Protein shakes for weight loss - a way to lose weight. The benefits of protein shakes for weight loss, recipes


Protein shakes for weight loss are becoming increasingly popular among those who want to quickly and effectively lose weight.

The main advantage of drinks is that they burn fat, while not touching the muscle mass. It is important to understand that without minimal physical exertion, achieving a result will not work.

The use of protein shakes for weight loss has a number of its own characteristics and rules that you need to familiarize yourself with before starting the weight loss process.

What are protein shakes for weight loss

There are a lot of varieties of the drink. Some are intended only for bodybuilders, others are suitable for those who want to bring their figure back to normal at home.

The main types of cocktails

1. A drink in which 10 grams of protein, pectins and carbohydrates are per serving. This option is suitable for replacing 1 main meal.

2. Cocktails containing chromium picolinate, L-carnitine and protein. They are intended for people who systematically attend gyms in order to keep themselves in good shape. There is 200 Kcal per serving, but the drink does not saturate due to the lack of pectin. For the "home" diet, this option is not suitable.

3. Slimming drink at home. The main components are cottage cheese, yoghurts, milk, kefir. Cocktails are prepared at home and in combination with minimal physical activity help to lose weight.

4. Specialized cocktails consisting of components of plant origin. For example, it can be oats or sprouted wheat. Drink replace 1 of the main meals. This tool not only helps to lose weight, but also normalizes the intestines.

Key Benefits of Slimming Protein Shakes

It is not surprising that the popularity of protein shakes for weight loss is constantly growing. Each drink recipe is unique, contains the necessary amount of protein and other nutritional components necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Key Benefits of Slimming Protein Shakes

1. One serving is 200 ml. Drinks can easily replace breakfast or other meals. Due to the fact that the body needs more time to absorb protein, the feeling of hunger is dulled. This will save a person from the need for a snack. The drink contains few calories, while it is characterized by high energy value, which gives a surge of vigor and strength for a long time.

2. Improving metabolism and accelerating metabolism. If you regularly combine the use of the drink with physical activity, you can significantly improve your condition as a whole. The work of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.

3. Protein shakes for weight loss remove toxins, toxins, salts of heavy metals and excess fluid, without affecting muscle mass. Weight will be reduced, and the figure will remain attractive and fit.

4. The composition of the drink contains a large amount of calcium, which strengthens bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

5. There are a lot of recipes for the drink - these are also advantages, you can diversify your diet daily. Such a diet just can not get bored.

6. Protein shakes are especially useful for women who are preparing to become a mother. The drink strengthens the uterus and mammary glands. In addition, its use will allow the expectant mother not to gain excess weight, which complicates the process of childbirth.

7. By adding a little chocolate to the cocktail, you can get a drink that will cheer you up for the whole day and brighten up the everyday bustle with sweetness.

8. Increase endurance, relieve tension and a feeling of fatigue.

How to drink protein shakes for weight loss, so as not to harm the body

The way you drink the drink depends on the purpose that the person is pursuing. If he is a professional athlete or bodybuilder, he needs much more protein than anyone who wants to simply lose weight. When the goal is weight loss, a person can only afford to replace 1-2 meals with a drink. In larger quantities it is impossible to use. Protein requires physical activity, and when "lying on the couch" it will turn into fatty deposits.

It is strictly forbidden to abuse protein shakes for weight loss. This can lead to side effects such as:

• development of liver and kidney diseases;

• disruption of the digestive tract;

• slowing down the metabolism;

• heaviness in the stomach;

• the appearance of excess weight.

Losing weight with such drinks is strictly forbidden to those who have an individual intolerance to dairy products.

Effective and delicious recipes

There are a huge number of options for making protein drinks. However, for those who want to lose weight at home, only some of them are suitable.

All protein shakes are mixed in a blender and consumed immediately after preparation. Losing weight only needs to choose the list of ingredients that he will like most.

Classic Fat Burning Cocktail


• low fat yogurt (100 ml);

• fresh milk of low fat content (300 ml);

• flaxseed (10 grams).

Banana drink


• half a banana;

• 150 ml of low fat milk;

• bag of vanillin;

• half a teaspoon of cinnamon.

Milk and Egg Drink


• fat-free kefir (150 m);

• low-fat cottage cheese (50 grams);

• 5 proteins of quail eggs;

• 1 white chicken egg;

• 1 tablespoon of fruit syrup for taste.

Protein Breakfast Cocktail


• 2 teaspoons of protein powder;

• skimmed milk powder (100 grams);

• cold still water (150 ml);

• sunflower oil (1 tablespoon).

The cocktail is very good for breakfast. It is worth noting that from the presented ingredients it turns out to be absolutely tasteless. In order to give the drink a little aroma, you can add 1 teaspoon of cocoa to the recipe.

Fragrant Mango Drink


• low-fat cottage cheese (150 grams);

• natural yogurt (150 ml);

• peeled mango peel (1 fruit);

• a pinch of cinnamon.

Important points in the organization of the diet when using protein shakes for weight loss

To lose weight, it’s not enough just to drink protein shakes for weight loss daily. There are other rules for organizing your diet, following which you can achieve a better result.

Basic rules and principles for building your diet

1. You need to understand that a homemade cocktail is not a complete meal. Drinks are replaced by either breakfast or dinner. The rest of the food throughout the day should be built balanced.

2. The action of the cocktail will not give any effect if you do not devote time to physical activity.

3. It is very important to clearly follow the recipe for the preparation of the drink and not add your own ingredients.

4. We must remember the rule that in the evening it is better to stay hungry than to overeat. The best snack for dinner is a glass of kefir with cinnamon.

5. Be sure to comply with the drinking regime. During the day it is important to drink no less than 1.5 liters of pure still water. From a lack of fluid, the metabolism slows down and cellulite begins to appear, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

6. At the end of the diet, it is very important not to break loose and not to overeat. To avoid this, you can continue to drink protein shakes for breakfast.

7. Drinking additional multivitamin complexes is recommended for those who spend a lot of time at work, get tired physically and mentally.

Protein shakes for weight loss are only effective if used correctly. That is, clearly follow the recipe and the daily norm. If a person exercises in the morning (optimal duration is 40-50 minutes), then 1 serving of a drink is enough for him, and it is better 3 hours before bedtime to replace dinner with him. Also, it is desirable to exclude foods with high energy value from the diet. For example, chocolate, sweet pastries and other confectionery products are empty calories that can be dispensed with. If you follow these simple rules, the use of protein shakes for weight loss will really give a good result. A person will find a beautiful, slender, toned body and improve his state of health.


Watch the video: Protein Powder For Weight Loss, How To Use Protein Shakes For Weight Loss (June 2024).