Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipes for every day! Simple, quick and tasty recipes for beef liver in a slow cooker


Everyone knows what healthy beef liver is.

But for some reason, not everyone knows how much of it can be cooked!

Your attention is a selection of the best recipes from beef liver in a slow cooker. Incredibly simple and delicious.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - general principles of preparation

The preparation of the liver consists in the removal of films, fat, blood clots and all that can be found on the product. Then the piece is washed well and cut into pieces. If the size and shape are not specified in the recipe, then we do it to your taste. Chopped offal can be soaked in cold milk. This will make the liver more tender, juicier.

What is added to the liver:

• cereals;

• all kinds of vegetables;

• mushrooms.

These are the main categories of products to diversify the menu. But there are still sauces! They make the offal juicy, tender. In combination with various seasonings and spices, they make the taste of dishes unrecognizable.

A slow cooker is used to cook stewed, boiled, steamed, baked and fried liver dishes. That is, this kitchen assistant can do absolutely any meal. It remains only to choose a suitable recipe from beef liver for a slow cooker. Here he is!

Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipe with sour cream

A popular and well-known beef liver recipe, but few people cook this dish in a slow cooker. It is advisable to pour the offal with milk and soak in advance.


• 0.5 kg of liver;

• 4-5 spoons of sour cream;

• 200 ml of milk;

• 1 large onion;

• 1 tsp mustard;

• 1-2 tablespoons of flour;

• oil, spices;

• a little dill.


1. We prepare the liver as described above. We cut the product with cubes, a thickness of up to one centimeter. The length can be any. Transfer to a deep bowl.

2. Pour a glass of cold milk, leave to soak for forty minutes.

3. Drain the milk, leave the pieces in a colander, let all the droplets drain.

4. We heat the oil in a slow cooker, you need to pour a thin layer, which will cover all the bottom. Warm up on a frying program.

5. Put flour in the liver, stir and immediately spread in hot oil. Fry until crusty.

6. Onion cut in half, then shred in half rings. Throw to the liver. Fry for a few more minutes.

7. Sour cream with mustard, season with spices. We shift to the liver, turn on the quenching mode and cook for 20-25 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces. Do not overdo it!

8. At the end, cut the dill, sprinkle the dish.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipe with potatoes

The recipe for a very hearty beef liver dish in a slow cooker. In addition to potatoes, you will also need a few other vegetables. The dish is filled with water, but you can use any broth.


• 0.5 kg of liver;

• 0.7 kg of potatoes;

• 1 pepper;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• onions and carrots;

• 100 ml sour cream;

• 200 ml of water or broth;

• greens, laurel.


1. Dice carrot and onion in cubes, throw in a slow cooker, put oil according to the recipe.

2. Fry the vegetables for about ten minutes, use the "Fry" mode.

3. We’ll wash the liver, prepare, cut into cubes of 1.5-2 centimeters.

4. Put the slices in a slow cooker and also fry, but not for long. As soon as a white coating appears on the pieces on all sides, you can lay the potatoes.

5. Peel and cut the tubers. You can slices. The pieces should be the same size as the liver. We lay the prepared tubers in the slow cooker.

6. Bulgarian pepper just cut, as it happens. Throw it on top.

7. Combine sour cream with broth, pour salt, pepper. If there is no broth, then use boiled water.

8. We send the filling to the potatoes with the liver.

9. Turn on the quenching mode for 35-40 minutes.

10. We evaluate the readiness for potatoes. As soon as it is easily pierced, add greens to the liver, throw a bay leaf. Let the dish stand for a moment to imbue the aroma.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipe with rice

A variant of a simple dish of liver with rice, which can be called a kind of pilaf. You can use any rice, the variety does not matter.


• 0.3 kg of liver;

• onion;

• a glass of rice;

• 2 glasses of water;

• carrots.


1. Cut the onion, chop the carrot into strips.

2. Pour a little oil into the cup from the cartoon, about 30-40 ml. Fry vegetables until rosy in the appropriate mode.

3. Cut the liver into small pieces. If you cut the offal thinly, it will dry faster than the rice is cooked.

4. Add the liver to the vegetables, slightly fry.

5. Add washed rice, then pour in hot water. If you do not want to get friable cereal and more like porridge, then you can pour more water in half a glass.

