40 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensation at 40 weeks gestation.


You, as a true marathon runner, courageously reached the end of the race. And of course you are tired, from which sometimes you become very irritable. And then relatives, friends, just acquaintances, add fuel to the fire, bombarding you with the same type of questions: "Have you given birth yet? No? And when?" Calm down, do not wind yourself. It is better to once again stroke the tummy and talk with the baby.

Changes in the body at 40 weeks of gestation

The less time is left before the DA, the greater the likelihood that childbirth can begin at any minute. Moreover, they can begin with contractions or the outflow of amniotic fluid.

How to distinguish real fights. To understand this, it is necessary to detect the frequency of contractions, i.e. at what interval (time interval) they are repeated. To do this, you need a stopwatch (you can watch with a second hand) and a pen with a piece of paper. If you have a computer at hand, you can use scrambler programs. In labor pains, the interval between them is the same. As soon as the frequency of contractions reaches 10 minutes, you can be sure that the birth has begun and get ready to the hospital.

If your birth did not begin with contractions, but with the outflow of amniotic fluid, you must get to the hospital as soon as possible, without waiting for the contractions to begin. That's why it is necessary to collect a bag in advance, prepare documents and an exchange card so as not to collect things while running around the apartment. In such a hurry, you will definitely forget something.

The condition of the fetus at 40 weeks of gestation

Your little son or daughter, this little angel, is ready to go out. You are separated by a barrier of just a few centimeters. He somehow doesn’t even want to call him a fruit - this is a real child, just like a kitten curled up in a ball. Its weight by the 40th week is 3300-3500g, and its height is about 52-53cm.

In your body, by the end of pregnancy, the amount of female hormones of estrogen increases, and some of them pass to the baby. Therefore, do not be scared if your baby has slightly enlarged breasts during the first days after birth. And girls have small vaginal discharge, sometimes with blood. This is normal for newborns, all signs of which will disappear in a few days.

Possible sensations at 40 weeks of gestation

Your feelings are similar to those that were last or the week before last: you listen to yourself hourly to see if the contractions have begun, and expect a speedy delivery. Be patient. Your baby knows himself when he needs to be born.

When he decides that his time has come, he will give a signal, and the process of childbirth will start in your body. From the child, the signals of cytokines, hormone-like substances, will come into the mother’s brain, and the pregnant woman will begin to produce hormones that stimulate the onset of labor. A significant role is given to the special hormone oxytocin. By the way, it is he who is injected into women when they begin to stimulate labor.

Oxytocin causes contractions, the uterus begins to contract, and the cervix gradually expands to full disclosure. After the child has opened the door, he has no choice but to leave his first house forever. He goes on a journey along the birth canal, at the end of which the midwife's dexterous hands take him. The baby is covered with a warm diaper, wiped from the original grease and the umbilical cord is cut. Thus begins the first minutes of his life outside the mother's body.

Necessary medical supervision

The 40th week of pregnancy is coming to an end. You continue to attend the consultation weekly and be monitored by a doctor. Your doctor will probably also tell you that you don’t need to panic because you have not yet given birth. You can give birth tomorrow or walk another ten days.

A pregnancy is considered normal, lasting from 38 to 42 weeks. And, starting from week 43 - postponed. In this case, the doctor prescribes stimulation. They can offer you stimulation at 41 or 42 weeks, especially if something threatens a successful pregnancy outcome.

General recommendations

Be sure to prepare the clothes themselves, in which you will be discharged from the hospital. Just keep in mind that your figure, although it builds up after childbirth, but not to the extent that it fits in a fitted dress or favorite jeans. Therefore, you need to choose something more free. To avoid funny things, it is better not to trust such a crucial moment to your husband.

So 40 weeks of longing have passed. Soon you will meet your child. Look back, remember all your months of pregnancy: the sensations that you experienced when you saw the treasured two stripes, first met the baby on an ultrasound scan, felt the first stir, other pleasant and significant moments for you. Remember these feelings. It may be that you will never experience such emotions in your life. Therefore, you only have a few days left to stay in the status of a pregnant woman.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Ira 08/26/2016
This is not the first time I have encountered bacagnosis. First pregnancy. Upon delivery of tests found gardnerella. Appointed Dalacin, tk. allowed during pregnancy. As a result, bacterial vaginosis failed. She gave birth at her own peril and risk, very afraid for her daughter. Thank God, everything worked out. Second pregnancy. Against the background of a hormonal surge, bacterial vaginosis reappeared. This time, Metrogil vaginal gel was prescribed. Honestly, I was skeptical after the first unsuccessful treatment. But in vain, the gel helped, and I reported the pregnancy well! I gave birth to a girl.

Natalya85 08/07/2016
It’s even a pity that there are only a few days left for pregnancy)) Then you miss your belly so much)) I know, because I am pregnant the second time now.
By the way, there is a wonderful service for women - the Woman Calendar from Zaya program (//zaya-soft.com/wcalendar)/ It is free and allows you to maintain a calendar with notes about health, and at the same time track pregnancy.

Irina 04/08/2016
I have only 28 weeks. But I can not help but pay attention to the questions asked by sympathetic friends (painful memories of my previous pregnancy). This time, I hid my position (rather hushed up) until the last, precisely because of the obsessive attention of others. I understand that it is from good intentions, but when the nerves are handed over for any reason, it will not be out of place to protect yourself on this side. Neighbors, have already begun to attend doubts. It is better for them to learn as late as possible. Perhaps then it will not seem that I should have given birth the day before yesterday, and I will not feel awkward, which does not meet the expectations of my neighbor.

Lika 04/06/2016
Oh my God! I can’t believe that I have reached this point! It seems to be - 40 weeks is that much. And if you recall all these side effects, worries, worries about the baby’s health, then this is a very long time. There was the last, decisive step. And I'm a mom !!!

Dana 04/06/2016
Today I thought that I was about to give birth. I arrived at the hospital - and nothing. Now here in the ward (paid) I expect birth. Probably tomorrow. Finally, I lived to see this happy moment !! So many emotions covers! And joy, and fear, and much more.


Watch the video: Your Developing Baby, At 37-40 Weeks Pregnant. Kaiser Permanente (June 2024).