Prayer for good luck and luck


Every person in one way or another wants to succeed. The pursuit of a career, the search for love, all sorts of procedures to maintain and improve health - all this is an integral part of life, a measure of success. But not everyone is lucky in this. To rectify the situation, to attract luck to your side, to raise your business and find love is possible if you know someone and what to ask for. Proper prayer can help achieve the desired.

Consider the strongest and most effective prayers for good luck and luck in all things and love, allowing you to make your dreams come true.

What are the prayers for good luck and luck in all things and attracting money?

Who has never had a situation in life from which there was no way out? There was nowhere to wait for help and it remained to rely only on ourselves. At such moments, the last option remained, the last hope - faith. Faith in the Almighty Lord who will protect and protect. And we resort to pleading.

A well-chosen and uttered prayer will help you realize your plans, achieve your goal, correct mistakes and find something new and significant. It is always possible to turn to God, but it is also necessary to do it with the mind, without giving up and relying solely on divine intervention.

Prayer appeals to the Almighty asking for help:

  • at work;
  • in business;
  • with health;
  • in love;
  • learning;
  • in family troubles;
  • with addiction;
  • at important events.

Virtually any situation in life can be, if not corrected, at least improved through prayer. With its help, you can achieve good luck and luck in all matters, as well as attract money to the house. Standard attributes for prayer are:

  • church candles;
  • icons;
  • Holy water.

However, in most cases it is enough to verbally refer to heaven without using any objects. It is important to remember that prayer is, first of all, a moral and spiritual message. Therefore, you should tune in, free your mind from unnecessary thoughts and sincerely believe in what has been said.

Success in work and business

The prayer for good luck and luck in the work does not provide for the presence of candles or icons. It is desirable to pronounce it in the morning at the time of preparation for the working day or immediately before leaving the house. Optionally, you can write down - necessarily by hand - and hang out the text in front of the entrance door:

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit! I appeal to the Lord Almighty and pray for help in a difficult task! Grant your slave (slave) your (your name) fortitude, put on great things and great achievements and good work! I will praise Thy name, by faith-truth, live a life of righteousness, deprived of help, and worldly beasts love, if I succeed. Hear my prayer, save and save! Amen".

Universal prayer for help in small matters is as follows:

“Our Father, who art in heaven! Prayer to you I appeal, protect and podsobit please. Guide me with your finger, hide from failure, open the road to good luck! Amen. Amen. Amen".

The second message is recommended to learn by heart and pronounced in a quiet but confident voice. She will help you tune in before an important meeting or meeting, add confidence and improve your spirits.

Study and education

Prayers before exams for luck and luck are usually addressed to Sergius of Radonezh, Nicholas the Wonderworker or the Matrona of Moscow. Preparing to read it includes going to church or a temple in order to set a candle in front of the icon of the selected saint. This can be done at home, if there is an image of the face of the righteous, and the size does not matter. You can carry a small icon with you to study or exams to ask for help at the right time.

The shortest and most effective prayer for success in the educational process:

“To (the name of the saint) I cry! I pray for favors! Help God's creation on the difficult path of enlightenment, grant patience, save the disagreeable from thoughts and direct them to the necessary path! As there is goodness and peace in heaven, so there will be peace and contentment in my soul! Amen!"

After reading the prayer book, you need to cross three times and, with your head bowed, for a few minutes you should think about nothing, calling for calm in the soul, and in the mind, and tune in to learning.


Love prayers stand out from the rest. It is worth reading them at night in the light of an icon lamp or a wide low candle on a Bible or an old book. In the second case, it is important to choose a suitable novel, the tabloid books are not suitable for prayer, as well as vulgar stories. Having defined the book, you should open it at the moment with a description of sincere and pure feelings, or "The First Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians, chapter 13, verses 1-13."

Put your hands in a prayer gesture and say:

“As the commandment important, the Lord left us to love our neighbor, so I follow this dogma. Love is great and present to find thirst in order to bestow full benefits and reunite in the world. I ask you to send me a faithful friend for the rest of my life, so that they walk together hand in hand on the world, honor God, and be united by faith. In sickness and health, in sorrow and joy, we will stay together, we will not rejoice at each other. I pray, O God, for love as I love you. Amen!"

Read the selected passage to yourself, blow out the candle, and place the book at night under the pillow and go to bed with thoughts and faith in the Most High.


