Orthodox prayer from trouble at work


From trouble no one is immune. Every person in life happens black and white stripes, and in the first place the period of bad luck is reflected in the work. Difficulties arise in the performance of standard duties and conflicts with employees and superiors, which may even lead to dismissal. The reason for such negative changes in the working atmosphere can be not only external factors, but also a direct attack of the human energy field - curse, evil eye or damage.

But do prayers help with trouble? When do you need to read them? Which of the existing prayers are most effective at trouble at work? What prayer texts will help with an evil chief? What are the rules to follow when reading prayers for trouble at work? Let's talk about this in the article.

When should a prayer be read?

Nothing in life happens just like that, and the troubles themselves do not appear. If you are not comfortable in the workplace, first of all try to find out the reason. Analyze how the behavior of the boss and the employee has changed in relation to you, and answer the question: "Is this your fault?".

If the reason for your troubles at work is that you began to work less diligently or are constantly rude to employees - you may be overworked. If possible, take time off, paid vacation, or a couple of days at your own expense. You should think about it, if after rest your fatigue and poor performance have not gone away. Chances are good that black slander is imposed on you. In any case, the prayer of trouble at work does not hurt and will not be superfluous.

The request of the Higher Forces for help becomes necessary in the following cases:

  • Unfair treatment by superiors or employees;
  • The threat of dismissal;
  • Unwarranted aggression by the leadership at the sight of you;
  • Performance problems and chronic fatigue;
  • Increase of own dissatisfaction with the vacancy, although there are no obvious reasons for this;
  • Unmotivated pay cut;
  • You feel that you are literally "squeezed out" at work.

Depending on the depth and type of problem, you can pray to different saints. Consider the most powerful prayers for trouble at work.

Appeal to the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Semistrelnaya"

Icon "Semistrelnaya"

The icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "The seven-arrow" is one of the most miraculous images of the Virgin Mary. Prayers in front of this icon are made in those cases when it is necessary to adjust the situation in the team, to improve relations and the corporate microclimate. A miniature copy of "Semistrelnoy" is recommended to purchase as a charm and consecrate it in the same church where it was purchased. Prayer for the icon "Semistrelnaya" should be read before going to work.

The text of the appeal is presented below:

"O Long-suffering Virgin Mary, the Most Holy Mother of God! Above you are all the kings of the earth in your sorrows and in holiness!
Accept, Mother of God, many-crying sighs of Thy servant [His name], hear my prayer and do not take it from Your Heart!
Save me by your prayers before the fruit from your womb, for we, the sinful children of his, have no shelter except under his hand!
Cover me with your cover, Mother of God, that the pains of the earth should not persecute me!
Give us Your mercy, that there be no enmity between us both now and ever and ever and ever, Amen! "

Namolennuyu charm icon can be carried with you in your bag, or put on your desktop. If the employees are believers, you can place the "Semistrelnuyu" on the wall of the office, in a prominent place. Thus, the Most Holy Virgin will protect the collective from hostility and disagreement, so inappropriate during working hours.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Icon "Nicholas the Wonderworker"

A prayer that is not fired from work, strong and effective, is read in front of the face of St. Nicholas (Wonderworker). This Saint can perform a real miracle in cases where the chances of success seem minimal.

The prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker from troubles at work and the threat of dismissal should be read on the eve of important corporate events. For example, if an event is scheduled for the next day on a decision about your dismissal or leaving the current position, Before going to bed, read the following message to the Wonderworker three times:

"Oh, the All-Blessed and All-Blissful Nicholas, the Divine Witcher, our warm Protector, the Divine Wonderworker!
Do not deny the prayer of God's servant [His name] in the hour of my sorrow and sorrow!
Pray for me the Lord God, the Holy Satan, that He may forgive all the sins of my youth and my whole life, so that I may hide me from the sufferings of the earth and death.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

After reading the prayer, go to bed quietly. If you are worthy of your position, all troubles at work will be quickly resolved, and you will not be fired.

If the evil boss

Saints Boris and Gleb

The prayer from the evil boss at work is read by Saints Boris and Gleb. These Saints, at baptism named Roman and David, were the sons of the great Russian prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. Killed by his brother, Svyatopolk Damned, canonized and recognized by the Martyrs and Great Martyrs. Boris and Gleb patronize the weak at the time of the test.

The text of the prayer to Boris and Gleb from the troubles at work and the wiles of the evil chief is provided below:

"The Holy Dvoyitsa, Great Martyrs and Stototerptsy, Gleb and Boris, who died for Vera, and their clothes sprinkled with their pure blood!
Pray to the Lord for my weak soul in the hour of need and trial!
Do not let the sovereign ruin me terrible, do not let me hurt the strong enemy, do not let me torture me!
And I will forever praise the Word of the Lord,
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,

The icon with the images of Gleb and Boris should be carried with you, as a charm, hiding it from prying eyes. As in the case of Nikolai Ogodnik, the prayer to the Holy Daughter is read before going to bed.

Common prayer from trouble and misery

The strongest common prayer for trouble and trouble at work is the Three Angels. Prayer service can be read at any time in case of anticipation of trouble or misfortune. The text is presented below:

"God save us!

You have sent three Angels of Light, Archangels-Wardens to help you. You have punished them to guard me, not to give offenders, to suffer from adversity and adversity.
So heed me, my preserving angels!
Build a fence around me - yes, such that the evil one doesn’t make it, but it won’t get to my soul!
In order not to fear the evil of me, black eyes and burning words - cover me with Your wings! For I know that behind your back I have nothing to fear!
Protect me, Angels of the Lord,
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

If, after a sincere reading of this prayer, the troubles did not recede and the situation was not resolved, you may have strayed from the Path intended for you. Do not engage in desperate actions - relax and "go with the flow." Life will put everything in its place.

Prayer rules

When reading prayers from trouble and problems at work, the following rules should be followed:

  • Treat with respect the Saints you are asking for. Do not allow yourself to order or indicate to them - the Holy Apostles can only be begged for mercy.
  • Believe in the power of your words and the power of the Saints. If your faith is not strong enough, your prayers will not be heard.
  • Attend church at least once a week, put candles for the health of the living and for the rest of the departed, repent in transgressions and confess.
  • Read a prayer from trouble at work with a confident but quiet voice. Do not necessarily repeat the canonical text of the appeal. You can pray in your own words. The main thing is that the prayer be sincere.
  • Get yourself an image of a saint to whom you pray. Use other Christian attributes during the prayer to enhance the effect (pectoral cross, holy water, church candles, etc.).
  • Before you read the prayer text to aversion of trouble at work - do not swear and do not curse. In this way, you will attract evil spirits that will hinder your sacred ordinance.

Important!You can read Orthodox prayers only if you have been baptized in the Christian faith of the respective denomination.


Watch the video: The Lord's Prayer Our Father: A Russian Orthodox Liturgical Work by Nikolay Kedrov, Sr. (June 2024).