writer in Russia. The main themes of the work of the great writer were: the life and life of the intelligentsia, the everyday needs of the common people, and, of course, subtle and acute humor.

Birthday January 29

Peter, Neonila, Maxim, Ivan


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