Most of the prayers to the Lord are focused on requests for health. Grievously ill hopefully sing praises and pray for recovery. The texts of prayers differ depending on the complexity of the disease. For example, with a slight indisposition, you can read “Our Father” and wash yourself with holy water. More serious problems are solved by going to church, communion with the priest and his prayers for the health of the petitioner. Do not forget that prayer in such cases is an auxiliary element, which accelerates recovery, but does not cure itself. Only in conjunction with modern treatment, the effect will not take long.

You can read the health prayer yourself. To do this, fill the three vessels with holy water, place them on the table, and place church candles behind them. Prayer passes in stages:

  1. Stand in front of the first vessel, put your hands in water and begin to wash them, saying: “I appeal to God with great request! To clean my body (or the name of the person for whom you pray) from filth, from dirt and illness! How clean it is from the outside, let it be clean from the inside, the disease is not stained, the pain is not exhausted! Amen!"
  2. Move to the second tank and wash with the words: “My mind is clear, my thoughts are virtuous, I pray for the healing of the Lord to leave the leprosy away, leave and not torture me anymore! I didn’t ruin with my grayness! Amen!"
  3. Scoop up some water from the third vessel and press it to your chest with both hands, saying: “Almighty God, you are great and kind! Show your favor to your slave (your name or the patient) and get rid of a terrible litigation! In order not to poison the spirit and not to kill the body! By faith I sincerely cry to you - save and save! Amen!"

If the prayer was aimed at healing another person, you should take some water from each vessel in different containers and wash his hands, face and chest cell in the same sequence, mentally asking for recovery.


Family turmoil will pass faster and easier if the time to turn the right words to heaven. In prayers for the family, they ask for strength in order to pass through problems with dignity and not to lose dear people. In cases where the wife has left the house or the family has left the wife, you should go to church, put a candle in favor of the health of the spouse and direct the mental message to God:

“The Lord God, who looks upon his creatures from heaven, calls upon you for advice and help! Please ease the load to my spouse / spouse (name) and clear the way home. Tell my words and instilling in your thoughts that they are waiting here and loving, they will take care, they will help and support. Both in heaven and in our family the world will reign. Now and ever and ever and ever, amen! ”

Support the family hearth and well-being with the following prayer:

“Holy Mother of God, guardian and protector of family and children, I draw your words and soul for blessing to you! Increase happiness, that there is, strengthen the bonds that my family bind, fill the house with joy and serenity. As Mother of Mother, help and mercy show me, amen! Amen! Amen!"

Also, this appeal will allow to settle minor household problems or quarrels, help the family to make compromises and restore trusting relationships.

From addictions

Addiction is a scary word. People are addicted to money, gambling, alcohol, drugs, and often cannot cope with their addiction. Because of dependencies, they tear all ties, quarrel with relatives, give up work, steal, and even kill. Do not help doctors, or psychologists, nor the witch, and to destroy the filth that has swept the person alone is almost impossible. The only hope for salvation remains the prayer given to higher forces.

It is recommended to pray for deliverance from addictions surrounded by icons. Ascended to the request of God, Jesus Christ or Boniface of the Most Merciful. The room should be fumigated with incense, light the candles, take a humble attitude and say:

"Lord Jesus! I was overcome by (addict’s name) passion is pernicious, disgusting and disagreeable to God! To drink (to smoke, to use prohibited substances, to play - that’s what the problem is connected with) started and I can’t stop! I pray for forgiveness, for cleansing and giving the soul healing from dark thoughts, unsolicited desires, rotten desires! Get rid of me (the name of the person) from drinking (the name of addiction)! You, Lord Jesus Christ, healed the paralyzed, he cleansed the lepers, he pardoned the harlot, so save your servant (name) save and save! Amen. Amen. Amen!"

The prayer, addressed to saint Boniface, should preferably be chanted:

“Oh the long-suffering and all martyr Vonifatii! Hear my prayer and look! Heal (name) from the mud that swept, from the soul, from the body, survive, bring back to abstinence and purify! Obsessed (addict's name) get rid of addiction harmful, as in his lifetime helped the suffering! May thy mercy cover you and God-given, amen! ”

Repeat prayers should be daily. Strength in their faith sincere and regular petition. During this period, it is also recommended to attend churches and temples, to attend worship, preferably with an addict.


Watch the video: Prayer for Luck, Wealth, Prosperity. DISCOVER WHAT HAPPENS (June 2024).