Juice from pumpkins and apples is a miracle, without witchcraft! Make a stock of pumpkin and apple juice according to proven recipes


Combined juices from different fruits, and even more so with a vegetable supplement, are an essential component of a healthy diet.

And not so scary if it is canned.

If you did everything yourself, especially from the fruits of your harvest, then you will get plenty of benefits from the drink.

Juices of this type are highly recommended to increase the overall tone of the body.

Pumpkin and apple juice - general principles of preparation

• Bright, saturated and sweet pumpkin juice can only be obtained from well-ripened, but not overripe pumpkins. The pulp of the vegetable should be dense, bright orange. The pumpkin is peeled and seeds selected, it is advisable to leave the fibrous pulp. It does not affect the taste of the drink, and the juice is thicker.

• Apples are washed and necessarily removed from the fruit middle, in which there are dense partitions with seeds. The choice of variety depends on what sweets want a drink. The main thing is that the pulp is dense, not loose.

• Prepared raw materials are ground into small pieces and juice is extracted. The easiest way to spin is to distill the raw materials through a manual or electric juicer or boil on a juicer. Juice highlighted in this way is clarified. If you want to get a drink with pulp, use the so-called grandmother's methods of obtaining pumpkin juice. The raw materials are pre-boiled until completely softened with water, and then rubbed through a rare sieve. To obtain juice without pulp, in the absence of special devices, boiled raw materials can simply be squeezed using gauze.

• Juice from pumpkin and apples has a pleasant, but still specific taste, which not everyone likes. Therefore, when preparing it, it is recommended to add other fruits, as well as vegetables with more pronounced taste shades. They not only soften the taste, but also enrich the drink with even more vitamins and minerals.

• If necessary, sweeten the drink by adding refined sugar or honey to taste, break the excessive sweetness with citric acid or water.

• Juice from pumpkin and apples is great for canning for the winter. It is stored for a long time and the nutritional properties of the drink during conservation are not lost, if properly prepared.

Freshly squeezed juice from pumpkin and apples with honey, enhancing immunity


• 400 gr. pumpkins (pulp);

• a small celery root;

• 200 ml of drinking water;

• 30 gr. any honey;

• one large apple.

Cooking method:

1. Processed celery root, peeled apples and pumpkin pulp, cut into small cubes or cubes.

2. Put everything in a blender bowl, add honey, pour water and whisk intensively for a couple of minutes.

3. Pour the drink into glasses and drink immediately.

Clarified juice from pumpkin and apples without pulp through a grater


• a pound of peeled pumpkin pulp;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• 10 grams of "lemons";

• a pound of ripe apples.

Cooking method:

1. Grate pumpkin pulp larger with a grater. Transfer to a saucepan and fill with water so that it is on the same level with the chopped pumpkin. Bring the vegetable mass to a boil and boil for five minutes, stirring occasionally.

2. Remove from heat and, gently shifting to a sieve, grind. Then add the lemon and sugar and mix.

3. Wash the apples, peel them and chop on a fine grater. Let the fruit puree stand for a while, then squeeze it through cheesecloth. To simplify the process, you can beat the sliced ​​apples with a blender and strain the resulting mashed potatoes.

4. Drain the strained apple and pumpkin juice into one container and boil for five minutes with minimal boiling.

Grated juice from pumpkins and apples with oranges for the winter


• 800 gr. pumpkin pulp;

• 200 gr. Sahara;

• 300 gr. ripe sweet apples;

• three large oranges;

• citric acid, crystalline - 15 g.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peel from pumpkin and apples. Remove the core from apples, select seeds from pumpkin, leave the fibrous pulp.

2. Cut into a large pot with two-centimeter cubes and fill with water so that it is flush with the chopped ingredients.

3. Put the container on high heat and boil for five minutes since boiling with moderate heating. Cool and wipe on a rare metal sieve.

4. Oranges stand for three minutes, dropping in boiling water, squeeze the juice from citrus fruits and strain it through the same sieve into a grated pumpkin-apple mass.

5. Add sugar refined sugar and lemon and mix thoroughly, put on a moderate fire to boil.

6. As soon as it begins to boil, remove from heat, pour into sterile jars and immediately seal hermetically with sterilized lids.

