November 7: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Since 1995, this day has been celebrated differently. Instead of the anniversary of the revolution, another memorable date is celebrated - a parade on Red Square on November 7, 1941, when military units, passing through the square, went straight to the front. These were the most difficult days in the history of the war: the enemy was on the outskirts of Moscow. The 1941 military parade is an event equal to the most significant operations and battles of the war, when the unbending will of the Soviet people was demonstrated to the whole world, the desire to repulse the enemy at all costs. Fighters appeared in the sky, despite the fact that the square was in the access zone of enemy artillery. The parade on Red Square and Stalin’s appeal to the people strengthened the people's faith that the enemy would indeed be defeated and that victory would be ours.

In 2012, the Kyrgyz Press celebrates its 88th anniversary. The mass media, radio and television, publishing houses and printing, by order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, celebrate this day in memory of the first edition. It was the national newspaper Erkin Too, today called Kyrgyz Tuusu. The periodical press appeared in 1913, and today in Kyrgyzstan more than 1000 periodicals are issued.

The celebration of the new era informs only symbolically, as it is celebrated only 25 times. On that day, a coup d'etat took place in Tunisia. The head of state, Habib Bourguib, was removed from his post for health reasons. The coup took place peacefully, the new head of government (former Prime Minister Zin al-Abidin Ben Ali) read out his appeal on the radio and took over the board. His companions helped him - a group of prominent statesmen. So in Tunisia, the era of a new politician, called the "new era", began, and the day of November 7 is celebrated as a day of renewal.

Traditionally, on this day, Armenia rejoices that God gives her a lot of grapes, from which a huge amount of fine wine is prepared. The celebration is held in the village of Areni, Vayots-Dzor Marz. Throughout the millennium, a story has come down to us, stating that from time immemorial, Armenian wine has been known all over the world. Studies have shown that since the 9th century BC, winemaking has already developed in the country as a separate industry. The climatic conditions of Armenia allow the grapes to collect a large amount of sugar, and the wine obtained from these varieties is notable for its strength. Strong and semi-dessert wines of Armenia have no analogues. Muscat, Madeira, port, light wines often win at exhibitions. The traditions of Armenian winemakers are preserved to this day.

Grandfather Cries

Snow or rain is sure to be expected on this day - nature is crying. People began to cry with her, remembering their deceased loved ones. The graves were put in order at the cemetery, food was handed out to the poor, and at home on a plentiful table with their favorite foods of the dead they were remembered, while lighting candles. On this day, help to orphans was necessarily provided, offending them in Russia is considered a terrible sin. Among the special signs can be called the fact that on this day it is not advisable for merchants to eat bread or move from place to place, so as not to frighten off luck. This was especially true for grain merchants.

November 7, 680 AD - VI Ecumenical Council opened in Constantinople

It was convened by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine IV, nicknamed the Bearded, to evaluate the teachings of the Monophelites. The theory that Christ did not have a human nature, but only divine nature, caused a lot of contradictions and disputes. Almost a year of the Cathedral has 18 meetings and a large number of participants. The final meetings were attended by 174 people. The heretics were condemned, the monotheel hierarchs — the four Patriarchs of Constantinople and Pope Honorius 1, Patriarch Macarius — were excommunicated. The teaching was cursed, and it was announced to all people that henceforth those who wish to seek another faith will lose their property and be driven out of the city.

November 7, 1902 Russia's first sobering-up station opened in Tula

The doctor Fedor Sergeevich Arkhangelsky proposed to open an institution called "a shelter for intoxicated". The first Russian detoxifier contained two departments - for drunk parents and for their children. Assistance in the institution was provided free of charge for those whom police officers picked up in the street in an insensitive drunken state. The doctor noted that alcoholism leads to the degeneration of the nation and moral damage to the population. The idea was picked up by almost all cities - such establishments were opened throughout Russia. For the idea and its implementation, the doctor Fyodor Arkhangelsky was awarded a gold and silver medal at the hygiene forum in St. Petersburg. At present, detoxification in Russia is almost closed.

November 7, 1918 - The first brands of Secular Russia were issued

The release of the first stamps of new Russia was dedicated to the first anniversary of the October Revolution. These were stamps with an unusual history. At the beginning of 1917, a sketch of the stamp was made, personifying the liberation of the royal people from the shackles. It depicted a hand breaking chains. After the overthrow of the Provisional Government, these copies were issued as a mark of the People’s Commissar of the RSFSR, worth 35 and 70 kopecks. A small number of stamps were issued, and then letters and postcards began to be sent free of charge, at the expense of the state. The first Russian brands after the collapse of the USSR were released in 1992.

