Eating fish reduces the risk of asthma in children by 36%


Feeding fish to children aged 6 months to 1 year helps to reduce their risk of developing asthma by an average of 36%. This conclusion was made by Dutch specialists from the Rotterdam Medical Center. It was based on the results of their long scientific work, during which more than 7 thousand children were examined. Scientists also managed to find out that eating fish by children whose age is less than six months and more than a year is much less effective than at the intermediate stage of these periods.

7210 children born from 2002 to 2006 were involved in the study. Among them, 1281 children ate fish only in the first 6 months after birth, 431 children - only after he was 1 year old, and the remaining 5498 children ate it from the age of 6 months to 12 months from the moment when they were born.

To compare the health status of each child, the specialists took their medical records, a careful study of which allowed the experts to identify the fact that approximately 40% of all examined children who had eaten fish earlier or later than the second half of the year since birth had much more unfavorable factors in virginity. potentially a harbinger of asthma. In particular, such phenomena as wheezing, shortness of breath and wheezing can be attributed to them. As for children who consumed fish between the ages of 6 and 12 months, their childhood turned out to be more prosperous - in most of them, similar factors were observed much less often and at the same time were less dangerous.

According to researchers, the relationship between the benefits received by children from fish and the period of their use is explained by the special state of the children's immune system in which it is located throughout the entire second half of the child’s life. At this time, his body is more susceptible to change, and, therefore, has a greater susceptibility to the chemical and biological components contained in food.

It is important to note that although the fish taken by the child outside the second half of his life brings his health slightly fewer benefits than during him, nevertheless, experts do not recommend abandoning this product. According to scientists, fish in any case brings great benefits to children's health, making it more protected not only from asthma, but also from many other diseases.


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