Orthodox prayer for the forgiveness of their sins, daily


It is possible to pray to the Lord and His Saints not only for help, one should also pay less attention to the prayers for the forgiveness of their sins. In order to be cleansed from the grievous weight of sinfulness and unrighteous deeds, proper repentance to heaven must be offered. How to do this and with what prayers - read more in the article.

How to properly pray for sins?

Asking for their own sins, and, moreover, the sins of a whole family, is not a quick and difficult affair. For the most part, prayers for the forgiveness of sins are read in churches and temples, but there are also those that can be pronounced at home.

It is important to remember: God does not need sacrifices, only sincere repentance and repentance.

It is impossible to atone for the mistakes committed solely by acts, although they are auxiliary. It will also require reading prayers for the forgiveness of their sins to the Lord God.

Among the main stages of the aspiration of sin are:

  1. Reading special prayers;
  2. Help the disadvantaged;
  3. Alms and donations;
  4. Caring for the brothers of the smaller homeless animals;
  5. Visit churches and temples;
  6. Confession to the priests.

Only a truly repentant Orthodox will observe these actions, while offering a daily prayer for the forgiveness of their sins. It should be noted that the greater the sin or the number of their accomplishments, the more time it takes to atone for and atonement. Before proceeding to the otpalivaniya, it is necessary to clearly understand and accept all the deeds committed by the Lord. This stage will help prepare emotionally and morally to correct errors.

Prayers are repeated in the evenings during the month in order to atone for past sins. In addition, prayers are used to promote the forgiveness of God's actions that were performed the same day.

A prayer of forgiveness, ascended to God in time, says that one prays:

  • I realized my mistakes and sins;
  • He accepts the consequences and is ready for them;
  • He wants to correct the harm done to others by his unreasonable actions;
  • He entrusts himself to heavenly judgment and is ready for punishment;
  • In the aftermath, he is not going to repeat any previously committed sins, nor to succumb to new temptations.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins before the Lord

Before appearing before the Almighty with a prayer for forgiveness, it is necessary to take communion and confess. The prayer for the forgiveness of sins before God is read in the church or at home in front of the Life-giving Cross. It is necessary to light church candles and open the Bible on
Psalm 102: 10-12, which speaks of the power of God's forgiveness. Read the psalm out loud, worship three times, and then repeat the words of the prayer:

"Our Father, Lord Almighty, hear the request of Your Slave (Slave) (name of) a sinner! Heed my prayer and do not be angry. Grant Your Divine Forgiveness, atonement for your prayers and actions for Thee-pleasing. help, protect the weak, Sacred Church to sing. May I not rest and peace until all sins I beg, correct and smooth. I believe in Your mercy and blessing, in Holy Trinity, now and ever, and in the ages of ages. Amen ".

Cross yourself, read “Our Father” three times and go to sleep with thoughts of good deeds that you are ready and can do. A no less effective and widespread prayer for the redemption of the Savior of the human race to Jesus Christ is called "On Repentance and Forgiveness." At home, it should be read twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, bowing before the icon in a prayer position.

To avoid temptations and not allow yourself to accomplish evil deeds, get rid of sinful thoughts and prevent misdeeds in the face of the Lord, you can read a simple and uncomplicated prayer daily or in your mind:

"Almighty God, I pray you to grant me the strength to resist the temptation, to get rid of evil thoughts, the temptation not to succumb. I hope in Your favor, do not let me step on the path of the curve and save from the treacherous mistakes. Amen."

The prayer is repeated in cases where previous sins are salted and released in the church. It is also recommended to attend the temple regularly, at least once every two weeks on Sundays, and to confess at least once a month.

Sins of a kind

In order to atone for the sins of a whole family, it will take much more time and effort. Prayers for the forgiveness of the kind are read for 40 days and 40 nights.

This should be done in a certain way in stages:

  1. Visiting the church, confessing to the father about his desire;
  2. Reading prayers in the church for the forgiveness of sins of the whole race;
  3. The establishment of candles for the rest of the deceased relatives. You need to bet as much as you know the names;
  4. Lighting candles for the health of living relatives. It is recommended to put the icon of the Virgin, the Healer Panteleimon or Savior;
  5. Accommodation in the main room of the house of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God and the Trinity, you can also install the Life-giving Cross;
  6. Mandatory observance of the morning and evening prayer rules;
  7. The repetition of prayer in the faces of the Saints twice a day after other prayers;
  8. Weekly attendance of Sunday services in a church or temple.

At the end of forty days, in the last 24 hours, one should visit the church again and take communion in order to enter the future life without the sins of the past. Thus, both the current and the future generation are protected from all sorts of punishments, evil and other unkind events.

In addition to basic actions, it is recommended to lead a righteous lifestyle, avoid surplus, not slander, keep silence in the house, do not swear and do not wish harm to others. Think with hope and faith in the best.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins for aborted children

Abortion - a terrible sin, which certainly requires attorney and repentance. When a woman realizes what she has done, seeks to somehow correct the atrocity and turns to the Lord. In order to atone for this sin, you will need to bring home. the icon of the Mother of God "Mourning for infants in the womb of the slain".

It is not necessary to choose a prayer for an abortion. To begin with, it is necessary to visit the church and confess to the priest, who will appoint a penance depending on the physical and spiritual condition of the sinned woman, taking into account various circumstances. In order to come to true repentance, the priest has the right to appoint a special prayer rule, depending on the number of abortions and the sincerity of the repentant woman.

However, there is a canon rule generally accepted by all churches and temples - a sequence of prayers, troparions and psalms about the murder of children in the womb, starting with praise to the Lord, His Son and the Holy Spirit in words. Follow up once is said, you can download the full version of the text at this link.

After the atonement of sin, the prayer of the Virgin to the soul of the unborn child should also be read:

"Blessed Mother of God, Patroness of the Family Hearth, Protector of Children, I ask you to save and save the soul of the child Slave of God and happiness in the eternal heavens now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. "

It is highly recommended to donate things to children in need or shelter.


Watch the video: Repentance (July 2024).