Maria Sklodowska Curie (1867-1934), French physicist and chemist

Maria Sklodowska was born in Warsaw, was able to earn money for an excellent education at the Sorbonne, studied chemistry and physics. After graduating from university, she became the first woman in the world to teach at this university. Her husband became a companion and assistant for many years. Together they received the Nobel Prize for the study of uranium, the Curie spouses discovered new elements - radium and polonium. The latter was named after Poland, the birthplace of Mary. After the death of her husband, Maria continues the family business and again receives the Nobel Prize in chemistry. She is exploring the possibilities of using radioactivity in medicine. During the war, Marie Curie bought personal X-ray equipment for hospitals from her personal funds, and trained doctors in radiological research.

Leon Trotsky (1879 -1940), Russian revolutionary politician

Leiba Davidovich Bronstein (Leo Trotsky) was engaged in revolutionary activity all his conscious life. After the victory of the revolution, he held leading government posts, but was demoted and sent into exile in 1927. In 1929 he was expelled from the USSR. Abroad, he did not stop the revolutionary struggle and created the Trotskyist International, wrote several works on the history of the revolution in Russia. In 1940, he was killed in Mexico.

Arseny Vvedensky (1844-1909 years), Russian literary critic

Arseny Ivanovich Vvedensky graduated from a theological school and seminary. Education at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics did not work, but he became interested in literary activity. His articles, reviews and studies were published by leading newspapers of the time. At first, he used the pseudonym Aristarchs. He is famous for editing the works of Griboedov, Lomonosov, Fonvizin, "Complete Works" M.Yu. Lermontov. His critical feuilletons featured newspapers such as Order, Voice, Russian Vedomosti, Novoye Vremya.

Julian del Casal (1863-1893), Cuban poet

A bright representative of modernism, Kassal in his work goes into the world of exoticism. His poems are characterized by pessimism, plasticity and musicality. After meeting with Spanish poets, he releases a collection of poems "Sheets Downwind". In his poems you can find exotic landscapes, melancholy moods. He died of laughter - an uncontrolled attack caused aortic dissection and a sudden death.

Dmitry Furmanov (1891 -1926) - prose writer, author of the novel "Chapaev"

The short life of the writer fell at the beginning of the 20th century, rich in historical events: 2 revolutions, world and civil war, the formation of the USSR. As a teacher, he managed to work as a medical professional, political manager and commissar of the Red Army in the Civil War. Fighting in the Chapaev’s division, he commands a detachment and receives a shell shock. The novel "Chapaev" is the most famous work, after which the novel "Mutiny" was written.

Pavel Alexandrov (1896 -1982 g), Soviet mathematician

Pavel Alexandrov created a school of mathematics, which played a large role in the development of domestic science. Topology became his specialization; about 200 works on this and other topics were independently and co-authored. In addition, Pavel Sergeevich wrote several educational books and lectured. He became a Hero of socialist labor, for great achievements in domestic science he was awarded the State Prize of the first degree.

George Millar (1903 -1993) the famous Soviet theater and film actor

The Millar received the nickname "All-Union Baba Yaga" after creating the image of Baba Yaga, and then Kashchei, in a fabulous space. After the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the image of dark forces was associated with fascism among the audience, therefore, Kashchei and Baba Yaga looked very bright in the finale, because in fairy tales good always triumphs over evil. Georgy Frantsevich Millar in his childhood had the name de Millier, but he never indicated his foreign origin. His talent for reincarnation has amazed directors and viewers for over 50 years of his career. The meeting with the director and storyteller A. Rowe turned into a real friendship. In total, about 70 roles were played, he also voiced a large number of cartoons and wrote poetry.

Rina Green (1902 -1991), Soviet theater and film actress

Rina Vasilievna Zelenaya got into acting school by accident. She went through a big competition and became a singer, but the natural tendency to humorous roles and parodies won. She began to use the name Rina when the word "Catherine" did not fit on the poster. In her youth, she managed to work in Odessa and Moscow theaters. Mature years were devoted to the Moscow Theater of Satire and the Theater of Variety and Miniatures. She invented several stories for the scripts of films herself and brilliantly played these roles. Until the very last days, Rin Zeleny was accompanied by the love of fans and spectators. In recent years, the actress spent in the house of movie veterans.

On this day Athanasius and Valery can celebrate their name day.


Watch the video: Days, Weeks And Months Of The Year 4k (July 2024).