Pumpkin and apple juice with carrots without a juicer for the winter


• well-ripened pumpkin - 2.2 kg;

• four large carrots;

• 15 gr. "lemons";

• a pound of dried apricots;

• 9 l of filtered water;

• one and a half kilograms of sugar;

• 800 gr. sweet varieties of apples.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and peel all vegetables and fruits. From the pumpkin, select the seeds, leaving the fibrous pulp, and remove the core from apples.

2. Peeled vegetables and apples, cut larger into cubes and put in a large pan.

3. Pour dried apricots with boiling water, cut smaller and send to the rest of the chopped mass.

4. Pour all three liters of filtered drinking water and set cook on medium heat. Boil vegetables and fruits for at least two hours, then cool slightly, knead well in a mashed potato and transfer to a clean pan.

5. Add the remaining water (6 L), pour in granulated sugar, put citric acid and boil for one hour after boiling over minimal heat.

6. Pour the finished drink into clean, steamed cans and roll up boiled canned lids.

Pumpkin and apple juice in a juicer


• 1.5 kg of any juicy apples;

• 2.5 kg of pumpkin;

• 200 gr. refined sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the pumpkin seeds, fibers and peels. Cut the pulp into arbitrary pieces, but not very finely, and place the pumpkin on a grid in the upper pan.

2. From the washed apples, cut the peel with a thin layer, cut out the cores and cut the fruits into small pieces. Transfer fruits to a pumpkin.

3. Pour hot water into the lower pot of the cooker and place the container on high heat.

4. As soon as the water boils, install a container on top for collecting juice, the drain hose should be closed, immediately put a container on it with chopped fruits. Cover and let it simmer for about an hour.

5. After an hour, put the pan under the hose and open it. When all the liquid has run away, gently squeeze the boiled cake and remove, and put a new portion of the raw material into the container.

6. Add refined oil to the collected liquid, with a small fire, hold the container until the sugar grains are completely dissolved, do not boil.

7. Pack hot juice in clean glass containers and tightly seal for long-term storage.

Freshly squeezed juice from pumpkin and apples, as a tonic drink


• 250 gr. Pumpkins

• 100 gr. carrots;

• one small apple.

Cooking method:

1. After you remove the seeds from the pumpkin and cut the peel, be sure to wash the pulp with water and cut, trying not to grind.

2. In the same way chop the peeled apple and carrot.

3. Pass the crushed raw materials through a juicer, slightly dilute with boiled water and drink immediately. Do not store even in the refrigerator.

Pumpkin and apple juice for the winter through a juicer with pasteurization


• kilogram of fresh pumpkin;

• a pound of apples;

• three tablespoons of honey.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the hard and fibrous pulp of pumpkin without stones into slices the size of a couple of centimeters.

2. Cut into slices apples without a peel and cut from them the remains of a seed box.

3. From the prepared raw materials on a juicer, squeeze the juice and put it to boil, but do not boil.

4. As soon as the first bubbles begin to float to the surface, set aside from the heat and stir constantly, introduce honey. Stir until the honey is completely dissolved.

5. After this, pour the drink into steamed cans and cover with boiled metal lids.

6. At the bottom of a large, wide pan, lay a double towel folded in two layers or place a wooden grate. Set the filled jars on the litter and fill them up to the shoulders with water.

7. Boil water in a saucepan over medium heat and let the jars stand in it for a slight boil for about 30 minutes, if they are three-liter. For a two-liter container, a 20-minute pasteurization is enough, and a liter - 12 minutes.

8. Carefully remove the containers with pasteurized juice and roll the lids well with the sealed key.

Pumpkin and Apple Juice - Cooking Tips and Useful Tips

• Was the apple-pumpkin drink made for the winter too sweet? Do not rush to dilute it with water, add a little lemons before sunset or preserve concentrated. It can be diluted with boiled water immediately before use.

• To give the juice from pumpkin and apples a pleasant citrus aroma, add lemon or orange zest, chopped on a fine grater, during boiling.

• Freshly squeezed "fresh" should not be stored, it must be consumed immediately after cooking. When stored even in the refrigerator, its nutritional properties are lost.

• If you intend to extract the juice from raw grated fruit, sprinkle it with a little sugar and let stand. Most of the moisture will be released on its own.

• For preparation for the winter, pour juices only in dry, sterile containers and roll them with boiled lids. After seaming, withstand hot containers until they cool completely under the covers and be sure to install them on the neck.


Watch the video: Wonka's Toffee Apple Tree recipe. Food in Literature (June 2024).