Canadian lover went in search of a stranger in Ireland


True love knows no bounds, that is exactly what the young Canadian Sandy Crocker thinks, who decided to find among the several million women of the fair sex in Ireland a girl whom he saw only once in his life.

The romantic story began in the summer of 2011, when Sandy traveled around Ireland. The 34-year-old man saw a red-haired girl in a cafe who was sitting at a table and having breakfast. The Canadian decided to approach the Irish after she finished the meal, but the conversation was very short. The girl chatted a little with the guy and left, and her memory still lives in the heart of Sandy Crocker.

Confident that this mysterious stranger was his fate, an extravagant Canadian with a very conservative profession as a dental technician went in search of a red-haired nymph.

Sandy Crocker travels to major cities in Ireland and is looking for a 20-year-old red-haired girl with pretty freckles.
While the young man is plowing the vast expanses of Europe, the bookmakers decided to earn some money on his dream and accept bets on the outcome of a romantic story. Betting that a Canadian will find a stranger and marry her is accepted 50/1. The organizers came up with another option for the outcome of the situation - a young Canadian can find a wife in Ireland, but she will not be the lady he met in the summer of 2011, bets on this alignment are accepted 10/1.

The search company of the Canadian lover is being watched in many countries of the world, the situation is actively covered in the press.


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