Water diet: debunking the myth


Doctors do not stop telling us that for normal functioning of the body, a person needs to drink up to 2 liters of water per day. However, scientists doubted this postulate. As it turned out, there is no scientific confirmation of this stable theory. Experiments have shown that adults do not need to saturate their body with water at all costs.

Experts are convinced that drinking water is only necessary when you are thirsty. And you can quench it not only with water, but, as it turned out, with any drink up to coffee and red wine. Binding to daily two liters of water is necessary only for athletes and people involved in heavy physical labor.

As for weight loss, for which nutritionists will certainly drink as much water as possible in order to speed up the metabolism, it turns out that a large amount of water consumed practically does not affect weight loss (unless, of course, you decide to replace high-calorie foods with water). The theory of "flushing fat" with water is a persistent myth that people who dream of losing weight are not able to objectively comprehend. Water only helps to establish a salt metabolism in the body. But the consumption of products containing a large amount of water has a positive effect on weight loss, since due to their consumption, the size of the servings is usually reduced.

What is the mechanism of this process. As it turned out, soup is an ideal combination of water and vegetables, which is much more effective for losing weight than if you consumed its components separately from each other. It is better to eat liquid food, which, unlike, say, meat, is absorbed extremely quickly. Thus, professional nutritionists advise eating as many foods rich in water as possible: vegetable soups, milk, broccoli, apples, tomatoes, leaf lettuce.

Undoubtedly, water is one of the most important elements of the nutrition of the human diet. However, it is not advisable to remove hunger with its help, since in this way you can only harm your health. Calorie-free water means that it does not carry any beneficial elements to the body. Therefore, the main consequence of the water diet can only be vitamin deficiency.


Watch the video: Doctor Mike On Diets: Intermittent Fasting. Diet Review (June 2024).