Arugula: beneficial properties of mustard herb. Is arugula useful for everyone? Contraindications


Arugula, or as it is also called, rocket salad is a plant that was mentioned back in antiquity.

Spicy mustard taste perfectly complements the overall composition of the salad, decorates almost any dish.

Arugula, whose beneficial properties are not known to everyone, really favorably affects the human body.

Often, the plant is used in folk medicine, due to the healing properties of the composition. Is arugula always helpful?

There are contraindications that you should be aware of in order to avoid unpleasant surprises after drinking.

Arugula: useful properties of rocket salad

Eating a plant, a person does not even realize how beneficial it affects the body.

Arugula: beneficial properties of mustard herb

1. The composition contains a high content of anti-cancer components. There are much more of them in the plant than even in broccoli. The use of arugula is an excellent prevention of the prevention of cancer cell formation.

2. Thanks to the presence of vitamin K, the development of various skin diseases is prevented, rocket salad helps to quickly remove inflammation and heal wounds.

3. Increases immunity, allows the body to defend itself against viral infections of various origins.

4. Tones up - salad with arugula for breakfast will give a greater rush of energy than a cup of strong natural coffee.

5. The work of the digestive tract improves, it is used in folk medicine in the treatment of stomach ulcers and gastritis.

6. Helps to avoid stress, strengthens the human nervous system.

7. There is only 25 Kcal per 100 grams of rocket salad, which means that arugula is a dietary product. In addition, the grass cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, removes excess fluid, and regulates metabolism. For this reason, it is often included in the menu of people who want to lose weight.

8. Increases hemoglobin and lowers cholesterol.

9. The use of mustard herb is recommended for women in the first trimester of pregnancy due to the content of folic acid.

10. Arugula salad perfectly complements the table for a romantic dinner. It is believed that due to the high content of essential oils, rocket salad is an aphrodisiac.

Arugula essential oil can very often be seen among the components of the composition of cosmetic products for hair and skin care.

How to choose and store arugula

Only fresh produce, grown under the right conditions, benefits. If a person knows what arugula contraindications are, and they do not concern him, you can use a rocket salad without fear. It remains only to learn how to choose the right product and store it.

How to choose a rocket salad

For the preparation of lettuce, it is optimal to choose a plant with small young leaves, as they are characterized by the most saturated taste and aroma. Be sure to turn to the light - it should be bright green. If the leaves are large and have a yellowish tint, then the product is not fresh and it is better not to buy it.

How to store rocket salad

1. The longer the arugula will lie in the refrigerator, the more beneficial properties it will lose. For this reason, it is recommended to use it immediately after purchase.

2. If you have to cook a dish with rocket salad in a few days, you need to try to maintain the maximum benefit of the plant. To do this, store it in a vacuum container.

Important! In no case should the plant be frozen, because the taste and aroma are lost.

Spicy mustard grass is in demand among housewives, it is put on the table in the form of a side dish, or as a main course. Arugula is simply perfectly combined with any seafood and meat, complements the taste of legumes. It can also be used to make sauces and all kinds of cold snacks.

Arugula is useful for people who want to lose weight. It is added to boiled fish, the dish turns out to be incredibly tasty, but low-calorie.

Rocket salad in cosmetology

What else is arugula good for? Useful properties of the plant are also used in cosmetology.

1. If you grind 200 grams of a fresh plant, pour all 500 ml of olive oil and let the mixture brew for two weeks, you will get an effective remedy for removing age spots and freckles. The main thing is not to forget to strain the composition first. You can apply the product on the face and throughout the body.

2. Another recipe is a rejuvenating mask. 200 grams of olives and 100 grams of rocket salad are ground in a blender until a homogeneous composition is formed. The resulting mass is applied evenly on the face for 20 minutes, then washed off with cold water. The effect is amazing. The skin is tightened, impregnated with vitamins, as a result, premature aging of dermal cells is prevented.

Before using arugula in cosmetology, contraindications should be carefully studied so that redness or rash does not appear on the face.

Spicy salad with tomatoes and arugula

Tasty, rich and fragrant salad with tomatoes and rocket salad will be a worthy addition to the table for a family dinner or holiday.

List of required ingredients:

• arugula (to taste - as much as possible, as little as possible);

• 6-7 cherry tomatoes;

• a few balls of mozzarella cheese;

• 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, 2 tablespoons of olive oil;

• seasonings (salt and pepper) are added to taste.

Arugula is torn into pieces (not cut), cherry tomatoes and cheese (cut into 4 parts) are added to it. Next, the salad is seasoned with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, seasonings, everything is mixed. The dish turns out tasty, healthy, besides it looks very beautiful. Hostesses "with fiction" can add boiled shrimp to the salad for beauty. The taste will be extraordinary, but not spoil.

Arugula: contraindications

Despite all the useful properties of arugula, contraindications can not be ignored, since the consequences can be unpredictable.

1. If a person does not tolerate turnips and radishes, he may be allergic to rocket salad.

2. With increased acidity of the stomach, it is impossible to abuse dishes with the addition of arugula, it is better to check the permissible norm with your doctor.

3. In the presence of diseases of the liver and kidneys, spicy herbs are prohibited.

4. In pregnant and lactating mothers, arugula can provoke an unexpected reaction, so you need to carefully enter it into the diet. When feeding breast milk to children, it is advisable not to experiment at all.

Arugula can only be purchased from trusted sellers who grow it on their own without the addition of chemicals. A spicy plant grown in adverse conditions is not useful, on the contrary, it can adversely affect the general condition of a person.

Knowing how to eat arugula, useful properties and contraindications to the use of rocket salad, each housewife will be able to use this information, delight loved ones with delicious vitamin dishes at any time of the year.


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