Millet porridge - the best recipes. How to cook millet porridge.


Millet porridge - general principles and methods of preparation

A couple of hundred years ago, millet porridge was the main dish on the Russian table. Over time, she was undeservedly forgotten, and only caring grandmothers in the old fashioned way prepare her for the growing grandchildren. However, this food deserves more than to feed chickens and budgies. Golden grains of millet are obtained from millet. For the first time, the Chinese discovered it. They began to make kvass, beer, cereals and soups from it. The baton was soon picked up in Europe and Russia.

The revival of millet porridge, especially in the conditions of modern megalopolises with unfavorable ecology, can give residents the opportunity to systematically cleanse their bodies. Indeed, millet contains substances that bind heavy metal ions. With their help, toxins and toxins are removed from the body. Millet is a product that truly gives strength. In general, we prepare millet porridge - and we are not afraid of premature wrinkles and early aging.

Millet porridge - preparation of products

Going to the store for a useful product, remember that millet is different. Choose the varieties of saturated yellow packaged in transparent bags. The milder the millet, the more crumbly and tasty porridge you can cook from it. But if you are attracted by a mess-mess, you can use light millet. For viscous cereals, crushed kernels are best suited. As for the types of cereals, then, of course, it is better polished or crushed millet. Grain completely freed from films and shells is more yellow and not shiny. It is better to cook porridge and casseroles from it. Millet dranets are rarely eaten, as it has a bitter taste. Remember that millet quickly starts to be bitter, so do not stock up on it for the future. Millet groats are usually heavily contaminated, so you need to wash them like rice, at least 4-5 times.

Millet porridge - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Millet porridge with milk in pots ("Pumpkin")

In the old Russian oven, porridge, as well as other dishes, was cooked in cast iron. Today, in the service of man there are a lot of various ways and kitchen appliances, but the taste of porridge from the oven is almost impossible to repeat. You can get as close to it as possible only with the help of ceramic pots.

Ingredients: millet (1 cup), milk (4 cups), butter (30 grams), salt, sugar, pumpkin (500 gr).

Cooking method

Grated peeled pumpkin, heat the milk in a thick-walled pan. We transfer the pumpkin into boiling milk, salt, cook for 5 minutes. Add millet groats. Cook for half an hour under a closed lid. We put them in pots, put in each spoonful of butter and put in the oven over low heat (150 degrees) for 20-30 minutes. For sweet tooth add sugar or honey.

Recipe 2: Millet porridge in a slow cooker

Extraordinarily tender millet porridge can also be cooked in a slow cooker. Millet with the addition of milk and cream has a beneficial effect on the body, it is an excellent carbohydrate charge of energy for the whole day.

Ingredients: millet (1 cup), milk (3 cups), water (2 cups), cream (100 grams), salt, sugar, butter (50 grams).

Cooking method

Rinse the grits and put in the slow cooker. Add the remaining ingredients except the butter. Choose a cooker mode (it can be porridge, baking, or another, it all depends on the model). We set the timer for 1 hour. After notification, add oil and put it on the “heat maintenance” mode for 15 minutes to make the porridge fully ripen.

Recipe 3: Millet porridge in milk with dried fruits

Millet porridge for breakfast is a great start to the day. But for dinner it is best served with vegetables or dried fruits.

Ingredients: millet (1 cup), milk (1 cup), sugar (1 tablespoon), butter (50-70 grams), salt, dried fruits.

Cooking method

Millet should be washed very well, otherwise porridge may have bitter taste. For cooking, we need two rings. We put two saucepans on them - in one we boil water, in the other we bring the milk to a boil and add salt and sugar to it. The milk casserole should be thick-walled, like a goose. Cook millet in water and carefully drain the water as soon as the cereal begins to boil. For a better taste, rinse the millet again with hot water. We put the semi-boiled millet in milk and put a small fire. When the milk is absorbed, spread the butter on top and cover with dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, apples, raisins, etc.). Keep under the lid for another 6-7 minutes. Remove from heat and wrap.

Recipe 4: Millet with Chicken

No matter how tasty the porridge may seem to us, it can be difficult to feed men. There is an exit! It is simply impossible to refuse porridge on a broth with chicken.

Ingredients: carrots 1 pc., butter (1 tbsp.spoon), millet (1 cup), chicken, 1 medium onion, chicken stock (1 l), salt.

Cooking method

Boil the chicken. Cut it into pieces and place it in a pot of water. Add onions and carrots. Cook for 30 minutes. Pass the broth through a sieve and pour 1 liter of broth into the pan. Thoroughly washed millet is poured into the broth and cook for 20 minutes. Chicken meat is cut into small pieces. Add chicken and butter to the porridge. Cook for 15 minutes, remove from heat and wrap for 15 minutes in a blanket. Very tasty and satisfying porridge with meat, even capricious men love it. By the way, doctors advise eating millet dishes at least 2 times a week, since a high potassium content strengthens the heart muscle.

Recipe 5: Millet porridge with cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a truly universal product. It is combined even with meat and cereals. Millet porridge with cottage cheese acquires a special taste, more concentrated on cottage cheese. Even the children love it with cottage cheese, even if they consider millet itself fresh and uninteresting.

Ingredients: millet (150 grams), milk (1 cup), cottage cheese (100 grams), sugar (2 teaspoons), sugar, salt.

Cooking method

Rinse millet in warm, then in hot water. Pour in water and cook for about 3-5 minutes after boiling over high heat. Carefully drain the water and add milk. Salt and add sugar, cook for another 2 minutes over high heat. Add the cottage cheese and cook for another 2 minutes over medium heat. Leave to insist for about 10 minutes. The original porridge is ready.

Millet porridge - useful tips from experienced chefs

Millet groats, unlike the same buckwheat or rice, are stored much less. The matted millet acquires a bitter taste. In order to get rid of a light bitterness, you can scald the cereal with boiling water and dry in a pan.


Watch the video: Millet Porridge for Breakfast (July 2024).