6. Season the dish with pepper, close the slow cooker with salt.

7. We cook on the pilaf or porridge program until all the liquid is completely absorbed.

8. At the end, stir the dish so that the vegetables and liver are evenly distributed in the rice.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipe with tomatoes

It is said that tomato acid makes the liver tougher. But this opinion is only those who do not know this recipe for beef liver in a slow cooker. If done correctly, the offal will turn out to be very tender and juicy.


• 0.3 kg of liver;

• 2 onion heads;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• 3 sprigs of parsley;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 2 tablespoons of oil.


1. Fill the oil, put the slow cooker on the baking program. Let it heat up.

2. We cut both onions in large half rings. Throw in the fry.

3. As soon as the onion becomes rosy, put a liver to it. We cut it into strips of 0.5 centimeters. Fry a little, not to the crust.

4. Add the sour cream, turn on the stewing program and cook for a quarter of an hour.

5. Scald tomatoes, remove a thin skin from them. We cut tomatoes into cubes.

6. Throw the prepared tomatoes to the steamed liver. Salt, pepper and stir immediately.

7. Close and simmer another 10-15 minutes. This time is enough to cook the product, but not to dry.

8. Chop the parsley and a clove of garlic, sprinkle the liver and leave it in a closed slow cooker for another ten minutes. You do not need to turn on the device.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipe with mushrooms

Mushrooms and liver are two amazing products that can be cooked in a slow cooker and make it very tasty. According to the recipe are ordinary champignons.


• 0.3 kg of mushrooms;

• 0.4 kg of liver;

• 0.2 kg of onions;

• 50 grams of oil;

• spices;

• 150 grams of sour cream.


1. Immediately turn on the baking mode, spread the fat. A dish with butter is tastier.

2. Rinse the mushrooms. We cut off the damage, cut into pieces of any shape, put it in oil and begin to fry.

3. When the mushrooms begin to brown a little, put chopped onions to them. If someone does not like this vegetable, then they can exclude or add in a smaller amount.

4. Cut the liver into cubes or cubes, add to the onion fried with mushrooms.

5. After four minutes, spread the sour cream.

6. Stir, close and simmer for twenty minutes, rearrange the device to the "Extinguishing" program.

7. Open, salt and pepper, stir and cook for exactly ten more minutes.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipe with cabbage

A variant of a light beef liver vegetable dish in a slow cooker. Recipe with white cabbage. You can take it more than indicated in the list of ingredients.


• 0.3 kg of liver;

• 0.7 kg of cabbage;

• 0.1 kg of onions;

• 0.1 kg of carrots;

• 0.5 cups of tomato juice (or 1 tomato);

• butter.


1. Put the grated carrot and diced onions into the slow cooker, pour a couple of spoons of oil and fry.

2. Add the liver, cut into strips, but not thinly.

3. Shred the cabbage and also lay it after the liver. We cook vegetables with offal on a baking program so that they are slightly fried. Bring to half-preparedness.

4. Salt and pour the tomato juice. You can just grate a large tomato or spill a spoonful of pasta, ketchup in water.

5. Stir, close the lid.

6. We put the program "Extinguishing". We keep the dish until the cabbage is soft, by this time the liver will also reach readiness.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipe with buckwheat

A variant of a very simple and tasty dish that will easily solve the issue of dinner or lunch. Buckwheat is pre-sorted, washed and drained.


• 1.5 cups of buckwheat;

• 3 glasses of water;

• 0.4 kg of liver;

• any oil or fat;

• onions and carrots.


1. Put the oil in the slow cooker, set the frying mode.

2. Rub the carrots. Onions cut randomly. Fry vegetables until transparent.

3. Cut the washed liver into cubes, put in a slow cooker and also fry a little, just a couple of minutes.

4. Salt, pour any seasonings and lay the cooked cereal.

5. Add prescription water.

6. Close the slow cooker. Now you need to rearrange the device to the buckwheat mode.

7. Cooking before the signal. Then mix well, you can additionally season with butter.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• Fry the liver until crust in a slow cooker is quite problematic. To do this, you need to warm the oil well on a baking program, then dip in flour and put in hot fat.

• If you need to cook the liver in large pieces, it is better to beat off the product a little with a hammer. It is advisable to do this through film.

• To prevent the liver from losing a lot of juices, you do not need to season the dish with salt and other spices at the beginning of cooking.

• The liver goes well with soy sauce. It can be added to fried, stewed, baked dishes, the taste of such an addition will only get better.


Watch the video: Foods You Should Never Cook In Your Slow Cooker (June 2024).