Cauliflower in batter - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook cauliflower in batter.


Ah, this "many-faced" cabbage! By area cultivation in our country, it takes the second place among vegetables. Overtakes her only potatoes. There are six main types of cabbage, but the most common are cabbage and cauliflower. In terms of taste and nutritional properties, of course, the leader is color.

Cauliflower gently creamy color surprises many with its name. What color is it if it has a plain cream shade? But the thing is that it consists of inflorescences, which we eat. Cauliflower must be cut before blooming, otherwise the vegetable coarsens and loses its unique taste.

The variety of cauliflower dishes is impressive. From it you can cook soups, salads, cook pies, bake in the oven, fry - a lot of options. Mistresses even adapted to fry her in batter. Not difficult at all, and the result is stunning! However, let's take it in order.

Cauliflower in batter - general principles and methods of preparation

Surely, many of us know what batter is and what it consists of. Traditionally, these are eggs, salt, flour or bread crumbs. And although some are not limited to such a poor list of ingredients, the general principles for preparing cauliflower remain unchanged and are based on three main stages:

- boiling inflorescences;
- cooking batter;
- enveloping and frying slices of cabbage in vegetable oil.

An equally important step is to properly prepare the inflorescences for heat treatment and not digest them. Cauliflower can be purchased at any time, regardless of the month on the calendar, in the fresh in the summer, and in the frozen in the winter and prepare an amazing dish that all family members will love.

Cauliflower in batter - product preparation

Before cooking, cabbage should be disassembled into individual inflorescences, each should be cleaned of dark spots and rinsed in warm water, cut too thick shoots in half. And then boil in boiling salted water. In order for the vegetable to retain a rich taste and aroma, it is recommended to boil it in a small amount of liquid for ten to fifteen minutes (it all depends on the size of the slices: large - boil a little longer in time). We check readiness with a fork. If the teeth enter the pulp easily enough, then the cabbage is ready. Immediately remove it from the fire.

For the preparation of batter, we will definitely need fresh chicken eggs and fine flour. At will, the batter can be "ennobled" with mayonnaise, sour cream, herbs, spices and even beer. However, each mistress has her own secrets of cooking "clothes" for slices of cabbage.

Cauliflower in batter - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Cauliflower in batter in a classic pattern

One of the simplest, but most beloved and sought-after recipes for cauliflower in batter. Golden crisp, enveloping the delicate flesh inside, gives the dish not only a delicious taste, but also makes it very attractive, satisfying, beautiful and appetizing.


- one kilogram of cauliflower
- four eggs
- three table. fine flour spoons
- vegetable oil
- pepper to taste
- salt to taste
- whispers of powdered dry herbs
- a handful of grated cheese

Cooking method:

1. Using a knife, divide the cabbage (fresh or thawed) into separate inflorescences, each washed in running water, cleaning from dirt. Pieces should not be too large.

2. Boil water, salt it and lower the inflorescences in boiling water. Cook until tender (but do not boil in any case) for about twelve minutes. Alternatively, cauliflower can be steamed.

3. While the cabbage is boiling, prepare the batter. To do this, beat the required number of eggs with salt and herbs to a small foam and gradually pour three tablespoons of flour, stirring constantly. We must get a batter thick.

4. Ready inflorescences are thrown back into a colander and wait until they dry out and cool slightly. After which we bacon abundantly roll each piece in batter and fry in hot oil on all sides until a delicious, brownish crust forms. Spread the hot pieces on a flat plate, sprinkle with grated cheese on top and proceed to use.

Recipe 2: Deep Fried Cauliflower

To prepare such a cabbage, we need highly carbonated mineral water. Instead of a deep fat fryer (if there is none), it is quite possible to use a deep thick-walled pan or pan. Let's get started?


- one cabbage (fresh or thawed)
- vegetable oil (for deep fat)
- one teaspoon of granulated sugar
- allspice
- salt to taste
- two chicken eggs
- 400 gr. flour
- 500 ml of mineral water
- two table. tablespoons olive oil (for dough)

Cooking method:

1. Defrost the cabbage (if necessary), divide into inflorescences, leaving them on low legs, rinse. Boil the water and dip the slices of cabbage into it. Boil them for five to ten minutes (no more). We recline in a colander.

2. Separate the whites from the yolks for batter. Mix the yolks with granulated sugar, olive oil, mineral water, pepper, salt and flour. Mix everything until smooth so that there are no lumps.

3. Next, whisk the proteins until a thick foam is formed and introduce them in portions into the main yolk mass, gently mixing.

4. Pour a generous dose of vegetable oil into a deep pan (saucepan) and heat it. Then we inflate each inflorescence with a fork, dip it abundantly in batter and immediately send it to the pan. Pieces at least two-thirds should be immersed in oil. Fry, turning, until a beautiful golden crust.

Serve cabbage as an independent snack with garlic, tomato or mushroom sauce or as a hot side dish.

Recipe 3: Cauliflower in Cheese and Beer Batter

Have you ever tried cheese and beer batter? If not, then it is time to cook and try. It is prepared easily, but it turns out to be very juicy, crispy and tasty. Inside we hide the cabbage inflorescences, which, to taste in combination with cheese and beer batter, will resemble mushrooms. Beer, of course, is better to use non-alcoholic. In extreme cases - low alcohol. By the way, in such a batter, you can cook not only cauliflower, but also sausage, crab sticks, fish, meat, seafood, as well as some vegetables.


- 600 gr. cauliflower
- two eggs
- 4-5 tablespoons (tablespoons) of flour with a small slide
- 60 gr. hard cheese
- 100 ml of beer
- two tablespoons of vegetable oil
- seasoning to taste, salt

Cooking method:

1. We split the cabbage into inflorescences, boil it in salted water, in the microwave (for max. 4-5 minutes without water) or steamed. Three cheese on a fine grater.

2. Mix the eggs with two tablespoons of butter, beat and pour the beer into the mass. Mix everything, salt, season with spices. Then pour in the flour and knead until a thick batter is formed. Add cheese to the contents. Mix everything again, gently breaking the lumps.

3. Pour a large amount of oil into a deep pan, carefully heat it, dip the slices of cabbage in batter, and immediately send it to the pan. Fry to a beautiful crust and serve hot. Bon appetit to all!

Cauliflower in batter - useful tips from experienced chefs

- In order for cabbage inflorescences to retain their natural color and not become watery during the cooking process, add a small amount of sugar to boiling water (before laying the vegetable). In addition, cauliflower is best boiled in mineral water;

- Spread the fried cauliflower should be on a flat plate, covered with a dense paper towel, which will “pull out” all the excess fat from the pieces;

- Those who follow a diet can occasionally treat themselves to such a dish. However, when preparing cauliflower in batter, it is recommended to follow a number of simple rules: firstly, the batter is made on some proteins (without adding yolks), and secondly, soaked inflorescences are best baked in a preheated oven (in the grill mode for about 15 minutes at 230 C) or microwave with minimal use of fat.


Watch the video: Fried Cauliflower Recipe : Southern Cooking (July 2024).